News Of The Week / Custom Artwork of Austin Aries (Liked By Austin) / Weekly show results feat TNA IMPACT, ROH TV, Lucha Underground, WWE RAW, SmackDown, NXT & CWC Finals / PPV & Indie Results feat House of Hardcore 17 & 18, CMLL - Arena Mexico, NJPW: Road to Destruction, NJPW: Destruction Night One, NOVA: One Crazy Summer & Smash Wrestling VS Progress Night One / Interviews feat Zack Sabre Jr and Hiroshi Tanahashi! (Note: This Issue is dedicated to the memory of Don Bass aka Don Welch)
TNA President Billy Corgan, in a article by the New York Post, Is now in talks to become the majority owner of Impact Ventures. Billy Corgan said he wants to make a maximum commitment to TNA and become the new majority owner in time for Bound for Glory on 2nd October. Corgan stated, “I would love nothing better than to stand up in front of everyone and give a clear picture of where this company is and where it’s going.” As of now, the deal is in a phase where Corgan wants to make a presentation as the new majority owner of the company. However, Corgan says the deal still has “a lot of people at the table.” Corgan has claimed the relevant parties have agreed on a sale price. There is also the of TNA’s ownership structure and getting all the joint owners on the same page, mentioning both TNA Chairwoman Dixie Carter and Aroluxe Marking. Canada’s Fight Network is mentioned as another party that has an equity stake in TNA. Also, TNA is having so much difficulty with its finances that Aroluxe has taken over the control of the TNA trademark. TNA’s value is currently estimated to be at around $40 million. Corgan said, “You ultimately have to rely on your own calculus about what something is worth. After signing up MLB, the NBA and soccer, who do you call?”
TNA Wrestling has been at the forefront alongside WWE for big signings as of late, and at the recent departure of former Dollhouse member, Rebel, Real name Tanea Brooks, who was not offered a new contract by the company after her first and only contract came to an end last week, Opens up the door for the first of two signings. As previously covered in the last newsletter, Cody Rhodes and his wife Brandi, fka Eden in WWE, are headed for TNA. It was revealed that Brandi would be involved in a story of her own with wife of Mike Bennett's wife Maria Kanellis Bennett, Whilst husband Cody would feud with Mike. Its now revealed that Brandi that is either going to sign, or has already signed a contract with TNA to wrestle in the Knockouts division.
On the 16th September, Wrestling veteran Don Bass sadly passed away after losing to cancer. Don had been said to have been battling with health issues for many a year now, Don was 70 years old. Don Bass, Was known most for being a tag team wrestler, With him forming new combinations for decades with the likes of Roger Smith, of whom he won the Southern tag team championship four times in the Tennessee wrestling circuit. Don formed a tag team with Ronald Bass, as well as with Bobby "No Class" Bass, in the Gulf Coast, they were collectively known as The Bass Family with Ma Bass as their manager. While he performed mostly as Don Bass, he worked under many different alias, with him even donning masks. He also was a member of the new version of The Assassins tag team, The A-Team, Fire & Flame and an incarnation of The Interns.
1946 - 2016
New names for the WWE RAW Cruiserweight division have been confirmed for its roster, The following names have been signed; Brian Kendrick, Rich Swann, Gran Metalik, Cedric Alexander, Lince Dorado, and Noam Dar. NXT's "Sanity" teasers, that they have been posting and showing for weeks now has been finally debuted at the recent set of NXT taping's. Sanity is the name of the new Faction consisting of Nikki Storm, Alexander Wolfe and Sawyer Fulton, And led by the newest NXT signing, TNA Grandslam Champion, The Bearded Terror" Eric Young. NXT General Manager William Regal has announced the second series of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic tourney at the recent set of NXT taping's. The Final round matches will take place at NXT Takeover: Toronto, that takes place on the weekend of WWE's annual Survivor Series PPV event.
The current TNA Bound for Glory PPV card as of this writing looks as follows. TNA World Heavyweight Champion "The Destroyer" Lashley, will defend against challenger Ethan Carter III in the main event of the evening. Drew Galloway will face Aron Rex in the finals of the TNA Grand Championship tourney, to crown the inaugural champion. Gail Kim will try to win the Knockouts championship title from current champion Maria Kanellis Bennett, And end the long heated feud between the wo. The Broken Hardy's look to take the World Tag Team gold away from Decay, as the Decay versus Delete feud continues.
With boyfriend Alberto Del Rio's situation with WWE, followed by his recent departure. Paige's WWE career was definitely in question, as she had also received a suspension from company along with Del Rio. However, Paige has cleared the misty air that shrouded her status with WWE. Paige has revealed that she is indeed staying with WWE, and here is her statement she made on Twitter this week; “Let me begin by saying that the rumours that I’m leaving the WWE are completely false! I certainly look forward to returning back to action at some point, once my injury is treated and on a healthy return. Although I was disappointed by my suspension, I respect the WWE’s Wellness Policy. However, let me be clear that I was not suspended for failing a drug test. Once again, thank you for all the love and support.”
TNA Superstar Mark Andrews, who is known in the Impact Zone as Mandrews, along with his group, Junior, Has released a new music video to the bands latest track "Fall to Pieces", and it features one of TNA's headlining acts, Broken Matt Hardy. NJPW Superstar Davey Boy Smith jr, is suffering badly with vertigo, which is preventing him from competing. Davey, (one half of the Killer Elite Squad with former TNA superstar, Lance Hoyt, Now known as Lance Archer), Said the following on the matter; “I feel like I’m on a boat that is crashing. It’s the sh*ts, really.” He revealed that on 11th September, He woke up at 4am in the morning feeling dizzy and it’s continued ever since. He says the vertigo was caused by a problem with his ear. Smith says he has taken some medication and hopes he can “kick out of this”, but at this point it looks as though he won’t be able to wrestle until the issue goes away. We wish Davey all the best and speedy recovery. Former Intercontinental Champion, Ryback, Is in the process of legally changing his name to Ryback Aleen Reeves. This isn't the first time a wrestler has changed his or her name to their wrestler names, as late The Ultimate Warrior legally changed his to Warrior, and the late Joanie Laurer, changed her name legally to Chyna. The Big Guy formerly known as Ryback explained his decision saying “It was one thing that I did not own and I created and I used before my time with WWE. And it is something that is associated with my brand, and who I am, that I am very proud of.”
Not only is TNA Bound for Glory happening on the 2nd September, The AAA's Heroes Inmortales X event takes place also. The event features an all star line up, including the return of Alberto El Patron. The is as follows, The Main Event of the evening will be “Lucha de Super Estrellas”, El Patron Alberto and Psycho Clown taking on Dr. Wagner Jr. and Pagano in a tag team match. A Hair versus mask match between Austalian Suicide with Argenis versus Daga with Joe Lider. The Latin American Title will be defended by Johnny Mundo with Taya against Garza Jr. Team Mexico, featuring La Parka, Texano Jr, Hijo Del Fantasma will take on Team Trump, featuring El Mesias and Two “Luchador Sopresas” (Surprise Luchadors). A revenge match will take place with El Apache, Mary Apache, and Faby Apache versus Averno, Chessman, and Ricky Marvin. The Antonio Pena Cup will be up for grabs with 11 luchadors all competing for the trophy. The Campeonato de Parejas (Tag Title titles) will be defended, with the champions Dragon & Aerostar defending against Laredo Kid & Super Fly, Nicho el Millionario (Psychosis) & Damian 666 and Monster Clown & Murder Clown in a four way tag team match.
At Tommy Dreamer's latest House of Hardcore event, Bill apter, the renowned wrestling journalist, caught up with the Radicalz member Perry Saturn. Saturn revealed that he has been suffering from Brain Trauma. He says struggling with the symptoms of the injury, but his faith and family are helping him get through the injury. Hardcore Legend Terry Funk, has also been struggling with serious health issues. He had to end up leaving Saturday night’s House Of Hardcore show in Philadelphia after he felt dizzy. He was going to be in Tommy Dreamer's corner during the main event. Tommy Dreamer said that Terry has been dealing with serious health issues. He said Funk probably should have not flown out to the show as he was advised not to by doctors. Terry Funk told the House of Hardcore fans at the 2300/ECW Arena that this might be his final night in that arena, He didn’t want to leave the ring, he wanted to say farewell to the “greatest fans in the world.” Fans who attended the event felt that this maybe his final retirement speech.
Also at the House of Hardcore double show, Bubba Ray Dudley returned to make the save for his friend Tommy Dreamer, And in the process, Set up and teased a big return TNA Wrestling. He said the following to Broken Matt Hardy, Who had just defeated Dreamer in the main event of House of Hardcore 18, And tried to set Dreamer on fire after the match, which set up Ray to return and make the save; "How would you like for me to show up at the Impact Zone?, I've burned that place to the ground once, and I'd do it again. I already put your boss through a table, and don't think I wouldn't do the same thing to your wife and your son."

Liked By Austin Aries - Created by Jack Williams
The show opens with Broken Matt on a mission to rebuild the Hardy house after the war between the Hardy Family and Decay. Brother Nero is confined to a wheelchair, being pushed around by Broken Matt. So Matt takes Nero to the lake of reincarnation, and does a ritual then throws Brother Nero in it. Nero comes out in a suit with his old title, smoking a cigarette, Not being what Matt wanted, Matt throws Nero back in the lake again and he comes back out as healed Nefarious Nero, Determined to destroy Decay and chanting obsolete. Matt is pleased, He now must find his old friend Senor Benjamin. / In the Impact Zone, TNA World Champion Lashley heads to the ring to kick off Impact. Highlights of the press conference between Lashley and EC3 ahead of Bound for Glory are shown. The conference ended when Lashley attacked EC3 to the point he had to be taken away in an ambulance. Back in the ring, Jeremy Borash asks Lashley how he feels about potentially ruining the main event of Bound for Glory. Lashley talks about the promise he made at the start of the year about this year being the year of Lashley. Gardo then appeared to confront Lashley, But is destroyed. Moose then appears and hits the ring. Moose goes face to face with Lashley, then a fight breaks out between the two. Moose gets the upper hand and holds the ring as Lashley escapes. Moose says he promises to defeat Lashley, and then threatens that if Lashley does not come out later to face him, He is going to drag him from the locker room and beat him down. / Backstage, Aron Rex says he came here to Impact wrestling to be apart of something special. He is finding his love again for the business here in TNA. He says that The Grand Championship is unlike anything he or the business has ever seen. Rex says that the difference between he and his rival, Drew Galloway, is the fact that Drew has been given opportunities while he has had to take whatever hasn't been given to him. Rex promises to see Drew down the road in the tournament. / Backstage, Lashley teases accepting Moose's challenge for tonight but ends up saying no. He says that fighting him is bad for Moose's health. / TNA GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNEY ROUND ONE MATCH - ARON REX DEFEATED TREVOR LEE (Round One Notes: Aron Rex wins round one over Trevor Lee 29-28. Judges 1 and 3 ruled 10-9 for Rex while Judge 2 had Lee winning the round 10-9.) (Round Two Notes: Aron Rex Pinned Trevor Lee to win the match.) / Backstage, Jeremy Borash introduces TNA Knockout champion Maria. Maria calls herself the greatest Knockouts champ and tonight, she will find out who she will be defending her Knockouts title against at Bound For Glory. Maria mockingly says that she doesn't want to ruin Gail Kim's hall of fame induction. Borash says that the induction is scheduled for Bound For Glory. Maria then says that it is actually tonight. Maria tells Jeremy to tell Gail that her induction is taking place tonight instead of at Bound for Glory. / At the Hardy estate, Broken Matt whilst searching the grounds finds Vanguard one all broken. Matt starts to cry as the touching moment evolves. Matt falls and screams with Vanguard clutched into his arms. Matt rises to his knees with Vanguard One laid before him. He looks to the heavens and begs the seven deities to install the power and essence of life that he stole from Brother Nero and put it into the vessel of Vanguard One. It works. Footage is shown on Vanguard One of Senor Benjamin sweeping the grounds of the estate. Vanguard is assisting Benjamin in the landscaping and plays chess with Senor Benjamin. Benjamin beats Vanguard in a game of chess. Matt Hardy rises from his sleep on the ground and sees that Vanguard One has been restored. Matt is pleased and summons Vanguard One to go find Senor Benjamin. / In the impact zone. Maria Kanellis Bennett is with Allie. She cuts a promo on how she is the best and mocks Gail Kim. Then Gail comes out and confronts Maria. Allie got Gail a present as she is her favourite wrestler, But Maria smashes the present. Then Dixie Carter heads to the ring. She announces that Gail Kim will be in a knockouts gauntlet match tonight and if she wins, She will face Maria for the knockouts title at Bound For Glory. / EMPTY IMPACT ZONE MATCH - BRAXTON SUTTER DEFEATED ROCKSTAR SPUD (Match Notes: Both men are dressed in the traditional street fight gear. JB, Josh Mathews and The Pope are all there as a usual match, but their are no fans there. / Sutter and Spud fight all over the stands, the outside of the ring and inside the ring.) / Back to The Hardy estate, Vanguard One locates Senor Benjamin tied up in a barn. Vanguard One and Matt Hardy rescue Benjamin, who has a DECAY headband on. Matt asks Senor how he is and Benjamin calmly responds that he is fine. Matt tells Senor that he needs him to go home and rest and that once he has done that. He can go round up all the weapons he can find to defend House Hardy. Matt declares that a great war is coming at Bound For Glory. / Backstage, Moose is asked how he feels about Lashley refusing his challenge. Moose says that on his first night in TNA, He knocked out Lashley. He demands that Lashley accept his challenge. / In the Impact Zone. Broken Matt Hardy is with Brother Nero and Reby. Matt talks firstly about the apocalyptic war that they were in last week with Decay. Matt says that both sides survived but that the war has become more massive. He says Decay will be sentenced to the Darkness of Deletion. Matt says that not only will they take Decay's tag titles, he will delete them. Decay appear, With the three in three separate areas of the Impact Zone. Rosemary says that Maxell is in the wrong hands with The Hardy family and says the Hardy's will not be able to take their titles. Rosemary mentions that Bram didn't go along with The Decay and he is now gone. Abyss says that their titles are beautiful and that they will never lose them. Crazzy Steve says that Decay will destroy The Hardy's. Broken Matt and Brother Nero tell the decay that they are going to be stronger and that The Decay failed to destroy them. Nero promises to render all 3 members of Decay as Obsolete. Matt challenges Decay to a "Great War" rather than a standard tag match at Bound For Glory. To which Decay accepts. Decay surround the ring and a fight breaks out, The Hardys get the upper hand, The segment ends with Reby hitting a cutter on Rosemary. / Backstage, Lashley is approached by Mike Bennett. The Miracle warns Lashley about Moose's threat. He tells Lashley to attack Moose . Lashley says he knows Bennett's game. Lashley promises to beat up Moose and may beat up Bennett also. / KNOCKOUTS #1 CONTENDERS GAUNTLET MATCH FOLLOWED BY A SINGLES MATCH BETWEEN THE LAST TWO - GAIL KIM DEFEATED SIENNA, JADE, MARTI BELL, RAQUEL. ALLIE, LAUREL VAN NESS & MADISON RAYNE (Match Notes: Gail and Sienna were the last two in the gauntlet, then Gail Defeated Sienna by pinfall.) (NEW CONTENDER) / GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP TOURNEY FIRST ROUND MATCH - EDDIE EDWARDS DEFEATED MAHABALI SHERA (Round One notes: All 3 judges score the round 10-9 for Edwards.) (Round Two notes: Judges 1 and 2 score 10-9 for Shera. Judge 3 has Edwards winning the round 10-9.) (Round Three notes: Eddie Edwards makes Shera submit to the single leg Boston Crab.) / LASHLEY/MOOSE "FIGHT", Lashley comes out and says that he knows that everyone wants to see him and Moose fight but it's not going to happen. Lashley says he has already proven himself, he is a businessman and he only fights for big money and at big events. Lashley makes Moose a proposition. He tells Moose to face him at Bound For Glory instead for The world title as a replacement for EC3. Moose likes the idea of facing Lashley for the title at TNA's biggest event of the year but he can't wait till October 2nd. Moose and Lashley start fighting. Then Mike Bennett came out and distracted Moose, then Lashley hit a spear on Moose. Lashley and Bennett double team Moose and beat him down. Then EC3 comes out and makes the save for Moose. This ends the show..
WWE RAW - 12/09/2016
Mick Foley in-ring promo kicks off RAW, He said Clash of Champions is the 1st-ever Raw exclusive PPV. He talked about Becky Lynch winning the SmackDown Women's Championship. He said he believes Raw still delivers the premier institution for women's wrestling in the world today. He brought out Charlotte and Dana Brooke to the ring. Charlotte and Dana tension continues with Charlotte demanding an apology from Dana for costing her the match against Bayley last week. Sasha Banks interrupts and says she deserves a title match tonight, and Bayley comes out and says the same thing. Foley then makes a match between Banks and Bayley, with the winner facing Charlotte at Clash of Champions for the title. Charlotte then verbally berated Dana, who then slapped Charlotte. This leads to Foley making the match a triple threat for the title match at COC. / WOMENS CHAMPIONSHIP NUMBER ONE CONTENDERS MATCH - SASHA BANKS DEFEATED DANA BROOKE AND BAYLEY (NEW WOMEN'S TITLE CONTENDER) / Shining Stars, R-Truth backstage segment that also featured Enzo, Big Cass and Goldust. / Backstage interview, Tom Phillips talks to Kevin Owens. Y2J interrupted and said angrilly that Kevin is not allowed to be the guest on the Highlight Reel, Because Sami Zayn is replacing him. / Bo Dallas came out carrying a "Bo-Lieve in Bo" campaign sign. He is more aggressive, and said "Only I can Bo-Lieve in Bo." / BO DALLAS DEFEATED BRANDON SCOTT / Highlight Reel w/ Sami Zayn. Jericho said Zayn was the problem in the Zayn-Owens relationship. Zayn vowed to win the Universal championship. Zayn said that Jericho was a world champion, but now he's Owens' bitch. Jericho, who was about to check his phone, whacked Zayn with it, then hit the codebreaker. Foley later in the show booked Y2J versus Zayn for Clash of Champions. / BEST OF SEVEN SERIES MATCH #5 - CESARO DEFEATED SHEAMUS (Note: Series now stands at 3-2 to Sheamus) / Foley talked with Seth Rollins backstage. Rollins didn't understand why Foley gave Reigns a chance at getting in the main event of Clash of Champions. Foley said Reigns was wronged at the Fatal Four Way every bit as much as Rollins was. Rollins wanted to see Stephanie. Foley said Stephanie was in Singapore and she didn't care who the champion was. The only wins and losses she cared about was Raw vs. SmackDown. / NIA JAX DEFEATED ALICIA FOX (Match Notes: Referee had to stop the match). / New Day in ring segment mocking Gallows and Anderson's attempt at entertainment. Then Gallows and Anderson turned up and said that New Day are the ones who are wasting time. / THE CLUB (GALLOWS & ANDERSON) DEFEATED NEW DAY / Reigns did a backstage interview with Phillips. He said the only thing in his mind right now was getting to Clash of Champions. The only way to do that was kicking Owens' ass. / Jinder Mahal debuted a new gimmick, The man who comes in peace!. He cut a promo on how he has found peace in his absence. / JINDER MAHAL DEFEATED JACK SWAGGER / Tom Phillips approached Swagger backstage. He said Swagger's contract expires soon and asked him what he was planning to do. Swagger just glared at Phillips and walked off. / Enzo and Cass talked about how they are not worried about The Shining Stars. / PRIMO DEFEATED ENZO AMORE / Rollins approached Owens backstage. Rollins told Owens he hoped he wins tonight against Reigns. Rollins said since HHH was too much of a coward to show his face tonight, he couldn't think of anything better than beat up his golden boy. Owens mentioned that Rollins always had someone else doing his fighting for him, whether it was HHH, J&J Security, or Kane. Owens said ever since Rollins returned from his injury, he's done nothing but fail. He's lost to Dean Ambrose, lost to Finn Balor, and lost to Owens. He said Rollins slogan of "Redesign, Rebuild, Reclaim" was more like "Redesign, Rebuild, Replaced." Foley walked up and told Owens that was enough. Then he told Rollins he knew what Rollins was thinking, but ordered Rollins not to interfere in the match or else there would be consequences. / KEVIN OWENS DEFEATED ROMAN REIGNS VIA DQ (Match Notes: Rollins ran out near the end of the match and attacked Owens leading to Foley ordering Rollins to his office and then restarting the match.) / KEVIN OWENS DEFEATED ROMAN REIGNS (Match Notes: Rusev came down and distracted Reigns which allowed Owens to pick up the win on a distracted Reigns.) After the match, Rusev attacked and beat down Reigns, Then Lana appeared and ordered Rusev to apply the Accolade. This ended the show.
Show starts with a recap of Styles' Backlash victory over Ambrose for the WWE Title. AJ Styles is then introduced as the new champion to the ring. He says he hates to say this, but he told you so. He did everything he said he was going to do and now he’s the face that runs this place. He is now the champ that runs the camp. John Cena comes out and says AJ has something that he wants back. AJ throws him back his headband that he left in the ring at SummerSlam, But Cena says not that, and points at the WWE Title. He says If he could have that belt just one more time, he’d be right there with the man, alluding to Ric Flair’s sixteen world title reigns. Cena admits AJ is now the face that runs the place, but he says that he wants to announce the sixteen time champ is here. Dean Ambrose enters the ring. He says he can handle losing a match, titles come and go but when you kicked me in the jewels you made me your enemy. He promises to make his life miserable. He’ll take the title, and take it with interest. Cena goes face to face with Ambrose, saying he was the one who crotched AJ a few weeks ago and now he’s complaining about a low blow? Cena says Stone Cold was right, he hasn’t stepped up since becoming champion and he’s shown the WWE Universe that he has no balls. Ambrose says he must be mistaking him with someone that gives a damn. Ambrose called Cena a lazy part timer, he should go do reality shows and the like because he can’t get it done in the ring anymore. He couldn’t even get past AJ at SummerSlam, what makes you think you can get past me?, Ambrose says to Cena. Shane McMahon interrupts and talks about the three, and the match for the title at Backlash, with AJ taking the easy way to the title. Shane then makes a Triple Threat for the WWE title at No Mercy with AJ defending against Ambrose and Cena. But for tonight, He makes a tag match with John Cena and Dean Ambrose teaming to take on AJ Styles and a partner of his choosing. Shane mentions if AJ can’t find a partner, Daniel Bryan would love nothing more than to assign him one. / THE USO'S DEFEATED THE HYPE BROS / The Miz and Maryse came out. Miz says for weeks people like Daniel Bryan and Dolph Ziggler have been calling him a coward. You can call me a coward all you want, but I left Backlash with my beautiful wife and the Intercontinental title. He has made the Intercontinental title more prestigious than at any time in the titles history. Dolph interrupts and he and Miz trade insults at one another. Dolph says he wants one more match. No gimmicks, no valets, no pneumonia or stunt doubles, no excuses - just you and me. Just as Maryse tries to talk to Dolph, Daniel Bryan comes out. He says Maryse was the only reason why Miz retained his title at Backlash and that Ziggler will get a rematch. Miz says no to that, and says nothing happens until hs contract is renegotiated, He then walks out through the crowd ending the segment. / Backstage, AJ runs into Baron Corbin, trying to recruit him to be his partner. Corbin says he’d rather be his opponent and walks off. / BARON CORBIN VS APOLLO CREWS (Cancelled), Baron attacked Apollo before the match started and laid him out cold. Then Jack Swagger arrives and scares off Baron. Swagger says SmackDown is his new Home. / New women's champion Becky Lynch comes out with her new title, and says the journey is greater than the destination, but this destination is pretty friggin’ sweet. She is fighting woman, so come at me, bros!. This leads to the number one contenders match for her title. / FIVE WAY NUMBER ONE CONTENDERS MATCH - ALEXA BLISS DEFEATED NAOMI, CARMELLA, NIKKI BELLA AND NATALYA (NEW CONTENDER) / Styles was still looking for a partner when he came across Kane. Kane just laughed at him. / Shane McMahon calls out Heath Slater to sign a new SmackDown contract. Heath Slater signs then cuts and in ring promo on winning the tag titles with Rhyno, until The Ascension interrupt and demand a title match. Shane McMahon makes it happen right now. / SMACKDOWN TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS - RHYNO & HEATH SLATER (c) DEFEATED THE ASCENSION (STILL CHAMPIONS) / AJ runs into Daniel Bryan backstage, and is given a partner by Bryan, James Elsworth, The jobber that Braun Strowman beat a month ago. Styles is annoyed and leaves. / Randy Orton addressed Bray Wyatt, He said he’s ready for a fight, so Bray if you have the balls, come down and face your fear. Bray, who is hidden somewhere responds, he says a wise man knows when to lay down. Wyatt continues to taunt Orton with his eary promo. Then Wyatt appeared at ringside ready to attack Orton, but Rowan attacked him from behind. However, Orton laid out Rowan with an RKO to end the segment. / Main event - As James Elsworth headed to the ring, The Miz attacked him from behind and alligned himself with AJ Styles. / JOHN CENA & DEAN AMBROSE DEFEATED AJ STYLES & THE MIZ (W/MARYSE) After the match, Dean hit Cena with the Dirty Deeds which got a huge reaction of Boo's, He stared down AJ to end the show.
WWE NXT - 14/09/2016
The show starts with Samoa Joe addressing his current situation. He's still not medically cleared but is still owed a rematch for the NXT Championship. He says he's had some time to think since he's been out on the shelf. He says he was a disgrace while holding the NXT title. He says NXT is the hottest brand today. Joe wants Shinsuke Nakamura to join him in the ring and says he's not leaving until Nakamura comes out. Nakamura joins Joe in the ring. Joe says he meant it when he said Nakamura was an undeserving contender, but now declares Nakamura a worthy champion. Joe says as soon as he's ready and cleared, he wants his rematch. Nakamura says you're on. Both Joe and Shinsuke shake hands and depart the ring peacefully. As Nakamura celebrates on the stage, Joe attacks him from behind. Officials manage to get Joe away from Nakamura, But the damage was done as Joe slammed him into the ring stairs. Nakamura is stretchered out. William Regal tries to find Joe but Joe is out of here as he speeds out of the parking lot. / LIV MORGAN DEFEATED RACHEL FAZIO (aka Rachel Ellering) After the match, Morgan challenges Asuka and says she wants to fight. / Nakamura has been transported to a local medical centre. / HIDEO ITAMI DEFEATED DREW GULAK / AUTHORS OF PAIN (W/PAUL ELLERING) DEFEATED DOUG SESSUP & CHRIS PAYNE / Backstage, Tye Dillinger talks about his recent success and looks to continue his positive streak as things change in NXT. / BOBBY ROODE DEFEATED NO WAY JOSE, This match ends the show.
RING OF HONOR TV - 13/09/2016
The show starts off with a video recap of Adam Cole's championship victory speech from last week's show. Which set up this week's 6 man tag between Adam Cole, Hangman Page and Yujiro Takahashi versus Jay Lethal, Tetsuya Naito and The 'King of Darkness' Evil. Kevin Kelly is at ringside and hypes the two big matches on this week's show. The main event will be Bobby Fish defending The ROH TV Title against IWGP NEVER Openweight champion Katsuyori Shibata. / JAY LETHAL, KYLE O'REILLY & MICHAEL ELGIN DEFEATED ADAM COLE, HANGMAN PAGE & YUJIRO TAKAHASHI (Match Notes: Naito and EVIL abandoned Lethal during the match, Making it a three on one match, But Michael Elgin came to help equalise the match, ROH matchmaker Nigel McGuinness gives Elgin the ok to compete. Then Kyle O'Reilly came down to the ring to join the team of Lethal and Elgin. Again, McGuinness says ok to the inclusion of Kyle to the match.) / Backstage, ROH TV Champion Bobby Fish is in front of the ROH banner. Fish talks about how important he is to Ring of Honor and the TV Title. How he is the one man on the entire ROH roster who can stand up and bring the violence while others can't. Fish concludes his promo by hyping tonight's main event with Shibata. He says that the match will not end well for Shibata and that his fate is in his hands. / Highlights are recapped of last week's Ladder War announcement for All Star Extravaganza. This is followed by The Addiction's response and reaction of having to face The Young Bucks and The Motor City Machine Guns at the next pay per view. However, This week, The Addiction take a different tone in this promo. They seem more confident and they don't care about the match that Nigel booked at the PPV, They will retain and still be the ROH tag team champions after the night. / Back in the arena, Jay Lethal has not left since the tag team match. He is pacing frantically. He says it's one thing to have to worry about your enemies but it's even worse to be stabbed in the back by your friends. He calls out Tetsuya Naito for turning his back on him. Lethal says Naito made the biggest mistake of his life and that he is coming after him. Nigel McGuinness then books Lethal vs Naito at ROH's next ppv on the spot. However, Nigel threw a smarky remark at Lethal, saying the last time he begged for a match, he lost everything. / Kevin Kelly says that Donovan Dijak will face the winner of this week's TV Title main event at the PPV. / ROH TV MAIN EVENT - ROH WORLD TV TITLE MATCH - BOBBY FISH (c) DEFEATED KATSUYORI SHIBATA (STILL CHAMPION) After the match, Donavon Dijak is waiting on the stage looking on as Prince Nana stands beside him. Shibata is standing face to face with Fish, and is asking him for a rematch. / Back at the commentary table. ROH matchmaker, Nigel McGuinness says he would love to see that match one more time but changes the subject. He announces that next week, The 1 year suspension of Steve Corino is up and that he will return to the commentary desk. Kevin Kelly is pleased, This ends the show.
The show opens with a video recap of Dario Cueto's release from prison last week. His hiring of Mascarita Sagrada and firing at Ultima Lucha Dos. Where he introduced his new client, Dr. Wagner Jr. / Footage is shown from police headquarters. The footage is labeled as being directly after the ending of Ultima Lucha Dos Part 2. The night where Dario Cueto was recorded murdering undercover informant "Mr. Cisco". Undercover agents, Joey Ryan and Cortez Castro are in a room with LAPD Captain Vasquez and they are listening in to the murder. Once the wire tap recording of the murder ends. Cortez tells the Captain that they have Cueto now for murder and they are going to go arrest him. Captain Vasquez says that the case is bigger than just a street thug getting killed. Which upsets Cortez since Cisco was his friend and tag team partner. Joey Ryan laughs at Cortez for having feelings for Cisco and they start fighting in the room. After the scuffle, Vasquez tells "Detective Reyes" that this case is more important than Cortez getting justice. That there is a war coming. An angry Cortez leaves the room as the footage ends. / In the temple, The commentary team welcomes all to Lucha Underground. / Melissa Santos is interrupted by Famous B. He says she is not famous enough to introduce his client. Famous B introduces Dr. Wagner as The Surgeon of Suffering and also introduces his nurse Brenda. / DR. WAGNER JR DEFEATED MASCARITA SAGRADA JR, After the match, Famous B gets a stethoscope from Nurse Brenda and checks on Sagrada. / A vignette airs, Named "A millennia ago". An Aztec child is being rushed into the hut of an old Aztec Warrior. While an Aztec guard waits outside. The young female Aztec is in the hut and calls out to her ailing father. The father tells his daughter that it is too late for him. That his daughter must now lead the fight against the gods. The Aztec father tells his daughter that there is a war coming and that the war is more important than all of them. As he is grasping for every breath, He hands his daughter an amulet that is called The "Piedra Immortal". He says that the amulet's power only works on females. Which is why his daughter must take it. The daughter asks her father what the amulet is and does. The father says that once she becomes a woman. She will never grow old. That she will never die and will be immortal. The father then tells her daughter that even if it takes a thousand years that this war is too important to lose. As the father is dying, His last plea to his daughter is that she understands what he has just told her. After saying no momentarily. The daughter says she understands as her father passes away. / Back at LAPD headquarters, The night of Ultima Lucha Dos Part III. Captain Vasquez is shown holding that amulet in her hands and staring at it. The circular amulet is now split in half. As Detective Cortez walks into the captain's room. She quickly hides the amulet. Cortez informs Vasquez that it took a week of work for him but that Dario Cueto is going down for his murder of Mr. Cisco. The captain says that the audio tape of Cisco's murder at the hands of Cueto has made it into the hands of The commissioner's office. Authorities are now on their way to the temple to arrest Cueto. Cortez is pleased with this news that Cueto is headed to jail but Captain Vasquez isn't. She says that Dario was the link to leading them to their true enemies. Vasquez says that Cortez has been in the temple and that he had first hand knowledge of all the secrets in that Temple that Dario has been hiding. Because of Cortez's actions leading to Dario's arrest. Captain Vasquez decides to suspend Detective Cortez from the department. He is told that he can return, only when he gets his priorities in order and decides which side of the war he wants to be on. / MIL MUERTES DEFEATED ARGENIS, After the match, Katrina gives Argenis the lick of death. Prince Puma is on the scene and attacks Muertes. Muertes eventually is led by Katrina away from the ring and arena. / Footage is shown from what transpired last week, Dario Cueto is entering his office for the first time after being released from prison. As he looks around, He turns to find Joey Ryan in his room. Cueto is startled and asks Ryan what he wants. Joey tells Dario that he knows that he killed Mr. Cisco. Tells him not to worry because he is a friend. Joey reveals to Dario that he is a cop. Cueto responds by saying "You have some pretty big huevos to come in here and tell me that". Ryan says he wants to be on the side of the war, that is going to win. He wants to be on Cueto's side. Ryan offers to be a double agent for Cueto. Says that he has been covering for Dario all along and that his idiotic partner almost ruined it. Dario curiously asks who Ryan's partner is. Ryan reveals that it is Cortez Castro. Dario is stunned by this news. Sitting in silence. Ryan extends his hand towards Cueto to seal the deal. Dario asks Ryan why he is doing that. Ryan says he is not doing this out of the goodness of his heart but because he has child support to pay. Cueto hands over Ryan money as the segment ends. / Back in LAPD headquarters. Captain Vasquez is in her office as Detective Castro enters to her surprise. Cortez tells Vasquez that he has made a decision and that he wants to be on her side in the upcoming war. Captain Vasquez smiles. She reinstates Cortez and tells him that he is now going back to the temple. As Castro leaves his Captain's room. She goes into her office drawer and looks at the amulet and smiles. Little does Castro and Vasquez know that Dario Cueto has now been informed that Castro is a cop. / WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION MATCH - KILLSHOT DEFEATED MARTY THE MOTH (Match Notes: Killshot reclaimed his dogtags from Marty when they fought on top of a ladder. / Marty's sister Mariposa tried to help him by knocking Killshot off of the ladder, But she ended up being kicked off and falling through a table.) This match filled the last half of the show. / Mil Muertes is backstage in the locker room repeatedly punching lockers and he knocks them all down. Katrina tells Muertes to stop as he screams that he wants Puma. Katrina tells Muertes that he will get Puma. That he needs to be patient. Katrina says she has waited hundred of years to get what she wants. She then pulls out an amulet that is broken in half, this ends the show.
WWE CWC FINALS - 14/09/2016
Show starts with a video reel narrated by Triple H looking at the final four participants. / CWC SEMI-FINAL MATCH #1 - GRAN METALIK DEFEATED ZACK SABRE JR / Tommaso Ciampa and Johnny Gargano are interviewed. When asked about Gargano's knee injury, Gargano says he’s 100% cleared and ready to rock and roll. Ciampa says no disrespect to Noam Dar or Cedric Alexander, but they only have one thing in mind - the Revival. They’re scared, that’s why they play the numbers game but they’re coming for the NXT tag team titles. / CWC SEMI-FINAL MATCH #2 - TJ PERKINS DEFEATED KOTA IBUSHI / Noam Dar and Cedric Alexander talk about their match against DIY (the new tag name for Gargano and Ciampa). Dar says they just need to be on the same page for the 1-2-3. Cedric says they know they’re the best two cruisers around, and tonight they’re going to show that they are the best in the world. / DIY (CIAMPA & GARGANO) DEFEATED CEDRIC ALEXANDER & NOAM DAR / William Regal is invited to the ring, He talks about his involvement in this tournament. He said Triple H picked him to find the best, and he exceeded their expectations. He mentions how he was trained by Rollerball Rocco and Marty Jones and saw Tiger Mask before he was Tiger Mask. He puts over the cruiserweights of the new millennium, saying they’re strikers, submission artists, grapplers and more. / Before the main event starts, Triple H comes out and says tonight history will be made. Right now you see two of the best in the world. But we’re not looking for two - we’re looking for one, THE one. We are looking for the one will be known as the best in the world. We are looking for the one who will win the Cruiserweight Classic. we are looking for the one who will be the new cruiserweight champion. Triple H reveals the new title and shakes both men's hands as the match will now not only be for the trophy, but for the revitalised Cruiserweight championship. / WWE CWC FINAL - WWE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP - TJ PERKINS DEFEATED GRAN METALIK (NEW CHAMPION) After the match, TJ says he wears a key around his keychain, back to a place he couldn’t go back to, but now he is no longer is wearing it as it is a place he never has to go back to. During that time he searched for something like this, and means the world for him to inspire someone else. This is bigger than me, this is not one person. This is 32 people, all of them. Tonight, at the end of this, all of them are his heroes. This is for everyone.
David Finlay Defeated Henare
(Note: David Finlay debuted a new look and a new finisher.)
Yujiro Takahashi & Chase Owens Defeated Yoshitatsu & Captain New Japan
After the match, Yoshitatsu gave the feeling that he was tired of losing, He needed more help from Captain, He then said that he would leave it up to the fans if they should continue teaming by voting in a Twitter poll.
Eight Man Tag Team Match
Jushin "Thunder" Liger, Satoshi Kojima, Hiroyoshi Tenzan, & Ryusuke Taguchi Defeated Will Ospreay, Rocky Romero, Gedo, & Baretta
Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Honma Defeated Yuji Nagata & Manabu Nakanishi
EVIL Defeated Juice Robinson
ReDragon Defeated Tiger Mask & Katsuyori Shibata
Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii, Kazuchika Okada, & YOSHI-HASHI Defeated The Bullet Club (Guerillas of Destiny, Kenny Omega, & Bad Luck Fale)
BUSHI, Tetsuya Naito, & SANADA Defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi, Michael Elgin, & KUSHIDA
(Match Notes: The BUSHI that came to the ring was an inposter, and sat at ringside and did nothing to help his team, then the real BUSHI came down and cleared house and eventuallly won the match for his team.)
After the match, BUSHI cut a promo but didn’t reveal who the new Los Ingobernables member was.
Roppongi Vice Defeated David Finlay & Henare
Manabu Nakanishi & Yuji Nagata Defeated Captain New Japan & Yoshitatsu
(Match Notes: Yoshitatsu's frustration continues to build as CNJ loses again.)
Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma & Tiger Mask Defeated Jushin Liger, Satoshi Kojima & Hiroyoshi Tenzan
Tomohiro Ishii, Hirooki Goto & Gedo Defeated The Bullet Club (Chase Owens, Tama Tonga & Tanga Roa)
Kyle O’Reilly Defeated Juice Robinson
YOSHI-HASHI, Kazuchika Okada & Will Ospreay Defeated The Bullet Club (Yujiro Takahashi, Kenny Omega & Bad Luck Fale)
After the match, Fale attacked Okada from behind, He tried to hit his finisher but was prevented and the heels scarpered from the ring. After that, YOSHI-HASHI cut a promo.
Michael Elgin, Hiroshi Tanahashi & Ryusuke Taguchi Defeated Tetsuya Naito, EVIL & SANADA
After the match, Naito attacked and wore down Elgin's leg.
Katsuyori Shibata (c) Defeated Bobby Fish (Still Champion)
After the match, Kyle O'Reilly came to the ring and made it clear he’s next in line for a title shot. Shibata responded with a kick followed by staredown. Shibata then cut a promo sealing the deal.
BUSHI Defeated KUSHIDA (c) (New Champion)
(Match notes: The mystery member of Los Ingobernables that appeared last week assisted in BUSHI becoming new champion, along with lots of other interference.)
NOVA - ONE CRAZY SUMMER - 14/09/2016
Ken Dixon makes his way to the ring for the pre-show match. He’s scheduled to face Bobby Shields. Shields comes out and says he doesn't deserve to be on the pre-show. So Sage Phillips is his replacement.
Ken Dixon Defeated Sage Phillips
Tracer X Defeated Rayo (w/Brandon Greene)
Reed Bentley and Dan O’Hare Defeated Frankie Pickard and Mecha Mercenary
After the match, Reed and Dan continue to beat down Frankie and Mecha.
Winner faces Mia Yim (aka TNA's Jade) next month
Britany Blake Defeated Samantha Heights
Arik Royal Defeated Tracy Williams
No Disqualification Match
Brandon Day Defeated Tim Donst
(Match Notes: Donst passed out after being choked with the chain)
Cedric Alexander (c) Defeated Shane Strickland (Still Champion)
Cutie and the Beast (Beau Crockett and Innocent Isaiah) Defeated The Beauty and the Beast (Rob Matter and Stevie Fierce)
Six Man Tag Team Match
Logan Easton LaRoux, Bobby Shields, and Alexander James Defeated Sonjay Dutt, John Kermon, and Big Sean Studd
After the match, LaRoux starts attacking the ringside staff members. He removes the ring canvas, exposing the wood beneath. LaRoux hits Dutt with another ace crusher onto the exposed part of the ring. They will face off in a cage match next month
HOUSE OF HARDCORE 17 - 16/09/2016
Matt Striker Defeated Alex Reynolds
WeeLC Match
El Torito Defeated Swoggle
Brian Myers Defeated Pat Buck
Broken Matt Hardy (w/Senor Benjamin & Reby Hardy) Defeated Aron Rex
Ricochet Defeated Tony Nese
Rhino Defeated Tommy Dreamer
(Match Notes: Pete Gas interfered and Sandman returned to make the save and cane him.)
HOUSE OF HARDCORE 18 - 17/09/2016
Robbie E Defeated Lance Anoa’i
Triple Threat Elimination Match
Alex Reynolds Defeated Pat Buck and John Silver
Vik Dalishus, TJ Marconi, & Eddie Kingston Defeated Team Tremendous (Dan Barry and Bill Carr) and Connor Braxton
Chris Hero Defeated Tony Nese
Brian Myers & Swoggle Defeated “The Underground Luchador” & Mascarita Dorada
Ricochet Defeated Sami Callihan
Broken Matt Hardy (w/Reby & Senor Benjamin) Defeated Tommy Dreamer
After the match, Bully Ray (Bubba Ray Dudley) returned to House of Hardcore to save Dreamer from Matt Hardy who tried to set Dreamer on fire after the match had finished. When Matt escaped the ring, Bully cut a promo. Here are some of the highlights; Bully shouted at Matt "How would you like for me to show up at the Impact Zone?, I've burned that place to the ground once, and I'd do it again. I already put your boss through a table, and don't think I wouldn't do the same thing to your wife and your son."
Rey Horus Defeated Prince Mustafa Ali (Referee called the match off)
(Match Notes: The match was called off due to Ali getting legitimately knocked out.)
Davey Vega & Mat Fitchett Defeated OI4K
(Match Notes: Homicide interfered and cost OI4K the match.)
Josh Alexander Defeated Drew Gulak
Intergender Tag Team Match
LoveLee (Heidi Lovelace & Kimber Lee) Defeated The Hooligans
A huge brawl breaks between Markus Crane, Several AAW talents, Jessicka Havok, Homicide & Kongo Kong.
Hardcore Match
Sami Callihan Defeated Abyss
Andrew Everett, Trevor Lee & Jack Evans Defeated Moose, Dezmond Xavier & AR Fox
Prince Ali came out and apologised to the fans and said in his entire career he’s never walked out on a match for any reason, and he hates that tonight was the first time. He said we deserved more. Ali said he has a “minor” concussion, and that he should be back in a couple of weeks. Horus came out and said they were going to have a rematch down the line. As Ali left, Sami Callihan ran out and attacked Horus. He cut a promo about Pentagon Jr being the best and the only one in AAW that deserved a title shot. He had Fenix’s mask around his neck on a rope, from when he took it at the last show. He called out Pentagon and said he took his kid brother’s mask, and now he’s going to take the mask of Dragon Azteca too, on his way to the championship and the real prize, Pentagon’s mask. He and Horus (aka Azteca) fought back but Callihan laid him out then took his mask. Sami put on the Horus mask with the other dangling around his neck.
Jeff Cobb Defeated Mathew Riddle
Fenix Defeated Chris Hero
After the match, Hero gave a passionate speech about Fenix and the future of pro wrestling. He praised AAW as some of the best wrestling in the world, with the best wrestlers on the planet, and said that no matter what, no matter how much he weighs or the people that criticise that, Chris Hero still holds his own. Fenix got emotional as well, and said that he was crying because Hero is his hero in professional wrestling, and it was his dream to come to AAW and wrestle this match against his hero, and he never thought in a million years he would be here in Chicago doing it. They embraced to end the show.)
CMLL - ARENA MEXICO - 16/09/2016
Two out of Three Falls Six Woman Tag Team Match
Marcela, Estrellita & Sanely Defeated Amapola, La Jarochita & La Metalica
(Match Notes: 1st Fall won by Marcela, Estrellita & Sanely / 2nd Fall won by Amapola, La Jarochita & La Metalica / 3rd and Final fall won by Marcela, Estrellita & Sanely)
Two out of Three Falls Six Man Tag Team Match
Blue Panther, Kahoz & Negro Navarro Defeated Solar, Mano Negro & Super Astro
(Match Notes: 1st Fall won by Solar, Mano Negro & Super Astro / 2nd Fall won by Blue Panther, Kahoz & Negro Navarro / 3rd and Final fall won by Blue Panther, Kahoz & Negro Navarro)
Two out of Three Falls Six Man Tag Team Match
Atlantis, Mascara Sagrada & El Fantasma Defeated Negro Casas, Satanico & Fuerza Guerrera
Lightning Match
El Valiente Defeated Barbaro Cavernario
(Note: Mascara Dorada was replaced by Valiente.)
Two out of Three Falls Six Man Tag Team Match
Ultimo Guerrero, Euforia & Matt Taven Defeated Los Ingobernables (Rush, Rey Escorpion & Pierroth)(Match Notes: 1st Fall won by Los Ingobernables / 2nd Fall won by Ultimo Guerrero, Euforia & Matt Taven / 3rd and Final fall won by Ultimo Guerrero, Euforia & Matt Taven)
Rush Versus Matt Taven is set for next week in Arena Mexico.
Rayo De Jalisco Jr, Dos Caras & Canek Defeated Los Hermanos Dinamita (Cien Caras, Mascara Ano 2000 & Universo 2000)
(Match Notes: 1st Fall won by Los Hermanos Dinamita / 2nd Fall won by Rayo De Jalisco Jr, Dos Caras & Canek / 3rd and Final fall won by Rayo De Jalisco Jr, Dos Caras & Canek).
ROH RELOADED TOUR (Lockport NY) - 17/09/2016
The Briscoes Defeated Colt Cabana & Dalton Castle
Triple Threat Match
Christopher Daniels Defeated Chris Sabin and Matt Jackson
Triple Threat Match
Alex Shelley Defeated Nick Jackson and Frankie Kazarian
The Cabinet (Kenny King, Rhett Titus, Caprice Coleman) Defeated ACH, Jay White & Lio Rush
Jay Lethal Defeated Silas Young
Kamataichi Defeated Jonathan Gresham
Women of Honor
Taeler Hendrix & Jessicka Havok Defeated Deona Purrazzo and Mandy Leon
25 Man Honor Rumble Match for a future Title shot
Winner: Silas Young
(Match notes: Bull Dempsey made his ROH Debut in the Rumble)
After the rumble, Adam Cole came out and provoked Jay Lethal. The Young Bucks came out and everyone attacked Lethal until the Briscoes, Colt Cabana, and Dalton Castle came out to make the save for Lethal. This led to a match being made between Lethal and Cole.
Jay Lethal Defeated Adam Cole
Mark Andrews Defeated Scotty O’Shea
Mike Rollins Defeated Jack Gallagher
The London Riots (James Davis & Rob Lynch) Defeated The Overdogs (John Greed & Sebastian Suave)
Ladder Match
Kevin Bennett Defeated Facade
Evil Uno Defeated El Ligero
Zack Sabre Jr. defeated TARIK
Mark Haskins (c) Defeated Brent Banks (Still Champion)
- On facing Daniel Bryan early in his career: “People started to take notice of me more when I wrestled him. But also, when you’re in ring with someone so natural who understands professional wrestling so well like Daniel Bryan, you can’t help but have some of that rub off on you, When I was beginning my training, and was starting to absorb and study wrestling, he was someone who really stood out.”
- On the benefit of having Bryan calling commentary for the WWE Cruiserweight Classic: “I’ve been picking his brains about some stuff. He’s given me some good pointers. His commentary with Mauro Ranallo is remarkable. I love it. To have him involved in the project gives an authenticity to the fans, especially the kind of fans that were already invested in the idea of this tournament. But if you’re a fan who isn’t familiar with international wrestling, with independent and cruiserweight wrestling, I think having Daniel involved in this project is such a huge benefit.”
- On if he will go to NXT: “I think it’s definitely appealing. What NXT has become, I could definitely see myself in that environment. I would benefit from it. But I do have a personal journey as a professional wrestler that I want to travel. There are a lot of things I want to achieve. There are still some bits and pieces that I’ve got on coming up. I’m very happy doing what I’m doing now. I have other aspirations, so we’ll just see what happens.”
- On Facing Kurt Angle earlier this year: “It was an incredible experience. Kurt was a childhood hero of mine. I told my mum when the match was announced and she said, ‘Oh, you used to have a poster of him on your wall.’ When you think about his period in WWE, and the high level he became so quickly, it’s insane. As a fan of him first and foremost, I think it would be nice to see him finish out his career there definitely.”
- ITV World of Sport legend Johnny Kidd spoke to talkSPORT about how Sabre Jr is one of the hardiest wrestlers he has ever known, Sabre says “That’s a huge compliment. Johnny’s a genuine idol of mine, I cherish any time I’ve got to spend and train with him. Unfortunately, the last time I spent time and wrestled with him in December, he was complimenting me on how I’ve not had any injuries. But [my injury in June] was the first time I’ve ever had to take time off for wresting.”
- On the accident involving the jagged edge of a turnbuckle that could have ruined his chances in the WWE CWC: “I still stand by the fact I’ve never been injured of my own accord - the apparatus decided to turn on me. The inanimate object took grievance against me. But I was incredibly disappointed - I had to take a month off and it was a nerve-wracking time for me. My first match back was against Kurt Angle at York Hall [in London for Revolution Pro Wrestling]. Then the following day I flew to America for the beginning of the Cruiserweight Classic taping's. In hindsight, I was relieved that I didn’t miss out but I was very disappointed to miss out on Super Strong Style 16 [for PROGRESS Wrestling] and CHIKARA in Birmingham, as well as having to pull out of my first PWG title defence. I was very sad to miss out on seeing so many of my friends at those places. I remember thinking in the hospital how I was lucky I got my arm up because I was heading directly towards the turnbuckle. Instantly, I was glad that I hadn’t thrown myself into it like a nutter and ended up tearing my shoulder out. But I’m very lucky - a decade-plus career and I’ve only cut my arm once. The most impressive thing about cutting my arm though is linked to be me being a little bit OCD with cleanliness. I was wearing some really nice white amateur wrestling shoes underneath my shinguards. So there’s my arm squirting blood while I’m trying to come to terms with the fact I might be out of action for months and months - and could quite possibly have ruined my career. But I was really trying not to drip blood on my shoes. I got a couple of spots on the white part of my shinguard, but not a drop on my lovely white Adidas amateur wrestling shoes. The shinguards took a lot of cleaning, but that was a bit of a success in itself. I missed loads of important wrestling shows, but at least I didn’t stain my ring gear!”
- On being included in the CWC: "To be included in the tournament, [WWE] were obviously fans of the way I wrestled, But to their full credit, it is a huge... 'gamble' is the wrong word... it is an open-minded, expressive way for a company that only utilises contracted talents to bring in lots of independent, freelance guys. I can hand on heart say they couldn't have been more encouraging to everyone to wrestle and portray themselves in the light they want to. There's been real free rein with that. I feel I've been able to wrestle exactly the way I enjoy doing so. As far as reception, I was blown away by the [Facebook Live] introduction. I knew they'd be a smattering of fans that would know who I was, but I got such a huge reaction during that introductory parade, I was blown away."
- On his time with WWE: “I only have positive things to say about the experience and I’m really enjoying working at WWE’s production levels, The way I wrestle is very much for a live crowd, the experience of being part of such high levels of production and the staff at the Performance Centre, I really feel like it is accentuating what I’m doing. Hopefully people will see more of who I am as a wrestler. Before the first taping's, we had a couple of days of prep and we all had to do lots of interviews and photos and press and the WWE team were very reassuring in letting us know they’d put so much time and effort into the whole show. It was heartening [WWE] really wanted it to have a sports feel and a unique identity. They weren’t just doing it for the sake of it. I think they’ve spent years trying to get this idea off the ground and now they’re finally got it going, they weren’t going to half-arse it. And when the Bracketology show aired, there was no doubt it was going to be given respect. To have someone like Daniel Bryan, who is clearly so passionate about wrestling and understands what we’re trying to do with that kind of approach, on commentary has really added a credible element to it. It is still very much a wrestling show and WWE know to how produce television, but I think the way they’re approaching this has such a fresh feel, that is why it has resonated so well with fans.”
- On being tipped the top contender to win the CWC: "I do take it as a compliment, though."
- On who he might face in the finals, and who he'd like to face in the finals: "I guess it comes down the brackets, I believe that [Kota] Ibushi is on the other side. And as much as that's the most heralded pick, it would be fate to some degree because we've been scheduled to wrestle each other so many times over the years in Germany and England but it has just never happened. Part of me likes that a match that should have happened on the British indies could happen for the first time in a WWE ring."
- On his style and what fans expect from him: "I think it is kind of understandable bearing in mind what wrestling fans have come to expect, I don't see that as an illogical point for fans to make - but that was only on the basis of one match. As I progress through the tournament, people will be less focused on that and more on the way that I wrestle. Also, concerning the way I wrestle - if you think of wrestling as a niche form of entertainment - the way that I deliberately wrestle is kind of a subgenre of that, really.”
- On team SPLX: “When [Joel] decided to start a wrestling clothing brand, I was someone, and Dave [Mastiff] he knew from the scene. Obviously wrestling is entertainment - and no doubt about it - but we felt, as did the boss Joel, that that was misrepresented. When we started It had felt as if wrestling attire wasn’t what anyone quite had the confidence to be seen wearing. We all wanted to create something to be proud of as wrestling fans and to wear as a badge of honour as wrestlers, as credible clothing. Say if Im wearing a SPLX jacket on a train for example, it doesn’t scream ‘wrestling’. That’s why the logo is Japanese script - we’re not hiding away from it, but it is quite subtle allusion.”
On his wrestling: "I couldn't love wrestling more but I make a very conscious effort to not be completely carried away by it because it is very self-indulgent. It's not like I have a wrestling character that's a million miles away from myself. Professional wrestling is make believe and extravagant entertainment - over the top. So if you take a concept like technical wrestling, which is really about getting the most out of very intricate details and aspects, understandably it isn't going to be for everyone immediately. But I have great confidence in the way I wrestle should appeal to everyone. It is like saying if one of my favourite bands is Mogwai. I know countless people who'd be questioning where the vocals are. There is no right or wrong with wrestling, just because I receive some critical acclaim that doesn't mean fans can't dislike my style. A fan has every right to have an opinion. I think the problem now, in my opinion, through social media people are looked down on for having opinions. And if someone has a different opinion to me, they have every right to do so - I don't see that as anything they shouldn't have. Everything is almost a little too polite."
- On the art of Wrestling and what is should be: "Someone like Ken Loach... fifty years on and still passionate! I know that wrestling doesn't really cover social commentary in the same way that music and film does but it provides escapism for fans. I believe professional wrestling should be as its roots as working class entertainment. As a kid that grew up in a house where there wasn't a huge amount of money, I was never alienated from wrestling.".”
- On what he looks for during international tours: “I’m not young anymore so I really don’t go on these tours just for the thrill of travel. I look a lot at moves and different things guys do, think about whether they could work in Japan or how to make them work. And I look at wrestlers too, at who would be good in Japan, who we might want to bring over."
- On ROH Dalton Castle: "Right now, I’m really impressed by Dalton Castle. He’s come to Japan before, but he’s a guy that can really go far. He has this regal like character with his Boys, but you really watch him and everything he does is very crisp, he has a good look, has good facial expressions. He’s really on track to be the ace of ROH.”
- On what sets NJPW apart from other promotions: “We don’t lose out on match quality. We have great guys going up against great guys and there’s rarely a gap in levels that lets match quality down.
- On English commentary in NJPW: "I think English has been a hurdle. So we need to keep the English announcing thing going, like we did in Ryogoku. To an extent it transcends a language barrier, the action speaks for itself, the fans reactions speak for themselves, but we need to keep doing what we are doing and keep pushing it hard and find ways to push it hard to the audience, make sure everyone knows taht we have [New Japan] World, that it is accessible, that the action’s great and there is English announcing too. Just be really persistent about it.”
- On Ring of Honor star Jay White wanting to wrestle him: “I’m really happy to hear that, I am.. But, why me and not Okada? That’s my humility talking. Respect from fans is obviously a wonderful thing, but respect from your peers, your fellow wrestlers is the peak. When you have people saying they want to wrestle you, or team with you, it means so much. Being popular with fans is wonderful but that can come and go perhaps, but the respect of your peers is such a big thing.”
- On New Japan’s role internationally: “I want more of our roster to travel abroad and be seen by foreign fans, so that it isn’t just me or Okada or whomever. So I’d really like all of us to have an international tour, packaged as New Japan and not something else. It starts with people knowing what NJPW is. Knowing who our wrestlers are, what they do. People see a video or two and it makes matches so much more significant because they recognise people, moves, everything. That’s incredibly important work for [New Japan] World right now. It’s a natural direction to look more globally, and our talent to go through the dojo into our ring have a level of talent that makes them competitive on a global stage. So I really want us to broaden our horizons going forward.”

Through The Ropes Grand Slam Newsletter / Issue #8 Monday 19th September 2016
Written By the Through The Ropes Team / Next Issue: Monday 26th September 2016
This Issue is dedicated to Don Bass 1946 - 2016
