The sale of TNA Wrestling has been the main headline for weeks now, and and still we don't have our answer. However, Those who want to buy Total Non-stop Action Wrestling now have until 2017 to finalise a deal as an "unidentified third party" has invested into the funding for the Bound for Glory PPV and the next set of taping's that will last until 2017. Speaking of Bound for Glory, TNA legend's Awesome Kong, Taryn Terrell and Christy Hemme returned to the PPV to welcome Gail Kim into the TNA Hall of Fame. Alberto El Patron (fka Del Rio) no showed the AAA PPV Heroes Inmortales last night, which has upset management at AAA, as El Patron was the main event attraction. Here is the translated statement from AAA on the situation; "Lucha Libre AAA WorldWide announced that for reasons outside the company, Alberto "El Patron" was not presented to the role of Immortals Heroes X, which took just this afternoon. This despite having confirmed their attendance to the event in advance and even this morning.We regret the lack of commitment of Alberto, as he fails to Mexican public that has supported him throughout his career, to turn it into one of the leading figures of wrestling in Mexico and internationally.For Lucha Libre AAA Worldwide, it is important to offer the best shows of international quality, in addition to strengthening the Mexican wrestling is the best in the world and is a fundamental part of the culture of our country."
Former World Champion Mr Ken Anderson, and Former X Division Champion Shawn Daivari, Have launched their own Pro Wrestling school, Named The Academy: School of Pro Wrestling. It has received major praise from the sports biggest names, Such as Billy Gunn and Kurt Angle. Here is a segment of the official statement; "MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., September 26, 2016 - The Academy: School of Professional Wrestling will be opening its doors in the Twin Cities of Minnesota for its first class of students on November 1st 2016. The Academy is owned and operated by former WWE and TNA Impact Wrestling Superstars and champions Ken Anderson (a.k.a. Mr. Kennedy) and Shawn Daivari (a.k.a. Sheik Abdul Bashir). It's Ken and Shawn's goal to turn Minnesota back into breeding ground of the industry's top wrestlers such as Jesse "The Body" Ventura, Sean "X-Pac" Waltman, The Road Warriors Hawk & Animal, Jerry Lynn and many more. Anderson and Daivari have also brought into The Academy former WWE Women's Champion Molly Holly (WWE, WCW, New-Japan), Arik Cannon (ROH, PWG, Dragon Gate) and Ariya Daivari (WWE Cruiserweight Classic, NXT, ROH) to help assist with training as coaches." / Devon Dudley is now working for the WWE as a backstage Agent. Vince McMahon is solidly behind the idea and is pushing for Paul Heyman to have more backstage input and creative control over not just his own character, as WWE creative now-a-days are mostly a team of Hollywood writers with no Wrestling experience at all. / A Seth Rollins turn is under serious consideration as down the line, Plans are for Rollins' character to be in no doubt as to whether he is a face or a heel, as he currently is a tweener, Where he is showing both signs of both Face and Heel characteristics. / WWE has released Hugo Knox from his NXT contract. Knox revealed that it was an mutually agreed split from the company. / Cody Rhodes, Made his TNA debut this past Sunday at Bound for Glory, and is scheduled to to work a program with "The Miracle" Mike Bennett. He will work the next set of TNA taping's, and then is going to work with ROH for the rest of year onwards and then work with NJPW in 2017. The Hardy Brothers are content with finishing their careers off in TNA Wrestling, as both Matt and Jeff confirmed in a recent interview that they are happy where they are in TNA; Matt said "I am absolutely fulfilled working with Impact Wrestling. I am absolutely fulfilled if I never wrestle another day in my life. Right now, I'm in a position where I can give back and I can fight the Great War and not just literally, but figuratively. There are many things in the wrestling industry that needs to change and that is one of the things I am aiming to do day in and day out currently. The Great War doesn't just affect Impact Wrestling. It stretches to the Honorable Ring, the New Wrestling in Japan, the subterranean Lucha and the Vince Meekmahan show. We have to make sure this wonderful art form and wonderful magic known as pro wrestling continues to survive and thrive. It has to evolve in many, many ways because currently it isn't. Once my broken condition manifested, it has been a wonderful thing. Since the Final Deletion and Delete or Decay, every single week there's been more viewers coming back to Impact Wrestling and watching it for the first time and even the casual fans are tuning in. For the longest time, it was the diehard group of fans that would tune in each and every week. They were always there and usually negative in many ways as you guys know. You guys are on the Twitters and the Facebook and the social media platforms. Now the tide has turned some. That is something I'm looking to do, like incorporate things that can have the casual fans come back in and that is paramount for the business. We have to bring casual fans back to it. The casual fans have gone away ever since WCW was acquired by WWE, and that is something we must avoid at all costs. We won't have the awe and the magic of professional wrestling to continue to thrive." and Jeff said "I feel like we've been there and done that a long time ago, but it could be done again. For right now, I kind of feel like we are at the top of our game and we are almost too good for that. Although they rule the world as the dominant company, I love what we are doing right now in TNA and I want to continue this as long as we can." WWE Has announced that the annual Royal Rumble will return to the former home of the legendary "Heart Break Kid" Shawn Michaels, in San Antonio, Texas on 29th January 2017. / WWE Superstar Paige is considering neck surgery, She has suffered nerve damage, which can cause loss of feeling in arms due to the nervous system being affected, As well as causing her problems in her back and neck, which is sign of severe damage for it to cause problems in a chain like reaction through the back and shoulders. Operations on the back or neck is always risky, But we wish Paige nothing but the best in the decisions she takes. / WWE Has released former winner of the Tough Enough program, Sara Lee, Who by-the-by is expecting her first child with NXT star Wesley Blake. Aswell as this shocker release, Comes the release of Carolyn "CJ" Dunning from NXT. / Former World Tag Team Champion and High Flying Darewolf, PJ Black (fka Justin Gabriel) has injured himself during a base jumping session in his home of South Africa. Black has broken both of his ankles. We wish him the best and a healthy recovery.
RAW Episode Aired: 26/09/2016 The Show starts with The new United States Champion Roman Reigns kicking off RAW with a rematch of the Clash of Champions rematch with Rusev for the US title. UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP - ROMAN REIGNS (c) VS RUSEV (W/LANA) ENDS IN DOUBLE COUNTOUT, (Match Notes: Roman was beating down Rusev outside of the ring, Throwing him into the ring steps, Then knocked Rusev over the fan barricade as the referee counted to ten and waved the match as a draw.), After the match, The fight between Reigns and Rusev continues as it heads back to ringside. Reigns and Rusev are back in the ring with a chair, but Rusev fails to use it and Reigns floors him. Reigns sits down in the chair with his title looking at the fallen Rusev. Then Reigns goes to hit Rusev with the chair, but Rusev escapes with Lana. / Mick Foley addresses the controversial finish to the Best of Seven Series between Sheamus and Cesaro that failed to determine a true winner at Clash of Champions. Mick Foley brings out both men, and They bicker over who is the tougher man and who deserves the title shot. Then Foley says both men deserve a title shot, and they will have a shot at the WWE Tag Team Championships. The team of Cesaro and Sheamus will face the winners of this next Championship match. Cesaro and Sheamus are not happy at this decision. / WWE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS - THE NEW DAY (E & KOFI) (c) DEFEATED LUKE GALLOWS & KARL ANDERSON / Highlights of the main event of Clash of Champions between Owens and Rollins. Michael Cole reveals that Seth Rollins was injured during the main event. Seth has a broken rib, and is not medically cleared to compete here tonight. / Backstage, Sheamus and Cesaro are bickering about Foley's call. Mick Foley walked in and says they stole the show at COC and they proved seven matches were not enough. Foley can't risk an eighth match as he may risk losing on of them, but hypes the future of the tag division with them as a coheisive unit. Foley asks them to give it a chance. / BAYLEY DEFEATED ANNA FIELDS, After the match, Byron Saxton interviewed Bayley. She shows respect for Sasha and Charlotte for proving that they are the top two in the business at COC. She says her journey is only just beginning and the fans are along for the ride with her. / Backstage, Stephanie McMahon is questioned by Foley for what happened in the main event and her walking off with Triple H. She defends her actions, then reminds Foley that it was his doing. She reminds him of his duties, To keep control of what happens in the ring. She says his position as General Manager is under question and he needs to prove he is right for the job. / RICH SWANN & CEDRIC ALEXANDER DEFEATED LINCE DORADO & DREW GULAK / CESARO & SHEAMUS DEFEATED NICK CUTLER & WILLIS WILLIAMS, (Match Notes: Sheamus and Cesaro have zero chemistry and Sheamus refused to even let Cesaro tag him in by jumping off the apron when Cesaro went for a tag.) / Backstage interview, TJ Perkins talks about living his dream he's had since 1998. Brian Kendrick interrupts and belittles TJ and says that he owes him the title. Kendrick tells Perkins to go out there and enjoy himself while he can because the next time they meet, Perkins will be waking up from that dream. / Inring segment with Charlotte accompanied by Dana Brooke. Charlotte hypes herself up after her win at Clash of Champions over Banks and Bayley. She says that is the difference between her and her opponents, she doesn't just talk the talk, she walks the walk. She calls herself the queen of the womens division. She says she isn't the huggable Bayley or the Internet Darling Sasha, She is the face of the division and the money maker. Sasha interrupts her. She reminds Charlotte that she only pinned Bayley at COC, not her. She says the title is still hers. Charlotte then takes off her flashy robe and teases a title match with Banks right now, but she says it will be next week instead. Sasha then slaps Charlotte and she drops to the ground. Then Dana tried to attack but gets dropped also. Banks holds the ring whilst the heels flee. / Backstage, Foley is with Seth and checks up on him. Seth says nothing will stop him from hijacking the Highlight Reel tonight, to which Foley tells him it is not the time. Seth says he saw Stephanie get into Triple H's limo last night and he's not going to sit here and listen to Owens brag about what happened. Seth he hears Steph's words from Foley's mouth. / TJ PERKINS DEFEATED TONY NESE / HIGHLIGHT REEL W/ JERICHO & OWENS. Jericho firstly mentions that Ashton Kutcher and Danny Masterson will be on RAW next week in Los Angeles. He warns them that they may end up on his list. Then Y2J introduces his Best friend Kevin Owens. Owens comes out and kisses up to Jericho on the setup. Owens talks about Seth being the most dangerous man in WWE, But at Clash of Champions, Owens became the most dangerous man. Seth Rollins comes out, closely followed by Security and then Mick Foley. Owens and Y2J mock Seth from in the ring as Rollins is forced to head to the back. Just as he heads to the back, Enzo and Big Cass come out. They do their schtick, Then Jericho adds them to the list. Some backfiring of words followed by Foley announcing that Enzo and Cass will face Owens and Jericho in a tag team match. CHRIS JERICHO & KEVIN OWENS DEFEATED ENZO & BIG CASS. The show ends with Jericho and Owens showing off as the victors.
SMACKDOWN Episode Aired: 27/09/2016 The show starts with Randy Orton in the ring. He addresses the Bray Wyatt situation. He says Bray is acting this way because he is afraid. Orton sympathises with Wyatt's fear, and says people are affraid of many things, Such as heights, Spiders, and Snakes! He says Wyatt is afraid of him. Hes tired of the sneak attacks and wants Wyatt to meet him face to face, and face his fears. Wyatt is backstage in a dark hidden place, He claims he is god and this is his world. He rules the world and Orton doesn't call the shots. He turns an hour glass over, and says the sands of time wait for no man, and starts singing the whole worlds in his hands. Orton has had enough and heads to the back to find Wyatt. / Backstage, Dean Ambrose is asked by Charly Caruso what he's thinking of. He says this is a PG show, so he can't say. But he talks about Cena. He says his win over him last week is old news, just like Cena is. He then says that he will turn the face that runs the place into the guy thats going to cry when he takes back the WWE World Championship tonight. / THE USO'S & THE ASCENSION DEFEATED HEATH SLATER, RHYNO & AMERICAN ALPHA / Backstage, John Cena is asked by Charly for some comments, and he says he will be at ringside for tonights main event, and will be watching closely. He will be preparing to make history at No Mercy, and say the 16 time World Champion, Is here! / Backstage, Miz and Maryse are putting a photo of Miz over the top of a photo of LeBron James, for his homecoming celebration tonight. / Randy Orton's hunt for Wyatt continues. He starts walking down a set up pathway created by Wyatt and makes a wrong turn and meets Erick Rowan. Wyatt says Orton was never any good at following directions. The clock is still ticking away. / NATALYA & CARMELLA DEFEATED NIKKI BELLA & NAOMI / The hunt continues. Randy is faced with several puzzles ahead of him and several options. But he turns back and leaves. / The Cleveland homecoming for the WWE Intercontinental Champion The Miz and Maryse. The ring is all glammed up with red carpet and Miz photos littered around. Miz, after an even grander than usual introduction by Maryse, States he is home. He is annoyed at the fact that the Cleveland Cavaliers get a huge party for winning the NBA championship, and this is the best he gets. He runs down LeBron James and the fans. Miz then runs down Dolph Ziggler's parents who are at ringside. He says it must be tough on them, knowing that they have raised a world class loser. Dolph quickly responds and heads to the ring. Miz and Ziggler trade insults, Ziggler states clearly that Miz cheated him out of the title. Miz then owns Dolph's entire career, Saying all he does is lose, lose and lose. he says he'd be embarassed if it was his career. Miz refuses a one more title shot for Ziggler, and says he has nothing left to take from Dolph but his career. Miz leaves the ring, Then Dolph replies that wrestling is all he has. And he cuts a passionate promo on his career and wanting to be more. But he says if Miz will give him one more shot at No Mercy, he will put up his career on the line also. Miz heads back into the ring, he questions Doph if he will actually leave if he wins. Dolph assures him, and says he either wins the IC title, or he is finished in WWE. / Bray Wyatt warns Orton to be careful as he's watching. / In the arena, SmackDown Women's champion Becky Lynch is heading to the ring but is ambushed from behind by Alexa Bliss. Alexa picks up the title and says Lynch doesn't deserve it. / A big announcement from Curt Hawkins next week. / Backstage, Wyatt asks where Orton is and calls him a coward. He thinks Rowan is behind him, but it is Orton behind the mask, He attacks and beats down Wyatt. Orton then puts the mask back on and sings World in his hands to the floored Wyatt. / Backstage, AJ Styles is asked by Charly for some comments. He says he is much bigger than the debate and is more grand than the debate. He says he has already beat up John Cena and Dean Ambrose before to get to where he is now. He says he's going to beat up Ambrose again to stay champion. / John Cena comes out to join the commentary team for the main event. WWE WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP - AJ STYLES (c) DEFEATED DEAN AMBROSE (STILL CHAMPION) (Match Notes: When the match goes outside, AJ Styles blindsides John Cena. This provokes Cena, Who jumps up on the apron. This happens whilst Ambrose is pinning AJ. Ambrose is furious with Cena, and as Ambrose is distracted AJ with a schoolboy wins the match.), After the match, Cena gets in the ring and he and Ambrose are arguing. Dean goes for a Dirty deeds on Cena but gets hit with an AA. AJ then tried to hit Cena but he is also hit with an AA. Cena stands tall over the fallen Ambrose and Styles as the show ends.
NXT Episode Aired: 28/09/2016 GM William Regal in an empty arena announces the return of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic. It will begin next week and the finale will occur at NXT TakeOver: Toronto. / The show kicks off with an opener match. TYE DILLINGER DEFEATED ANGELO DAWKINS, After the match, Bobby Roode comes out and gives Tye a rating for his performance. He says he was impressive, But with Roode's guidance, he can be perfect. Roode proposes Tye becomes his tag partner for the DRTTC tourney. Tye accepts. / Backstage, Hideo Itami talks about his opponent for tonight, Lince Dorado. Hideo praises Dorado, But as for Aries, He says he may need to put him to sleep again. / THE REVIVAL VERSUS THE EALY BROTHERS ENDS IN A NO CONTEST, (Match Notes: Just as the match starts, Samoa Joe runs in and flattens the Ealy Brothers.), After the match, Joe claims these two are just the first victims of his wrath unless William Regal returns the NXT title to him. As Joe leaves, He slams one of the brothers into the ring stairs. / EMBER MOON DEFEATED MANDY ROSE / Backstage, DIY say they have a checklist of things to accomplish. One, Enter and win the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic, Two, Defeat The Revival, and Three, Win back the NXT Tag Team Championships. / Dan Matha promo vignette. / THE AUTHORS OF PAIN DEFEATED LOCAL TALENTS, After the match, Paul Ellering declares that stage One is complete, the arrival of the Authors. Stage two is now in affect, A plethora of pain. / Sanity Vignette. / GM Regal still hasn't figured out what to do regarding the Samoa Joe situation, But has it all worked out regarding the DRTTC tourney. Former tag team champions Blake and Murphy walk upto GM Regal, they are bickering as he sends them away. / ASUKA DEFEATED LIV MORGAN, After the match, Asuka says who's next, but says no one is ready for her. / HIDEO ITAMI DEFEATED LINCE DORADO, After the match, Austin Aries comes to the ring and attacks Hideo, But Hideo managed to fight back and Aries bails the ring and heads to the ramp as Hideo was going for a GTS. The show ends with Hideo holding the ring.
ROH TV Episode Aired: 28/09/2016 The show starts with a hype for All Star Extravaganza, and a look at tonight's ROH TV main event. / "THE LAST REAL MAN" SILAS YOUNG DEFEATED TORU YANO (Match Notes: Silas played the Yano playbook, and threw Yano into the exposed turnbuckle, Hit a lowblow and held onto the tights to win the match.), After the match, Silas isn't satisfied with just a victory, so he starts attacking Yano. The Briscoe's come out to make the save for Yano. / The Briscoe's and Toru Yano will face Kushida, ACH and Jay White at All Star Extravaganza. / Kevin Kelly at ringside, Hypes the Ladder War 6 match between The Addiction, The Young Bucks and The Motor City Machine Guns. Kelly then introduces an emotional response from Christopher Daniels. Daniels hits home that he is a "horrible" husband and father. And that the thing he is good at is Pro Wrestling. He says he will do anything to hold on to the World Tag Team Championships when he and Frankie [Kazarian] defend against The Bucks and The Guns. Daniels talks about how an aathlete suffers two deaths, and he tells time to f*** Off. He says he will not succumb to history and cliches. / "THE PUNISHMENT" DAMIAN MARTINEZ (W/KEVIN SULLIVAN & BJ WHITMER) DEFEATED CHEESEBURGER (Match Notes: Steve Corino is complaining to Kevin Sullivan about hm choosing Whitmer over him. Sullivan says that he chose Whitmer because he gave him the reincarnation of Purple Haze in Martinez.), After the match, Sullivan and Corino are still bickering. Sullivan referrs to Corino by his spiritual name. He challenges Corino to go and help Cheesburger. Corino doesn't help. Sullivan berates Corino for not helping him. Then Will Ferrara runs out and makes the save for Cheesburger, But he gets flattened by Martinez also. / Adam Cole promo. He hypes the upcoming main event. He calls Elgin and Tanahashi wishful thinking, as both wish they can be World Champion. Cole says the Bullet Club will make an example out of Tanahashi and Elgin tonight in the ROH TV main event. / Back at Ringside, Steve Corino, Looking upset. has the golden spike in his hands that was used to defeat him at the Best in the World PPV. Kelly asks him why Whitmer would give him it, and Corino says that he would have to meet Whitmer in the desert. Kelly then informs us that during the break, Whitmer went on a rant in the ring, Telling Corino to forgo his name and revert into the evil spirit he was intended to be. He says that He and Sullivan are the salvation for Corino and he could be theirs. / Bobby Fish promo. Fish warns Dijak that he is going to be filled with regret the day after All Star Extravaganza. / Jay Lethal promo, He talks about his climb back to the top of ROH and the revenge he seeks against Naito. / An Adam Cole promo. He talks about his history with Michael Elgin going back to their debut's in Ring Of Honor in 2010. Cole talks about how he used to respect Elgin until Elgin beat him for The ROH Championship. Adam Cole brags about not quiting, and how he stayed in ROH and reclaimed his rightful spot on the top while Elgin ran off to New Japan. Adam Cole promises to stay ROH World Champion. / Kyle O'Reilly joins the commentary team for the ROH TV Main event. ROH TV MAIN EVENT - MICHAEL ELGIN & HIROSHI TANAHASHI DEFEATED THE BULLET CLUB (ADAM COLE & HANGMAN PAGE), After the match, a staredown between Adam Cole and Michael Elgin ends the Show.
LUCHA UNDERGROUND Episode Aired: 28/09/2016 The show starts with a highlight package of the previous episodes. / Now, Dario Cueto heads into the lockeroom to talk to Sexy Star. She is clutching her Gift of the Gods Championship. Dario says to her that she looks worried after his brother Matanza injured The Mack last week. He mocks her and asks if she's afraid for herself or her friend. She says she will never be afraid again. Dario makes a proposition to Star, Either she can continue to defend her title until she eventually loses it, or prove shes not afraid and fight for the Lucha Underground Championship against his brother Matanza. he says not to worry, as the match isn't happening tonight, But she will be competing tonight. She will team up with the Trios Champions against Worldwide Underground. As Dario leaves the lockeroom, Johnny Mundo runs by calling for Taya. he stops as he notices Sexy Star, He says that after all this time, he hasn't introduced himself to her. He greets her and says he will be the next Gift of the Gods Champion. This starts a tense stareoff between the two. As he leaves, Star blasts the locker with he foot in anger. / In the temple, Matt Striker welcomes all to the show. / PRINCE PUMA DEFEATED SINESTRO DE LA MUERTE, (Match Notes: During the match, Mil Muertes along with Caterina came down to the ring. Muertes charged in to spear Puma but missed and wound up being sent through the ropes.), After the match, Prince Puma flies out of the ring and nails Muertes. Caterina then retreats along with Mil as Puma holds the ring. / Cortez Castro is in Dario Cueto's office. He refers to Cueto as boss as he asks why Dario wanted to see him. Cueto comes over and hugs him strongly. He says to Castro that he feels bad about what happened to Francisco and he wants to find out who murdered him and bring justice. Castro looks firmly in the eyes of Cueto, and is reminded by him that life must go on, And Castro says the show must go on, As Melissa Santos begins announcing him for his upcoming match. As Castro leaves, Dario says he is giving him the match of his career. / PENTAGON DARK DEFEATED CORTEZ CASTRO, After the match, Pentagon breaks Castro's arm. He then speaks, and says it doesn't matter who wins between Chavo and Azteca, They will still suffer the same fate of broken bones. He them says he doesn't even respect his own mother because he has no fear. / ATOMICOS MATCH - WORLDWIDE UNDERGROUND (MUNDO, TAYA, BLACK & EVANS) DEFEATED AREOSTAR, DRAGO, FENIX & SEXY STAR, (Match Note: Taya got injured during the match, and was carried out to the back by her team mates after the match.) / Mil Muertes, Caterina and Sinestro De La Muerte are in a darkened area of the Temple. Caterina says that Sinestro is sorry but he has failed her and Mil one too many times. She then kills him with an electrical charge. She then breathes in his spirit and gives it to Muertes. She tells Muertes to do the same with Prince Puma. / EL DRAGON AZTECA DEFEATED CHAVO GUERRERO - SPECIAL GUEST REFEREE: REY MYSTERIO, (Match Note: When Azteca refused to submit to a Chavo hold, Chavo berated Rey and shoved him and then floored Rey with a cheap shot. Then as Rey went to attack Chavo, Azteca flew in with a hurricanrana and pin for the win.), After the match, Chavo is furious with Rey, and goes to hit him again, but instead Rey reversed the tables and hit Chavo with a 619 to end the action the Temple for the show. / Black Lotus is telling somebody that she has destroyed the man that killed them as she lights candles. She says that she is not finished with the Temple just yet. She says she is summoning the Black Lotus Triad to go after Pentagon Dark and show him death. Behind Lotus, some ninja's walk up and stand by her side, This ends the show.
IMPACT WRESTLING Episode Aired: 29/09/2016 The show starts with Jeremy Borash in the Impact Zone, Hyping the Lethal Lockdown main event. JB calls out Team Captains Lashley and Ethan Carter III. JB says each team will have four members, and each team will feature a knockout. Each captain picks their team in a draft style system. Lashley picks first, then EC3 and back and forth until their teams are filled. Team Lashley consists of Drew Galloway, Mike Bennett and Maria. Team EC3 consists of Aron Rex, Moose and Gail Kim. After the picks are revealed, Lashley tells EC3 that he s leading his team to slaughter, and when he wins Lethal Lockdown, He will choose the stipulation and then destroy EC3. Then EC3 responds by saying despite being nothing like Lashley, he is the guy to defeat Lashley. He says he must win the World Title. Lashley says EC3 has beaten many big stars, But none of them can match up to him. He then threatens to end EC3's career and leave him with nothing. As Lashley leaves the ring, EC3 challenges Lashley to be the first in the Lockdown Match with him, And Lashley accepts the challenge. / Josh Mathews and The Pope reveal that Reby will take on Rosemary tonight, and DJZ will defend his title against Eddie Edwards. / X-DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP - DJZ (c) DEFEATED EDDIE EDWARDS (STILL CHAMPION), After the match, DJ and Eddie show respect and embrace, but they are blindsided by The Helms Dynasty, Andrew Everett and Trevor Lee. They are floored and Lee and Everett stand tall over Edwards. / Backstage, Allie is apologising to Maria for disappointing her last week in her public workout. Maria berates her verbally and forces Allie to say sorry again and again. New Knockout Laurel Van Ness walks in and Maria starts insults Allie again, saying Van Ness is everything she isn't; Tall, Beautiful, and intelligent. Maria calls Allie stupid, and tells her not to mess up again and assist Van Ness tonight. / Josh Mathews, The Miracle and Moose are all together in the empty Impact Zone. Josh interviews both men on their upcoming match at Bound for Glory. Bennett says that he and Moose were good together, but Moose couldn't do his job right so he cut him loose. Moose counters and says he has played in all levels of Football and there has always been one constant on every team. There has been an Egotistical Bastard like Mike Bennett, Guys who think they are better than everyone else and run their mouths. He says they used to throw guys like that in cold tubs and tie them up to goal posts to teach them a lesson. Bennett responds by reminding Moose that this isn't football or the NFL, His days in NFL are done. He states that Moose has always been jealous of him, and when he beats Moose at BFG, The Moose chant will never return. Moose taunts Bennett with an offer of a ticket straight to hell. / LAUREL VAN NESS DEFEATED MADISON RAYNE, (Match Notes: Laurel bullied Allie at ringside during the contest with Madison), After the match, Allie interrupts JB and says she must announce the winner. Allie makes a mess of it and Laurel makes her say it again. / Backstage, Lashley is preparing his teamates for the Lethal Lockdown main event. Lashley makes a promise that is they win, One of them gets a World Title shot. This leads to Bennett asking who gets it, The one who takes out EC3 replies Lashley! / Drew Galloway, in the ring with the Grand Championship title beside him. He talks about the true main event of Bound for Glory, His Grand Final with Aron Rex. He calls out Rex to meet him face to face. Rex comes out and Drew tells him they will make history on Sunday at BFG. He then talks about the past. He came to TNA to be the Super Hero that the company needed. Drew says he became the travelling promotion for TNA as the World Champion, and he saved TNA. Drew then holds the microphone like Damien Sandow would and then said "your welcome" to the people in the back. Rex says Drew is delusional, He tells him to get his own tagline, and then says he has a problem with Drew calling himself the sole reason for TNA's success. He then defends TNA and says its the best wrestling show that takes place and the best wrestling in the ring. He says this isn't all about Drew. Then they start trading insults, and then it gets heated with Drew demanding respect. They both butt heads while both clutching the Grand title, As security breaks them apart, Drew hits Rex with a Piledriver and then stands over him with the belt. / Decay Versus Broken Hardy's Great War video package. / REBY HARDY (W/BROKEN MATT & BROTHER NERO) DEFEATED ROSEMARY (W/ABYSS & CRAZZY STEVE) VIA DQ, (Match Notes: Reby hit the mist on Reby to get DQ'd.), After the match, Brother Nero and Steve fight up near the rafters, Broken Matt and Abyss fight backstage, While Rosemary and Reby carry on scrapping in the ring. The segment ends with Rosemary hitting Reby with a Side Effect off of the apron through a table. / Backstage, JB is with Earl Hebner, and the two team captains, Lashley and EC3, for a coin toss to see who has the Lethal Lockdown advantage. Lashley wins the toss. They confront one another one last time. / Exclusive footage of the continuation of the fight between Decay and the Hardy's. Nero and Steve are fighting on the roof of the Impact Zone, While Matt and Abyss are fighting backstage. Nero is beating down Steve with a chair, Then Steve claws his eyes and uses the chair himself. Matt is beating down Abyss with a ladder, Then bites Abyss' ear and blood is everywhere. Meanwhile, A blinded Nero is looking for Steve, who runs in laughing and repeatedly beats Nero down with the chair. Steve then traps Nero's neck in the chair and slams it against the wall. Matt is still beating Abyss down with the ladder, Then Abyss electrocutes Matt with a powercord that was on the floor by him. Footage ends with Decay in the separate locations standing tall. / Cody Bound for Glory Promo. / McKenzie Mitchell interviews Gail Kim and Maria about their match at BFG. Maria brags about being the greatest champion of all time. Gail is furious and calls her evil and a manipulator. Gail says she always enjoys BFG, as its a special time for her. She says she is honoured to be inducted into the TNA Hall of Fame. She is looking forward to getting her hands on Maria after all this time. Maria laughs at Gail and says that she thinks that TNA is a wrestling company. Maria says that TNA is a entertainment company. Maria says that she is going to win Sunday and Gail will go into the hall of fame as second best. / Backstage, The Fixer Tyrus is asked about winning the Bound for Gold match last year at BFG. He says that because of Business, he couldn't cash in last year. He is interrupted by Eli Drake, Who offers him a position as his corner man. Tyrus refuses and mocks Drake. / EC3 thanks his team for taking a risk being in this match for him. They all sing his song Trouble to end the segment. / LETHAL LOCKDOWN MATCH - TEAM LASHLEY (LASHLEY, MIRACLE, GALLOWAY & MARIA) DEFEATED TEAM CARTER (EC3, REX, MOOSE & GAIL), (Match Notes: EC3 entered first, then Lashley teased entering first but Mike Bennett entered instead. After two mins, Drew entered next, followed by Rex, then Lashley, Then Moose, Then Maria, and Finally Gail.) After the match, Lashley stands over the fallen EC3 and chooses No Holds Barred stipulation for the main event of Bound for Glory. This ends the show.
TNA: BOUND FOR GLORY - 02/10/2016 No Holds Barred TNA WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP "The Destroyer" Lashley (c) Defeated Ethan Carter III (Still Champion) After Bound for Glory finished, Ethan gave a speech. He thanked the fans and the crowd for their support, He then credits the TNA locker room. He then said he would go to war with the people in that locker room, that’s how much he thinks of them. TNA KNOCKOUTS CHAMPIONSHIP Gail Kim Defeated Maria Kanellis Bennett (c) (New Champion) After the match, A Furious Mike Bennett heads to the ring to check on his wife, then speaks and runs down the fans and TNA, He says he is going to shut TNA down. Then the lights go out, and a voice says Wrestling has one royal family, Then the lights come back on and Cody and Brandi Rhodes head to the ring and make their TNA Debuts. They confront Maria and the Miracle, Which leads to a fight between the four. Maria is knoked out of the ring by Brandi, Then Cody and Mike brawl. Cody hits the beautiful disaster kick on Bennett and the Rhodes' clear the ring of the Bennett's. Cody then does a Macho Man and hoists Brandi onto his shoulders and celebrate to end the segment. The Great War TNA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS The Broken Hardy's (w/Reby) Defeated Decay (c) (w/Rosemary) (New Champions) (Match Notes: They went the full mile, Reby and Rosemary were apart of the war, along with a Staple Gun, Barbed wire boards, Tables, Ladders, Thumbtacks, Mist, Weapons extravaganza! and the return of Willow! The fight went all over the Impact Zone.) TNA X-DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP DJZ (c) Defeated Trevor Lee (Still Champion) Moose Defeated "The Miracle" Mike Bennett Gail Kim Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony Christy Hemme, Taryn Terrell and Awesome Kong returned along side Dixie Carter to welcome Gail into the TNA Hall of Fame. A video package of Gail's amazing career in TNA and wrestling in general. They were all dressed in formal gowns and Gail Received her Rolex Watch. Each gave a speech. Gail credited Lita, Molly Holly, Dutch Mantell, Jeff Jarrett, Dixie and TNA for the help and support. Impact Grand Championship Tourney Final IMPACT GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP Aron Rex Defeated Eddie Edwards (New Champion) (Note: Drew Galloway wasn't fit to compete, So Eddie Edwards replaced him.) BOUND FOR GOLD 10 MAN GAUNTLET Eli Drake Defeated Tyrus, Baron Dax, Robbie E, Jessie Godderz, Braxton Sutter, Grado, Shera, Rockstar Spud and Basile Baraka
ROH: ALL STAR EXTRAVAGANZA VIII - 30/09/2016 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Adam Cole (c) Defeated Michael Elgin (Still Champion) ROH TELEVISION CHAMPIONSHIP Bobby Fish (c) Defeated Donovan Dijak (w/Prince Nana) (Still Champion) FIRST ROUND MATCH FOR THE ROH SIX MAN CHAMPIONSHIPS TOURNEY Jay White, ACH & Kushida Defeated The Briscoe's & Toru Yano Ladder War VI ROH WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS The Young Bucks Defeated The Addiction (c) and The Motor City Machine Guns (New Champions) Dragon Lee Defeated Kamaitachi Grudge Match Jay Lethal Defeated Tetsuya Naito Kyle O'Reilly Defeated Hangman Page After the match, Page beats down and attacks O'Reilly, Then wraps Kyle's arm in a chair and slams it into the ring post. Partner Bobby Fish tried to make the save but he was too late. Four Corner Elimination Survival Match NUMBER ONE CONTENDERSHIP FOR WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS Dalton Castle & Colt Cabana Defeated The Cabinet (King & Titus) (w/Caprice Coleman), War Machine and Keith Lee & Shane Taylor (New #1 Contenders)
BEYOND WRESTLING: NEW ENGLAND MANIA - 02/10/2016 The American Destroyers (Donovan Dijak and Mikey Webb) Defeated LoveLee (Heidi Lovelace & Kimber Lee) Brian Fury Defeated Dave Cole Crusade For Change (Darius Carter, TJ Marconi, Anthony Gangone & Minute Men) Defeated Travis Gordon, Chuck O’Neil, Xavier Bell, Sully Banger & Ace Romero Note: Chuck O'Neal turned on his team during the match. Jordynne Grace Defeated Nevaeh After the match, Grace was attacked by Taeler Hendrix. Keith Lee Defeated Brian Milonas.) BEYOND WRESTLING: MIDAS TOUCH - 02/10/2016 Tracy Williams Defeated Chris Dickinson Via DQ (Note: The referee overturned the result into a DQ win for Williams.) Team Pazuzu (Pinkie Sanchez & EYFBO) Defeated Dorian Graves, VSK & Joey Ryan Matt Riddle Defeated Jaka Tessa Blanchard Defeated Ricochet Joey Janela Defeated Jonathan Gresham War Machine (Rowe & Hanson) Defeated Da Hit Sqaud (Steve Mack & Danny Maff) John Silver Defeated Michael Elgin Note: Also Deonna Purrazzo faced Sonya Strong
BILLY CORGAN On juggling his passion for Pro Wrestling aswell as his other ventures: As Corgan sees it, he has been called to "different passions for different reasons at different times" and isn't concerned about public opinion when it comes to linking his brand with another as polarising as pro wrestling. "People have a very myopic view of what a rock star is, My version of rock star has always been I'm going to do what I want to do however I want to do it. Whether it's having my own tea house, the charitable work that I've done, to pursuing a life or a career in professional wrestling -- I think this is the American dream. To me, I can't think of a better way to live anybody's life. You should do what you want to do. Life is such an incredible opportunity."
On his views: "I've always been a listener and a communicator, I think I just have a very strong opinion of how to make that thing best, I think you need vision when you are dealing in the creative arts."As a wrestling promoter, Corgan is old school, preferring the booking style and storytelling that first hooked him as a fan during the territory days of the 1970s. He doesn't like to rush through angles or speed up the pace of a match. There's a reason, he says, why you can watch a Humphrey Bogart movie today and the finish still works. "I think people want to be engaged, and when they are engaged, they want something to never end," he said. "When you think of the classic feuds, you really don't want them to end." Corgan believes you can grab people's attention in wrestling just as easy as you can in music, but it's keeping it that remains the ultimate challenge. It's something he believes won't happen with TNA unless it can continue to build its own young stars to package around its more recognised talent. On TNA in the past signing bid former WWE stars: "Many times in the past, TNA has made the mistake of bringing in WWE people to sort of create a buzz that didn't sustain, But success is building a culture that is distinctly your own, with your own identifiable signature. If everything you do doesn't feed into that, you are making a big mistake that history shows does not work." On TNA as it is right now: Billy Corgan is proud of his roster's talent and depth, but he admits it needs to find stability, calling TNA very much a "work in progress." He's also invested in changing its culture from a company he believes has been too willing to live in the shadow of its competition. To move out that shadow, he will need to improve TNA's overall health, which means attracting sponsors, talent and restarting live events, along with weighing the promotion's television future (TNA currently airs weekly on the cable channel Pop TV) against recent trends of fan consumption on the Internet. There are no quick fixes, Corgan admits. But helping TNA shape its long-term vision is a challenge he accepts with confidence, citing his history running a successful music business for nearly 30 years. "Obviously, I was part of one of the biggest music revolutions in the history of contemporary music, We found pop success where people said you would never find pop success. How we crossed over that kind of music had everything to do with a combination of substance and style. So I believe that." On the Final Deletion: Billy's proudest moment since joining TNA has been "The Final Deletion," with Matt and Jeff Hardy. It was filmed at Matt Hardy's North Carolina home. Not only was Corgan hands-on in the filming as a producer, alongside Jeremy Borash and James Long, But he worked with TNA management behind the scenes to get the go-ahead for the idea. "I have been pushing from the beginning that we needed to do what I call out-of-the-box and out-of-the-arena type segments, I really saw this as the future of wrestling on television." The response was overwhelming, with TNA becoming the talk of the wrestling world upon the July 5 airing, producing its highest rating to date since debuting on Pop TV last November.
Corgan saw the reaction and instantly knew they were on to something. The next day, he fired off emails stating that TNA not only needed to make more, but it needed to go bigger. Talk quickly turned to how this might change the dynamic of TNA's business strategy, and whether this was a concept that just worked for the Hardy's "because of their gift" or whether it could be expanded. While TNA's September sequel, "Delete Or Decay," drew weaker ratings and less positive reviews than its predecessor, it became a setup for the Oct. 2 PPV match between the Hardy's and Decay. "So maybe like super hero movies, we get the Hardy's as the centre of the universe and start to use them to sort of branch off in other directions, We are making it up as we go along and that is sort of the fun part. It's really exciting because we are hopefully writing a sort of new golden dawn in terms of how wrestling can be presented on television, and I think that's fantastic." On making a film of the Decay-Hardy's feud: Corgan admitted the idea of turning the Hardy's saga into a full-length movie is "in the works," but said he was unable to share more. Even WWE took notice, releasing a movie like footage of a backyard brawl on Raw between The Wyatt Family and The New Day just one week after "The Final Deletion" that looked unmistakably similar. "You know, imitation is the greatest form of flattery," Corgan said. "Look, everybody copies everybody, whether they want to admit it or not. I don't think that's a critical issue. I think innovation is the critical issue. The business in general is still living off the fumes of what was the creative revolution of 'The Attitude Era' of WWE, and by some extension ECW. No one has innovated as much since." On what role he'd prefer in TNA: While Billy has several on screen appearances on TNA television, of what he calls "incidental" on-screen appearances for TNA, he would prefer to stay off television altogether, and has begged his creative partners to agree. He'd rather not use his celebrity to attract in new viewers; "We call that hotshot booking, If I've got to do something really dumb to get people to watch our product, it's not going to last. I would prefer that I'm not a character on television. I would rather use that oxygen for our talent." On liking being a heel: A part of Billys's reluctance to be on TNA TV is his belief that the role he would be most natural at playing would be a heel owner, Which is one of the most overused stories in Pro Wrestling. He said no one is ever going to do it better than Vince McMahon. "I have spent 20 years being a heel in music; I have a lot of experience poking people's buttons, I'm really f***ing good at it, obviously, if you look at some of the headlines coming out about me, including me looking sour at Disneyland. It's right out of wrestling. "But I don't think there's really that much interest from wrestling fans in me being that character. It only works if they are going to get their sort of comeuppance at the end, and I don't really want to be in the ring second guessing whether me getting blasted with a chair is going to affect my ability to go out on tour with a very active music career."
On his vision for TNA: Billy Corgan wants TNA to be different and unique, which is why he embraces unseen, Different, new and even strange ideas like "The Final Deletion" and TNA's signature infamous six-sided ring, which he says will stay. But he's realistic on what it will take to actually compete with a "big box" promotion like WWE. "I think when you are dealing with something that is on the edge, at some point it needs to come in from out of the cold, You cannot maintain your rebel status forever. I have a vision of how this can be done differently and new and fresh, but if you build something that cannot mainstream, you can't succeed at the highest levels." On that note, Corgan says TNA will be aggressive in the marketplace to attract a wider audience with signings like former WWE stars Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow who mesh well with TNA's locker room and overall vision. But not all free agent signings are exactly alike. So when the name of fellow Chicagoan and recent UFC debutante CM Punk came up, whom he respects and knows personally, Corgan not only shared an obvious interest in the idea of welcoming Punk to TNA as an in-ring performer, but for the value he could provide creatively as a booker or agent. "I hope that someone who is so gifted comes back to professional wrestling if he wants to be there, So of course I would just love to see him in a ring. If it's our ring, even better. Even if he just wanted to be involved, I would love to have that conversation with him."
On what he'd change in TNA: Billy said that his first change would be to rename the "tarnished" brand name. "The ultimate success in business is really carving out a singular identity so that when people think of that identity, even if they don't like it, they see that as your own, I think that is infinitely more valuable than, 'Yeah, I like them too.' I never wanted to be in a band where people said, 'Yeah, I like them too.' You are either going to love us or hate us, but being in between is just not interesting to me."
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Through The Ropes Newsletter Issue #10 - Monday 3rd October 2016 Written By the Through The Ropes Team / Next Issue: Monday 10th October 2016