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Under The Spotlight: Forget Kayfabe, That Era is Over... WRONG!

Date: 10/03/19 | Written By Jack Williams

In a simple, homemade recording that didn't even last five minutes, Ronda Rousey has managed to create an uproar and a divide in pro-wrestling/sports entertainment fans.

Some feel that the traditions of old should be respected and continued, even though the secret of pro-wrestling being a staged event has long since been gone, Then there are others who feel that the time for Kayfabe is over, that we all know the secret, so why continue lying? Well, There is a very good reason to keep Kayfabe.

Pro-wrestling without on-screen or in-ring kayfabe would simply just turn the business into nothing more than a cheap looking movie fight scene without any meaning, story or passion.

I for one don't wish this to happen. I love that the world of wrestling is still telling me that it's real, why else would I want to watch something that is telling me to my face that it's just a load of made up garbage compiled into a two hour show?... I'd rather go to bed and sleep...

Take Rousey's comments in her video. She made it clear that what she - and all those she is working with - is doing is just fake and meaningless, And this is supposed to get me excited to see this match with Charlotte and Becky?? To me, that's just like a movie that's just told me the ending and that it's not real at the very beginning. We all know going into movies that most of them are made up, fictional stories, But we still go to the pictures or tune into the TV and invest our hard earned time and effort into them for the rewarding experience of an emotional rollercoaster. So answer me this, why in god's name would I want to invest myself into something that doesn't respect what it's supposed to be about?


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