Abdominal Stretch aka Cobra Twist (Targets Back and Abdomen)
Accordion Rack aka Racked Bow and Arrow Hold (Targets Head, Back and Legs)
Anaconda Vise (Targets Arm, Neck and Head)
Angled Figure Four Leglock (Targets Legs and Knee)
Ankle lock (Targets Ankle)
Ankle lock w/Grapevine (Targets Ankle and Traps Leg)
Argentine leglock aka Over The Shoulder Single Leg Boston Crab or Stretch Muffler (Targets Leg)
Arm Triangle Choke (Targets Arm, Neck and Head)
Arm-Hook Sleeper aka Buffalo Sleeper (Targets Arm and Head)
Armbar (Targets arm)
Barely Legal (Targets Arms, Elbows and Wrists)
Bear Hug (Targets Back and Abdomen)
Bite of the Dragon [aka Inverted Facelock w/ Body Scissors] (Targets Head, neck and body)
Body Scissors (Targets Abdomen and Back)
Boston Crab (Targets Back, Legs and Pelvis)
Bow and Arrow Hold (Targets Back, Head and Legs)
Bridging Grounded Double Chickenwing aka Cattle Mutilation (Targets Arms and Shoulders)
Camel Clutch (Targets Back and Head)
Chickenwing (Targets Arm and Elbow)
Chickenwing Arm Lock aka Kimura Lock (Targets Arm & Wrist)
Chickenwing over-the-shoulder Crossface (Targets arm, neck and face)
Chinlock (Targets the chin and neck)
Clawhold (Targets any part of the body it is used, such as the shoulder, the stomach, or the head etc)
Cloverleaf (Targets Legs, Back and Abdomen)
Cloverleaf w/Armlock (Targets Legs, Back, Arm and Abdomen)
Cobra Clutch (Targets arm, neck and throat)
Collar-and-Elbow Tie-Up (Targets Arm, Elbow and Neck)
Corner Foot Choke (Illegal Choke) (Targets Throat and Neck)
Crooked Figure Four Leglock aka Nagata Lock (Targets Legs and Knees)
Cross Armbar/breaker (Targets Arm and Shoulder)
Cross Legged STF (Targets legs, head and neck)
Cross kneelock (Targets Knee w/Shin trapped by arms)
Crossface (Targets arm, head and neck)
Crossface Chickenwing (Targets arm, head and neck)
Crucifix Armbar (Targets arms and back)
D - E
Damascus Head-Leglock aka D-Lock (Targets Legs, Temples, Calves, Back and Head)
Double Handed Choke aka Two Handed Goozle (Targets Throat)
Double Underhook Crossface (Targets Arms, Ribs and Head)
Double ankle lock (Targets Both Ankles)
Dragon Sleeper (Targets head, Neck and Abdomen)
Dragon Sleeper w/Body Scissors aka Beast Choker (Targets head, Neck, Abdomen and Back)
Elevated Cloverleaf aka Lasso From El Paso (Targets Legs, Back, Neck, Arm and Abdomen)
Elevated Double Chickenwing (Targets Arms and Shoulders)
Elevated Figure Four Leglock aka Nudo Lagunero (Targets Ankle, Legs and Arm)
Elevated Surboard aka La Tapatia or Romero Special (Targets Legs, w/either Arms and Wrists or chinlock variations)
Figure Four Armlock aka Key Lock (Targets arm)
Figure Four Leg Slicer (Targets Legs and Knee)
Figure Four Necklock (Targets Neck)
Figure Four Stump Puller (Targets Legs)
Figure four leglock (Targets Legs)
Fish hook (Illegal Face Claw) (Targets Mouth and Nose)
Front Chancery aka Neck Wrench (Targets Head and Neck)
Front Chinlock (Targets Chin and Neck)
Front Choke (Targets head, Throat and neck)
Front Facelock (Targets Head)
Fujiwara Armbar (Targets Arms)
Full Nelson (Targets Head, neck, shoulders)
Gogoplata aka Hells Gate (Targets Neck and Throat)
Gory Special aka Gory Lock (Targets Chin and Neck)
Greco-Roman Knucklelock (Targets Wrists and Knuckles)
Grounded Abdominal Stretch (Targets Abdomen, Arm and Leg)
Guillotine Choke aka King Crab Lock (Targets Head and Neck)
Gutwrench aka Reverse Bear Hug (Targets Back)
Haas of Pain aka Inverted Reverse Figure Four Leglock (Targets Lower Back and Legs)
Half Nelson (Targets head, neck and arm)
Half Nelson Choke aka Tazmission (Targets Arm, Head, Neck and Throat w/Body Scissor)
Hammerlock (Targets Arm)
Head Scissors (Targets Head and Neck)
Head Scissors Armbar aka Iron Octopus (Targets head, neck and arm)
Headlock (Targets head and neck)
Headscissors Armbar (Targets Arm & Head)
Indian deathlock aka British Figure Four Leglock (on Back) (Targets Legs and Knees)
Inverted Cloverleaf (Targets Legs, Back and Arm)
Inverted Facelock [Reverse Facelock] (Targets head, throat and neck)
Inverted Figure Four Leglock aka Indian deathlock (Targets Legs and Knees)
Inverted Indian Deathlock Facelock (Targets legs and Head)
Inverted Indian deathlock aka Inverted British Figure Four Leglock (on Stomach) (Targets Legs, Ankle and Knees)
Inverted STF aka MutaLock (Targets Head, back, neck and legs)
Inverted Three Quarter Figure Four Leglock (Targets Legs, Feet and Ankles)
Kneebar (Targets Knee)
Kneeling Figure Four Leglock aka Prison Lock (Targets Legs, Knees and Ankles)
Koji Clutch (Arms, Neck and Head)
Lady of the Lake (Trick Move) (Leads to a Submission Hold Attempt)
La Nieblina aka Paradise Lock (Targets and Traps Legs and Arms)
Leg Choke (Illegal Move) (Targets Throat)
Leglock Cloverleaf aka Figure Four Deathlock (Targets Legs and Back)
M - P
Mandible Claw (Targets gullet inside throat)
Manji Hold aka The Swastika (Targets Ankle and Abdomen)
Million Dollar Dream aka Sleeper or Cross-Face Half-Nelson (Targets Head)
Modified Indian Deathlock aka Figure Four Reverse Hold (Targets Legs)
Necklock (Targets neck)
Octopus Hold aka Manji-Gatame (inverted swastika hold) (Targets Neck, Leg and Arm)
Pentagram Choke aka Triangle Choke Variation (Targets Neck and Throat)
Rear Naked Choke aka Coquina Clutch (Targets Head, Neck, Arm, Throat w/Body Scissor)
Reverse Bow and Arrow Hold (Targets Knee, Head and Arms)
Reverse Chinlock (Targets back, neck and chin)
Reverse Figure Four Leglock aka Cruceta Invertido (Targets Legs and Knee)
Ringpost Figure Four Leglock (Illegal Hold) (Targets Legs by applying F4 around the ringpost outside the ring)
Rivera Cloverleaf (Cloverleaf Variation)
STF aka Stepover Toehold Facelock (Targets Leg and Head)
STS aka Stepover Toehold Sleeper (Targets Leg and Head)
Scissored Armbar aka Rings of Saturn (Targets Arms, Shoulders and Throat)
Seated Armbar aka Ashigatame or Pumphandle Armbar (Targets Arm, Shoulder & Elbow)
Seated Double Chickenwing (Targets Arms and Back)
Sharpshooter (Targets Legs and Back)
Short Arm Scissors (Targets arm and elbow)
Short Armbar aka Fujiwara Armbar (Targets arm and elbow)
Side Bear Hug (Targets Arms, Ribs, Back and Torso)
Side Headlock (Targets Head and Neck)
Single Arm Choke aka Goozle (Targets Throat)
Sleeper Hold (Targets Head and Neck)
Sol Naciente (Targets Arms & Neck)
Sol Naciente Kai (Targets Arms and Legs)
Spider Twist (Targets Head, Shoulders and Back)
Spinning Inverted Figure Four Leglock aka El Pozo (Targets Legs, Shin)
Spinning Toe Hold (Targets Legs, Knee and Ankle)
Standing Figure Four Leglock (Targets Legs and Knee)
Standing Headscissors (Targets Head and Neck)
Stepover Armlock Camel Clutch (Arm, Back, Head and Neck)
Stepover Armlock aka Spinning Armlock (Targets Arm)
​Step-Over Reverse Wing Tearer (Targets Shoulders & Arms)
Stomach Claw (Targets Stomach)
Straight Jacket Criss-Cross Stranglehold or Cross Armed Choke (Targets arms, Neck and throat)
Straight Jacket Crossface (Targets Arms, Neck and Head)
Strangle Hold Alpha (aka Reverse Crucifix Armbar w/Neck Submission) (Targets Arm and Neck)
Strangle Hold Beta (aka Scissored Armbar w/Neck Submission) (Targets Arm and Neck)
Strangle Hold Gamma (aka Step-Over Armbar w/Neck Submission) (Targets Arm and Neck)
Stretch Plum (Targets Head, Back, Leg and Neck)
Stump Puller (Targets Legs and Knees)
Sugar Hold aka Seated Full-Nelson (Targets Neck, Shoulders and Arms)
Surfboard Stretch (Targets Arms and Shoulders)
Suspended Hammerlock aka La Rosa (Targets Arm and Shoulders)
Suspended Surfboard aka la Campana (Targets Legs and Arms)
T - W
The Rocking Chair aka La Mecedora (Targets Ankles, Legs and Arms)
Three Quarter Facelock aka European headlock (Targets Head and Neck)
Three-Quarter Nelson (More secure than Half Nelson) (Targets Head and Neck)
Thumb Choke Hold aka Asiatic Spike (Targets Throat)
Tiger Feint Crucifix Armbar (Targets Arms)
Tonga Death Grip (Targets Throat and Neck)
Torture Rack aka Horizontal Back Breaker (Targets Back)
Trailer Hitch (Targets Legs and Ankles)
Triangle Choke aka Figure Four Neck Choke (Targets Head, Neck and Arms)
Two-Handed Chokelift aka Neck-Hanging Tree (Targets Throat and Neck)
Wing Tearer (Targets Shoulders & Arms)
Wrist Lock (Targets wrists and Arms)

A - B
Airplane Spin (Targets Confusion)
Alley Oop (Targets Back)
Arm Drag (Targets Arm and in-turn the back)
Armbar Takedown (Targets Arm and in-turn the back)
Back Body Drop (Targets Back depending on landing)
Belly-to-Belly Suplex (Targets Back)
Biel throw (Targets Neck and in-turn the back)
Body Slam aka Scoop Slam (Targets Back)
Capture suplex
Catapult (Targets any part of the body depending on where they are being thrown onto)
Chickenwing Powerbomb aka Tigerbomb or Pearl River Plunge (Targets Back and Neck
Chokeslam aka Throat Slam (Targets Throat, Back and Neck)
Cobra Clutch Slam (Targets Arms, Head, Then in-turn the back and neck)
Cobra-Clutch Suplex (Targets Head, Arms, then in-turn the back and neck)
Cravate suplex (Targets Head and Neck)
Crossface Chickenwing Suplex (Targets Front)
Crucifix Powerbomb aka Razor's Edge (Targets Back, Shoulders and Neck)
D - E
Double Leg Flapjack (Targets the entirerty of the front body)
Double Leg Slam aka Alabama Slam (Targets Back and Neck)
Double Underhook Mat Slam (Targets Head, Neck and Back)
Dragon Suplex (Targets Head and Neck)
Drop Suplex (Targets Back)
Electric Chair Suplex (Targets Back and Neck)
Elevated Gutbuster (Targets Abdomen)
Exploder Suplex (Targets Back, Head and Neck)
Fallaway Moonsault Slam (Targets Entire Body)
Fallaway slam aka Table Top Suplex (Targets how-ever the opponent falls)
Fireman's Carry Bulldog aka Six Second Ride (Targets Head)
Fireman's Carry Drop aka Samoan Drop (Targets Back and Body)
Fireman's Carry Gutbuster (Targets Abdomen)
Fireman's Carry Slam (Targets Back)
Fireman's Carry Takeover aka Attitude Adjustment (Targets Neck and Body)
Fisherman Driver (Targets Head and Cranium)
Fisherman Suplex (Targets head, neck and back)
Flapjack (Targets Face, Chest and Abdomen)
Frankensteiner (Targets Back and Neck)
German Suplex aka Belly to Back Suplex (Targets Back, Head and Neck)
Giant Swing (Targets Confusion and the Back in-turn when dropped)
Gorilla Press Drop (Targets all of front body)
Gorilla Press Gutbuster (Targets the Abdomen)
Gorilla Press Powerslam (Targets the back)
Gorilla Press Slam (Targets all body at the Front)
Gorilla Press Spinebuster (Targets Back)
Gutbuster (Targets Abdomen)
Gutwrench Suplex (Targets Back and base of spine)
Half Nelson Suplex/Slam (Targets Head, Neck, Shoulders and Back)
Half and Half Suplex (Targets Back)
Hammerlock Suplex (Targets Arm and back)
Head-and-Arm Suplex aka Gargoyle Suplex
Headlock Takedown (Targets Head and Neck)
High-Angle Belly-to-Back Suplex (Targets back and neck)
Hip Toss (Targets back)
Iconoclasm (Targets Back and Neck)
Inverted Death Valley Driver (Targets Head and Cranium)
Inverted Full Nelson Slam (Targets Head, Neck, Shoulders, Abdomen and Chest)
Inverted Suplex (Targets Front)
Irish Whip (Forcibly Throw Opponent)
J - O
Jackknife Power Bomb (Targets Back and Neck)
Leg Hook Belly-to-Belly Suplex (Targets Back and Neck)
Leg-hook Saito Suplex (Targets Head and Neck)
Lifting Spinebuster (Targets Back)
Mat Slam (Targets Head and Neck)
Monkey Flip (Targets Back)
Mountain Bomb (Targets Back and Legs)
Northern Lights Suplex (Targets Back, Head and Neck)
Olympic Slam aka Angle Slam (Targets Head, Neck and Back)
Over-The-Shoulder Arm Drag (Judo Takedown) (Targets Arm, Shoulder and in-turn the back)
Package Fallaway Powerbomb (Targets Back and Neck)
Pop-Up Flapjack aka Free-Fall or Push-Up Flapjack (Targets the entirerty of the front body)
Pop-Up Powerbomb (Targets Back)
Powerbomb (Targets Back and base of spine)
Powerslam (Targets Back)
Pumphandle Drop (Targets Chest and Abdomen)
Pumphandle Fallaway Slam (Targets where-ever the opponent lands)
Pumphandle Michinoku Driver II (Targets Head)
Pumphandle Slam (Targets Back)
Pumphandle Suplex (Targets Either back or front)
Rear Mat Slam (Targets Back)
Release Spinebuster (Targets Back and base of spine)
Rolling Release Suplex aka Crash Landing (Targets Back)
Rolling Snapmare (Targets Head, Neck and base of spine)
Saito Suplex (Targets Head and Neck)
Side suplex aka Russian Legsweep (Targets Neck and Back)
Sitout Spinebuster (Targets Back and base of spine)
Sleeper Slam (Targets Back)
Sleeper Suplex (Targets Back)
Slingshot Suplex (Targets Front)
Snap Suplex (Targets Back)
Snapmare (Targets Head, Neck and base of spine)
Snapmare Driver (Targets Head and Neck)
Snapmare Neckbreaker (Targets Head and Neck)
Spinebuster aka Double Leg Takedown (Targets Back)
Spinning Spinebuster (Targets Back)
Standing Delay Suplex (Targets Back)
Straight Jacket Suplex (Targets Face, Neck and Abdomen)
Superplex (Top Rope Suplex) (Targets Back)
Suplex Slam aka Jackhammer (Targets Back)
Swinging Fisherman Suplex (Targets back)
T - W
T-Bone Suplex (Targets back)
Thrust Spinebuster (Targets back)
Tiger Suplex aka Double Underhook Suplex (Targets Back and Base of Spine)
Tilt-a-Whirl Arm Drag (Targets Arm)
Tilt-a-Whirl Mat Slam (Targets Back)
Toss Suplex (Targets back)
Trapping Suplex aka Double Underhook Suplex (Targeting Neck and Back)
Underhook Suplex (Targets base of spine and back)
Verticle Suplex (Tagerts Back and Neck)
Wheelbarrow Arm Drag (Targets Arm)
Wheelbarrow Slam/Suplex (Targets Back, Head and Neck) or (Head, Chest and Abdomen)​

Apron Leg Drop (Targets Head and Neck)
Arm Wringer (Targets Arm, Shoulder and Elbow)
Armbar Legsweep (Targets Arm, Leg and Back)
Armbreaker (Targets Arm and Elbow)
Atomic Drop (Targets Base of Spine and Groin)
Back Elbow aka Reverse Elbow (Targets Head, Neck or Chest)
Back Fist (Targets Any Part)
Back Kick aka Heel Kick or La Filomena or Reverse Side Kick (Targets mostly Torso, or Any Part)
Back-to-Back Fall-away Neckbreaker aka Rude Awakening (Targets Back of Neck and Back)
Backbreaker (Targets Back and Lower Back)
Backhand Chop aka Knife Edge Chops (Targets Chest)
Battering Ram aka Running Head Butt (Targets Chest)
Bicycle kick aka Brogue Kick (Targets Head)
Big Boot aka Yakuza Kick (Targets Head)
Big Splash (Ground) (Targets Torso or Back)
Bionic Elbow (Targets Head)
Biting (Illegal Move) (Targets Any Part)
Body Guillotine (Using Ropes) (Targets Any Part)
Body Press (Targets Torso)
Body Splash aka Stinger Splash (opponent cornered) (Targets Torso and Chest)
Boot Lace Eye-Rake (Dirty Move) (Targets Eyes and Face)
Brain Chop aka Overhead Chop (Targets Cranium)
Brainbuster (Targets the Cranium)
Bronco Buster (Targets Chest)
Bulldog aka Headlock Jawbreaker (Targets the Head and Jaw)
Cactus Clothesline (Targets Head and Neck plus Injuries from outside fall)
Calf Kick (Targets Head or Chest)
Candian Destroyer Piledriver aka Front Flip Piledriver (Targets Head)
Cannonball (Using Turnbuckle Corner) (Targets Head and Torso)
Cartwheel Kick (Targets Head)
Celtic Cross Backbreaker (Targets Neck and Back)
Cheap Shot (Dirty Move)
Chest Slap (Targets the Chest and Pecs)
Chokehold STO (Targets Back and Neck)
Chop Block (Targets Back of Knee)
Chop Drop (Targets Any Part)
Chops (Targets Neck, Shoulders or Chest)
Clothesline (Targets Neck and Torso)
Cobra Clutch Bulldog (Targets Head)
Cobra Clutch Driver (Targets Head and Cranium)
Cobra Clutch Legsweep (Targets Neck, Head and Back)
Corkscrew Elbow Drop (Targets Any Part)
Corner Back Elbow (Cornered) (Targets Head or Chest)
Corner Backflip Kick aka Tiger Wall Flip (Targets Head, Chest or Torso)
Corner Clothesline (Cornered) (Targets Chest and/or Neck)
Crane Kick (Targets Head or Face)
Crooked Arm Lariat Clothesline (Targets Neck)
Cross Body Block Body Press (Targets Chest and Abdomen)
Cross Chop (Targets Neck)
Crossbody Block (Targets Torso)
Crucifix Backbreaker (Targets Back)
Curb Stomp (Targets Head)
Cutter Drop aka 3/4 Facelock Bulldog or RKO (Targets Head and Neck)
DDT (Targets Head and Cranium)
Death Valley Driver (Targets Head and Cranium)
Discus (Spin used to add force)
Discus Back Elbow (Targets Head)
Discus Elbow Smash aka Rolling Elbow (Targets mostly Head or Any Part)
Discus Punch aka Tornado Punch (Targets Any Part)
Double Axe Handle aka Double Sledge (Targets Head, Face or Back)
Double Boot Scrape (Dirty Move) (Targets Eyes and Face)
Double Foot Stomp (Targets Any Part)
Double Knee (Targets Head)
Double Knee Armbreaker (Targets Arm)
Double Knee Facebreaker aka CodeBreaker (Targets Head and Face)
Double Open Hand Chop aka Blazing Chop (Targets Chest)
Double Slap aka Bell Clap (Targets Ears to disorienting balance)
Dragon Screw Legwhip (Targets Leg)
Driver (Targets Head and Cranium)
Drop Toe-Hold (Targets Feet, then in-turn the full front)
Dropkick (Targets Any Part (Mostly Head, Chest or Legs)
Eat Defeat (Targets Jaw)
Elbow Drop (Targets Any Part)
Elbow Smash aka Bull Hammer (Targets Head or Chest)
Elbow Strike (Targets Any Part)
Electric Chair Driver (Targets Head and Cranium)
Enzuigiri (Targets Back of Head)
European Uppercut (Targets Jaw and Chin)
Eye Poke and Rake (Illegal Move) (Targets Vision)
Face Slap (Insult Move) (Targets Face)
Facebreaker (Targets Head and Face)
Facebreaker DDT (Targets Head and Face)
Facebreaker Knee Smash (Targets Head and Face)
Facebuster (Targets Head and Face)
Facewash (Dirty Move) (Targets Face and Eyes)
Fishermanbuster aka Fishermans DDT (Targets Head)
Fist Drop (Targets Mostly Head, Also Any Part)
Flapjack Punch (Targets Any Part)
Flying Forearm Smash (Targets Head or Chest)
Flying Lariat Clothesline (Targets Head and Neck)
Football Kick aka Soccer Kick (Targets Any Part)
Forearm Club (Targets Head or Neck)
Forearm Drop (Targets Any Part)
Forearm Smash (Targets Head or Chest)
Front Facelock STO (Targets Face and Head)
Full Nelson Bulldog (Targets Head)
Full Nelson Slam (Targets Head, Neck, Shoulders and Back)
Garvin Stomps aka All-Over Stomps (Targets the entire body in a clock like motion)
Go 2 Sleep aka GTS (Targets Head/Face)
Grapefruit Claw Hold (Illegal Move) (Targets Genitals)
Grapevined Pin (Pinning Move)
Guillotine Drop (Targets Chest, Head, Neck and Back)
Hair Pull (Illegal Move) (Targets Hair and Head)
Half Nelson Bulldog (Targets Head)
Half Nelson Driver (Targets Head and Cranium)
Half Nelson Legsweep (Targets Head, Back and Neck)
Handstand Headscissors Takedown (Targets the Head and Neck)
Hangman aka Hotshot (Illegal Move Using Ropes) (Targets Head and Neck)
Headbutt (Targets Any Part)
Headbutt Drop (Targets Any Part)
Headlock Driver (Targets Head and Cranium)
Headscissors Takedown aka Hurricanrana (Targets the Head and Neck)
Heart Punch (Targets Heart)
High Impact Charge (Targets Head-On)
High Knee aka Harley Race High-Knee (Targets Head)
Hip Attack (Using Turnbuckle Corner) (Targets Head, Neck and Torso)
Hotshot (Using Ring Rope) (Targets Chest and Neck)
Hurricanrana (Targets Head)
Hurricanrana Driver (Targets Head)
I - J
Inverted Atomic Drop (Targets Base of Spine and Groin)
Inverted Bulldog (Targets Head)
Inverted DDT aka Scorpion Death Drop (Targets Back of Head and Neck)
Inverted Forearm Club aka Beats of the Bodhran (Targets Chest)
Inverted Headlock Backbreaker (Targets Back of Neck and Back)
Inverted Stomp Facebreaker (Targets Head and Face)
JackKnife Pin (Pinning Move)
Jawbreaker (Targets Jaw and Neck)
Josh Rogen clotheslines Eric Cairnie over the top rope and out of the ring.
Jumping High Kick aka Gamengiri (Targets Head or Face)
Kesagiri Chop (Targets Neck or Shoulder)
Kick (Targets Any Part)
KickShoot Kick aka ShinKick (Targets Any Part)
Knee Drop (Targets Any Part)
Knee Drop Bulldog (Targets Head and Neck)
Knee Lift aka Knee Uppercut (Targets Jaw/Chin)
Knee Strike (Targets Any Part)
Koronco Buster (Targets Chest and Head)
Lariat Clothesline (Targets Neck or Chest)
Lariat Takedown Clothesline (Targets Neck and Chest)
Lateral Press (Pinning Move)
Leap Frog (Evasion Move)
Leapfrog Body Guillotine (Using Ropes) (Targets Back, Neck or/and Head)
Leaping clothesline (Targets Head, Chest or Neck)
Leg Drop (Targets mostly Head, Neck, Throat or Face, Also used on Any Parts)
Leg Lariat aka Running Calf Kick (Targets Head or Neck)
Legsweep (Targets Legs)
Low Blow (Illegal Move) (Targets Genitals)
Matrix (Evasion Move)
Michinoku Driver II (Targets Head and Cranium)
Michinoku Driver II-B (Targets Head and Cranium)
Mongolian Chop (Targets Neck or Shoulders)
Mounted Elbow Drop (Targets Head or Neck)
Mounted Punches (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head)
Mule Kick (Targets Any Part (Mostly Head or Torso)
Muscle Buster (Targets Head, Neck and Back)
N - O
Neckbreaker (Targets Neck)
Northern Lariat Clothesline aka Enzui Lariat (Targets the Back)
One-Handed Bulldog (Targets Head)
Open-Hand Chop aka Frying Pan Chop (Targets Chest or Back)
Overhead Kick (Prone) (Targets Head or Chest)
Palm Strike (Targets Face, Neck or Chest)
Pele Kick aka Backflip Kick (Targets Head)
Pendulum (Using Ropes) (Transition Move)
Pendulum Elbow Drop (Targets Mid-Section)
Pistol Whipping (Targets Head)
Poetry-in-Motion (One Man Version) (Targets Head, Chest and/or Torso)
Punch aka Closed Fist (Illegal Move) (Targets Any Part)
Punt Kick (Targets Head or Any Part)
Ranhei aka SOS (Targets the Head, Neck and Front)
Rebound Clothesline (Using Ropes) (Targets Head, Neck or Chest)
Reverse Battering Ram (Targets Head)
Reverse Bulldog (Targets Head and Neck)
Reverse Frankensteiner (Targets Head, Neck and Abdomen)
Reverse STO (Targets Face and Head)
Rib Breaker (Targets Ribs and Abdomen)
Rolling Thunder aka Rolling Jumping Somersault Senton (Targets Mid Section or Back)
Rolling Wheel Kick aka Ajisegiri or Rolling Koppu Kick (Targets Head, Chest or Back)
Roundhouse Kick (Targets Head or Ribs)
Running Single Leg High Knee (Targets Head or Face)
Russian Legsweep (Targets Back and Neck)
STO (Targets Back and Neck)
Samoan Driver (Targets Head and Cranium)
Savate Kick aka Chasse Jambe Arriere Targets Head or Chin)
Schoolboy Sweep (Targets Back and Neck)
Scissors Kick aka Jumping Axe Kick (Targets Back of Head and Neck)
Schoolboy Pin (Pinning Move)
Seated Senton (Targets Torso)
Senton (Targets Targets Back or Torso)
Shin Breaker (Targets shin)
Shining Wizard (Targets Head)
Short-Arm (Transition Move) (Targets arm then in-to a move)
Short-Arm Clothesline (Targets Neck or Chest)
Short-Arm Elbow Smash (Targets Head or Chest)
Short-Arm Lariat Clothesline aka Game Changer (Targets Head, Neck or Chest)
Short-Arm Shoulder Block (Targets Arm)
Shoulder Block Tackle (Targets Torso)
Shoulder Facebreaker (Targets Head and Face)
Shoulder Jawbreaker aka Stunner (Targets Jaw and Head)
ShoulderBreaker (Targets Shoulder)
Side Death Valley Driver (Targets Head and Cranium)
Sideslam Backbreaker (Targets Back)
Single Knee Facebreaker (Targets Head and Face)
Sitout Full Nelson Atomic Drop (Targets Base of Spine, Back and Neck)
Sitout Jawbreaker (Targets Neck and Jaw)
Sitout Rear Mat Slam (Targets Back)
Sliding Forearm Smash (Targets Any Part)
Sling Blade (Targets Back Aand Neck)
Slingshot Bulldog (Using Ropes) (Targets Head and Neck)
Small Package Pin (Pinning Move)
Snake Eyes (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Face and Head)
Sole Kick (Targets Head)
Spanish Fly aka Moonsault Side Slam (Grounded) (Targets Back)
Spear (Targets Torso)
Spike Piledriver (Targets Head and Neck)
Spin Kick aka Reverse Round House Kick (Targets Face/Head)
Spinning Back Fist (Targets Any Part)
Spinning Boot Scrape (Dirty Move) (Targets Eyes and Face)
Spinning Bulldog (Targets Head)
Spinning Headlock Elbow Drop (Targets Head and Neck)
Spinning Heel Kick aka Leaping Leg Clothesline (Targets Head, Neck or Chest)
Spinning Knee aka Rolling Knee or Discus Knee (Targets Head)
Spinning Knife Edge Chop (Targets Chest)
Standing Somersault Senton (Targets Head or Torso)
Stomp (Targets Any Part)
Superkick aka Thrust Kick (Targets Head and Jaw)
Superman Punch (Targets Any Part)
Swinging Neck Breaker aka Shake Rattle & Roll (Targets Neck and Back)
The Mist (Illegal Move) (Targets Face and Eyes)
The Pedigree aka Front-Face Double Underhook Piledriver (Targets Head and Neck)
Thesz Press (Targets Torso)
Three-Point Stance Clothesline (Targets Neck or Chest)
Three-Quarter Facelock Russian Legsweep (Targets Back, Head and Neck)
Throat Thrust aka Sword Stab (Targets Throat)
Tiger Feint Kick aka 619 (Using Ropes) (Targets Neck or Head)
Tilt-a-Whirl Headscissors Takedown (Targets the Head and Neck)
Toe Kick aka Gut Kick (Targets Lower Torso)
Tombstone Piledriver (Targets Head and Neck)
Tournado DDT (Targets Head)
Trapping Headbutts (Targets Head or Chest)
Tree of Woe (Hangs Opponent Upside Down on Turnbuckle Corner)
Turnbuckle Shoulder Thrust (Using Turnbuckle Corner) (Targets Torso and Gut)
Two-Handed Bulldog (Targets Head)
U - W
Uppercut (Targets Chin or Jaw)
Upside-down Vertical Suplex Facelock DDT aka Curtian Call (Targets Head)
Vertical Press (Standing or on Ropes) (Targets Chest and Torso)
Western Lariat Clothesline aka Burning Lariat (Targets Chest or Neck)
Wheelbarrow Bulldog (Targets Head)
Wheelbarrow Driver (Targets Head and Cranium)
Wind-Up Punch (Targets Any Part)

450° Splash (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Torso, Back and/or Chest)
630° Senton (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head, Shoulder or Chest)
B - C
Blockbuster aka Modified Diving Neckbreaker (Using Turnbuckle or Standing) (Targets Head and Neck
Corkscrew (Added to Leg Drops, Sentons, Splashes etc to add more force and Torque)
Corkscrew 450° Splash (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Torso, Back and/or Chest)
Corkscrew 630° Senton (Using Turnbuckle or Standing) (Targets Head, Shoulder or Chest)
Corkscrew Senton Bomb (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Torso, Back and/or Chest)
Corkscrew Shooting Star Press aka Red Arrow (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Torso, Back and/or Chest)
Corner Slingshot Splash (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Torso, Back or/and Chest)
Diamond Dust aka Forward Somersault Three-Quarter Facelock Bulldog or Jawbreaker (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets either Jaw for Jawbreaker -
or Face and Head for Bulldog)
Diving Back Elbow Drop (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head, Chest or Shoulder)
Diving Bulldog (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head/Face)
Diving Calf Kick (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head, Chest or Torso)
Diving Clothesline (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head or Chest)
Diving Crossbody (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Torso)
Diving DDT (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head)
Diving Double Axe-Handle (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head)
Diving Elbow Drop (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Torso or Chest)
Diving Fist Drop (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Any Part)
Diving Headbutt (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Any Part)
Diving Hurricanrana (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head and Neck)
Diving Knee Drop (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head, Shoulder or Chest)
Diving Leg Drop Bulldog (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Back of Head and Neck)
Diving Leg Drop aka Guillotine Leg Drop (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head, Throat, Shoulder or Chest)
Diving Leg Lariat (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head, Shoulder or Chest)
Diving Neckbreaker (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head and Neck)
Diving Pointed Elbow Drop (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head, Shoulder or Chest)
Diving Shoulder Block (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Chest and/or Torso)
Diving Somersault Seated Senton aka Molly-Go-Round (Pinning Move) (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Torso, Shoulders and/or Chest)
Diving Spear aka Diving Shoulder Block Takedown (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Torso)
Diving Stomp (Using Turnbuckle or Standing) (Targets Any Part)
Dragonrana (Using Turnbuckle) (Pinfall Move)
F - I
Flying Spinning Heel Kick (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Any Part)
Flying Thrust Kick (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Any Part)
Frankensteiner (Using Turnbuckle or Standing) (Targets Head and Back)
Frog Splash (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Chest, Back and/or Torso)
Imploding 450° Splash (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Torso, Back and/or Chest)
Imploding Corkscrew 450° Splash (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Torso, Back and/or Chest)
Imploding Senton Bomb (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head, Shoulder or Chest)
Meteora (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head, Shoulder or Chest)
Moonsault (Using Turnbuckle or Standing) (Targets Head, Shoulder or Chest)
Moonsault Double Foot Stomp (Using Turnbuckle or Standing) (Targets Any Part)
Moonsault Leg Drop (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head, Shoulder or Chest)
Moonsault Senton (Using Turnbuckle or Standing) (Targets Head, Shoulder or Chest)
Mushroom Stomp (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Back)
O - R
Old School aka Arm Twist Ropewalk Shoulder Chop (Using Ropes) (Targets Arm, Elbow and Shoulder)
Over-The-Top Rope Suicide Dive (Over the Top Rope) (Targets Any Part)
Phoenixrana (Using Turnbuckle) (Pinfall Move)
Plancha aka Pescado (Term) (Any move that see's a dive attack that targets the chest from an elevated position or -
through/over the ropes is a Plancha)
Reverse/Inverted Frankensteiner (Using Turnbuckle or Standing) (Targets Head and/or Chest)
Rolling Senton Bomb (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Torso, Back and/or Chest)
Ropewalk (Term) (Walking along top rope)
Seated Senton aka Banzai Drop (Using Turnbuckle or Standing) (Targets Torso, Back and/or Chest)
Senton (Using Turnbuckle or Standing) (Targets Head, Shoulder or Chest)
Senton Bomb (Using Turnbuckle or Standing) (Targets Torso, Back and/or Chest)
Shooting Star (Term) (A Shooting Star adaption can be adapted into several moves, It just adds a back flip prior to the diving move for more -
force and display)
Shooting Star DDT (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head)
Shooting Star Elbow Drop (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Torso, Back and/or Chest)
Shooting Star Leg Drop (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Torso, Back and/or Chest)
Shooting Star Press (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Torso, Back and/or Chest)
Shooting Star Senton (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Torso, Back and/or Chest)
Sliced Bread aka Shiranui (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head)
Slingshot (Using Ropes) (Targets Any Part)
Somersault (Added to Leg Drops, Sentons, Splashes etc to add more force and Torque)
Somersault Leg Drop (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head, Shoulder or Chest)
Splash (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Torso, Back and/or Chest)
Springboard (Using Ropes) (Used to aid attacks such as Moonsaults or Crossbody Blocks etc)
Standing (Term) (As to Running or From a elevated Position, It's from a standing position)
Suicide Dive (From Anywhere Elevated) (Targets Any Part)
Sunset Flip (Pinning Move from Elevated Position)
Swanton Bomb aka High-Angle Senton Bomb (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Torso, Back and/or Chest)
Tope Suicide Dive (Through The Ropes) (Targets Any Part)
Tope aka Diving Headbutt (Targets Any Part)

Aided Moves, Doubleteam or Tag Team Moves / DoubleTeam (Term) (When Two or more wrestlers perform a double team attack or move)
Argentine Rack-Neckbreaker (Targets Head and Neck)
Arm Wringer-Hair Pull Mat Slam Combo (Targets Back of Head)
Assisted Senton (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Torso and/or Chest or Back)
B - C
Backbreaker Hold-Diving Attack Combo (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head, Neck, Chest and/or Torso)
Backbreaker Hold-Diving Elbow Drop Combo (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Chest or Head)
Backbreaker Hold-Diving Leg Drop Combo (Targets Head and Neck)
Bearhug Hold, Attack Combo (Targets Head, Chest and Back)
Bearhug Hold-Diving Leg Drop Combo aka Veg-O-Matic (Targets Head, Chest and in-turn the back)
Bearhug Hold-Flying Crossbody Combo (Targets Head, Chest, Torso and Back)
Bearhug Hold-High Kick Combo (Targets Head or Chest and Back)
Bearhug Hold-Seated Senton (Using Turnbuckle) Combo (Targets Chest, Torso and Back or/and Head)
Bearhug Hold-Superkick-Jackknife Pin Combo (Targets Back and Head (Plus Pinning Move)
Belly-To-Back Suplex Diving Leg Drop Combo aka Fallout (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head and/or Chest and/or Torso)
Belly-To-Back Suplex-Neckbreaker Combo (Targets Neck and Back)
Catching Hip Toss Slam (Targets Back)
DWI aka Powerbomb-Neckbreaker Combo (Targets Neck and Back)
Death Drop Combo aka 3D or Flapjack Cutter (Targets Face, Chest and Torso)
Death Sentence aka Wheelbarrow Hold-Diving Leg Drop Combo (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head and Neck)
Dive Combination (Term) (Two dive moves that hot one after the other)
Diving Headbutt Low Blow Combo (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Groin)
Diving Leg Drop-Low Blow Combo (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Groin)
Doomsday Device aka Electric Chair-Diving Attack Combo (Using Turnbuckle) Targets Head, Neck, Torso and/or Back)
Double Belly-To-Back Suplex (Targets Head and/or Back)
Double Bulldog Combo (Targets Head)
Double Butt Splash Combo (Using Corner) (Targets either Head or Torso)
Double Chokeslam Combo (Targets Back)
Double Clothesline Combo (Targets Head, Neck and/or Chest)
Double Crucifix Powerbomb Combo (Targets Back, Neck and/or Shoulders)
Double Cutter Combo (Targets Jaw and/or Head)
Double DDT Combo (Targets Head/s)
Double Drop Toe-Hold Combo (Targets Head)
Double Dropkick Combo (Targets Any Part, Mostly Head, Back, Torso, Chest or Legs)
Double Elbow Drop Combo (Using Turnbuckle or Standing) (Targets Any Part)
Double Enzuigiri (Targets Back of Head and/or Neck)
Double Extreme Leg Drop Combo (Using Turnbuckle) (One Targets Head and Neck, Other Targets Lower Abdomen/Groin)
Double Facebuster (Targets Head/Face)
Double Fireman's Carry Slam (Targets Back)
Double Fireman's Flapjack (Targets Face, Chest and Torso)
Double Flapjack (Targets Face, Chest and Torso)
Double Headbutt (Targets Head/Face)
Double Hip Toss (Targets Back)
Double Inverted DDT Combo (Targets Back of Head)
Double Lifting DDT Combo (Targets Head)
Double Missile Dropkick Combo (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head, Back, Torso or Chest)
Double STO aka Oregatokare (Also Inverted Variation) (Targets Legs and Back)
Double Submission (Terms) (Two Holds applied on one wrestler, Or two holds on two wrestlers)
Double Superkick aka Double Thrust Kick (Targets Head and/or Jaw)
Double Suplex aka Double Verticle or Snap Suplex (Using Turnbuckle or Standing) (Targets Back)
Doubleteam Battering Ram (Targets Torso or Back)
Doubleteam Brainbuster (Targets Head)
Doubleteam Elevated Splash (Using Turnbuckle or Partners Shoulders) (Targets Chest and/or Torso)
Doubleteam Elevevated Jawbreaker (Targets Jaw)
Doubleteam Headscissors Takedown (Targets Head and Neck)
Doubleteam Leapfrog Body Guillotine (Using Ropes) (Targets Back or Torso)
Doubleteam Neckbreaker (Targets Neck)
Doubleteam Piledriver aka Spike Piledriver (Using Turnbuckle or Standing) (Targets Head)
Doubleteam Power-Plex (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Back)
Doubleteam Powerbomb aka Spike Powerbomb (Targets Back)
Doubleteam Rocket Launcher (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Chest and/or Torso or Back)
Doubleteam Sky Lift Slam (Targets Back)
Doubleteam Splash (Targets Chest and/or Torso)
Doubleteam Superbomb (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Back)
Doubleteam Suplex (Using Turnbuckle or Standing) (Targets Back and/or Neck)
Doubleteam Wheelbarrow Facebuster (Targets Head)
Doubleteam Wheelbarrow Suplex (Targets Back)
Doubleteam Whiplash aka Tornado-Plex (Targets Head and Torso)
Dropkick Overdrive Combo (Targets Head and Neck)
E - N
Elevated Spanish Fly aka Moonsault Side Slam (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Back)
Flapjack DDT aka Elevated DDT Combo (Targets Head)
Gory Bomb-Cutter Combo (Targets Head and Neck)
Hart Attack aka Bearhug Hold-Lariat Combo (Using Turnbuckle or Running) (Targets Head, Neck, Chest and in-turn the back)
High and Low Combo (Term) (When One wrestler hits the upper body and partner hits lower body causing a whiplash affect)
Hiptoss-Aided Hiptoss Combo (Targets Back)
Inverted Powerbomb-Running Cutter Combo (Targets Face/Head)
Lariat-Running Chop Block Combo (Targets Back of Knee and Neck and Chest)
Leg Drop-Splash Combo aka Event Omega (Using Turnbuckle or Grounded) (Targets Any Part)
Makeover aka Spinning Leg Sweep-Roundhouse Kick Combo (Targets Head and Legs)
Move Combos (Term) (Two individual moves performed one after another by a team)
Neckbreaker-Diving Crossbody Combo (Targets Torso and Neck)
Poetry-in-Motion (Using Corner and Partner acting as a step) (Targets Head, Neck and/or Torso or Back) (Other Variations: Calf Kick,
Drop Kick, Leg Lariat etc)
Pop-Up-Double Knee Facebreaker Combo aka Pop-Up Codebreaker (Targets Face/Jaw)
Powerbomb Neckbreaker Combo (Targets Neck and Back)
Powerbomb-Diving Attack Combo (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Back and/or Head)
Powerbomb-Diving Leg Drop Combo (Targets Head, Neck and Chest)
Powerbomb-Diving Neckbreaker Combo (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Neck and Back)
Powerbomb-Diving Shiranui Combo (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head, Neck and Back)
Powerbomb-Double Knee Backbreaker Combo (Targets Back)
Powerbomb-Missile Dropkick Combo (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head and Back)
Powerbomb-Suplex Combo (Targets Back)
Ragnarok aka Crucifix Powerbomb iconoclasm Combo (Requires 3 wrestlers) (Targets Back)
Rolling Double Leg Slam (Targets Legs)
Russian Legsweep-Clothesline Combo (Targets Back, Chest and Neck)
STO-Big Boot Combo (Targets Head and Back)
STO-Russian Legsweep Combo (Targets Back and Neck)
Samoan Drop-Neckbreaker Combo (Targets Back and Neck)
Scoop Powerslam-Powerbomb Combo (Targets Back)
Shatter Machine aka Flapjack-Double Knee Facebreaker (Targets Head)
Shoot Kick-Shining Wizard Combo (Targets Back of Head and Back of Knee)
Sidewalk Slam-Diving Leg Drop Combo (Targets Back, Neck and Head)
Slingshot Catapult-Attack Combination (Targets Any Part with extra force)
Slingshot Catapult-Clothesline Combo (Using Turnbuckle or Grounded) (Targets Chest and/or Neck)
Slingshot Catapult-Diving Bulldog Combo (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Head)
Slingshot Catapult-Missile Dropkick Combo (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Chest and/or Torso)
Spinebuster Leg Lariat Combo aka Hype Ryder (Targets Head, Chest, Back and/or Torso)
Spinebuster-Neckbreaker Combo (Targets Back and Neck)
Stack-Superplex aka Tower of Doom (Requires 3 Wrestlers) (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Back)
Superkick-Plex (Most Suplex's can be used) (Targets Head and Back) (Not SuperPlex)
Superkick-Spinning Leg Sweep Combo (Targets Head and Legs)
Suplex-Diving Attack Combo (Using Turnbuckle) (Targets Torso and Back)
T - X
Total Elimination aka Spinning Leg Sweep-Spinning Heel-Kick Combo (Targets Head or/and chest and Legs)
Wheelbarrow Facebuster-Cutter Combo (Targets Head)
Wishbone (Targets Legs and Groin)
X-Mark aka Superkick and Pedigree (Targets Head)