Wrestling legend Jean Gagne, who was better known as Frenchy Martin, Sadly passed away on Friday 21st October after a year of fighting bladder and bone cancer. The legend was primarily remembered as the heel manager of Dino Bravo in classic WWF in the 80's, But before his managing days, Frenchy was a 11 time Tag Team champion, and a World champion in World Wrestling Council in Puerto Rico, Where he spent alot of his career, Aswell as being a Heavyweight and Tag champion in Stampede Wrestling in Canada. We send all our love to the Family and Friends of Jean. [ RIP Jean Gagne 1947 - 2016 xxx ]
IMPACT Wrestling, Dixie Carter, Her husband Serg Salias, and TNA's Chief Financial Officer Dean Broadhead, And Impact Ventures LLC, Are all being sued by TNA President Billy Corgan. The Lawsuit filed by Corgan is sealed. This isn't the only Lawsuit being filed against TNA, As Audience of One Productions, LLC, Are also suing the company for unpaid depts owed to them for a couple of tapings last year and TNA's Bound for Glory event. Dave Meltzer noted on The Wrestling Observer that the sum that AO1 are seeking is around $300,000 plus interest. There was A UCC filing the day before Billy Corgan filed his lawsuit, Which listed Dixie as the debtor and Corgan as the creditor. For those unaware, It means Dixie personally owes Billy Corgan money. [Note: A UCC form is a legal form that a creditor [In this case Corgan] files to give notice that it has or may have an interest in the personal property of a debtor [Dixie].]
So in total, That is currently known, The list of parties suing TNA includes Audience of One, Billy Corgan, Aroluxe Media, MCC Acquisition Corp [Parent of Anthem Sports and Entertainment Corp] and The Fight Network. In another tit bit, While TNA and Dixie still own the TNA Video Library, Anthem currently owns some rights to the Video Library. These aren't the only hounds nipping at the heels of TNA, As the State of Tennessee have issued a tax lien against the company for unpaid taxes. This was filed last month on 8th November. As for Billy Corgan's suit, He plowed money into several sets of TNA taping's this year under the belief that he was going to buy the company from Carter, Which didn't happen. And because of TNA not having the funds to repay Corgan, He filed the lawsuit.
Arguably The true voice of TNA Wrestling, and longtime employee Jeremy Borash, Better known as JB, Recently appeared on Former TNA commentator Taz's radio show. On the show, JB discussed the difference between what its like from the front line compared to behind the Dirt Sheets. JB said on the Current state of TNA; "Well again, and this is just, you talk about wide view looking down, this, whatever came out yesterday. In the last seven days. In the last week-and-a-half. In the last month-and-a-half. We're getting sold, our tape library is going to WWE, da-da-da-da-da, Lucha Underground is buying us. And, how many of those things that you've read about, have turned out to be true? We're still here, we're still producing a show, and as of last week, my checks have never been missed. So you know, it's kinda one of those things where 'Alright, there's another thing that's out. Is it all factual? Is it all speculation?' I can tell you that there have been huge things that have been reported in the last two weeks. Completely fabricated by somebody. And, when you have those things out there, it really takes away from the narrative, which is the boys, which is the product, which is the storylines, which is the television show. You know, there is no other business in the world, I can tell you, I know first-hand. You go out into the real world, there is no other business where you have to go to work, and fear that every detail of what we are up to is going to be online, criticized, read. It's messed up. It's just the passion that the fans have. And, it's the reality of the situation."
JB also gave an inside update on the "upset" morale of the TNA Roster and staff; "Morale is great. Wrestlers wrestle, and that's it. You know, again, hopefully it's, whatever is out there does not serve as a distraction. Here was my philosophy, and I adopted this about eight years ago, seven years ago. Strangely enough, just uh, talk to somebody about it, that we kinda talk to. I had had enough, but AA really preaches the Serenity Prayer, and that is about being able to separate what you can do something about, and what can't do anything about, and not stress yourself over things you can't do anything about. At that point in my career, I thought, 'I'm going to wake up every day, and do exactly what I want to do.' And, once you can kinda separate that, and realize that there are things that you can't do anything about, there are things you can focus on though, you'll probably be a happier person."
While many are looking forward to the Hell in a Cell cage match between Sasha Banks and Charlotte for the Women's Championship, One very controversial name has voiced his displeasure with the match. The Former WCW, TNA and Monday Night Raw General Manager, Eric Bischoff, Wasn't afraid to let his voice be heard on the two ladies looking to make history at the Hell in a Cell event by being the first WWE Women stars to ever to compete inside the Cell. "I don't like it at all. I don't like it. The standard for Hell in a Cell is pretty high. It physically is what it is. It's a hardcore match. It's an extreme match. It's all of the above and then some. I've talked before about expectations and managing expectations with the audience. Sometimes you can do such a great job building something up that you forgot to remember that you also have to deliver. I am not taking anything away from either of those athletes that happen to be women. I am suggesting that the audience may not necessarily want to see that type of entertainment and that type of match out of that type of an athlete. That's just my opinion." In Eric's defence, Women's hardcore matches have come off rather poor looking in the past, And Standard Wrestling matches have been the forte of Women athletes, to the point where they even out perform the men on a regular basis.
WWE has signed 4 new talents this past week, One in 21 year old Brazilian Model Taynara Melo, Two in EVOLVE star Tommy End, and Three in "Crazy" Mary Dobson, a regular indie performer who has grown massively in popularity over the years, and Four, In UK monster Big Damo, Who recently took part in the TNA Maximum Impact Tour this year longside fellow UK favourites Jimmy Havoc, and Will O'Spreay. End, Dobson and Damo have all been signed to the WWE Performance centre. Here is the confirmation of the signings by WWE: "Tommy End, Big Damo and "Crazy" Mary Dobson join WWE Performance CenterThree internationally acclaimed Superstars have arrived at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, FL, to begin training. Tom Budgen, Damian Mackle and Sarah Bridges — known around the world as Tommy End, Big Damo and "Crazy" Mary Dobson, respectively — are among the newest signees to WWE developmental contracts. Their official start in Orlando comes after months of speculation that all three were on their way to WWE and NXT."
In what is the complete an utter opposite of what they promised, WWE are not behind the idea of Paige having surgery on her neck, With even the companies doctors telling her that she doesn't need an operation. Boyfriend of Paige, Alberto El Patron revealed what Paige's doctors advised her to do and what is wrong with her. He posted the message from her doctors online; "You have a disc herniation at c6/7 pushing on the exit of the C7 nerve root and causing all your right side upper extremity pain and some of your neck pain. Also you have a lot of wear and tear for you age." Along with that message, Alberto said,"Hmm, interesting and they say she's not hurt..." This appears to be a clear case of WWE avoiding paying for Paige's operation, Which would bring her great relief from a crippling pain that the problem causes, Considering WWE has promised the best care for its superstars.
He's the Boogeyman, and he is coming back to WWE TV! When two Indie promotions attempted to book the notorious worm eater, They were told that he is unable to take any booking due to an upcoming WWE return. While WWE have yet to either confirm his return, It could be around December time that we see a Boogeyman appearance on WWE TV. / At a WWC Anniversary event in Puerto Rico, a romantic Wrestling engagement took place. WWE Superstar Paige proposed to Alberto El Patron at the event. He did say yes by the way! When asked why she chose that scenario to propose, Paige said that they are a wrestling couple, it made sense. / Speaking of Paige, She has undergone surgery on her neck, It took place last Wednesday, And Paige took to Twitter to thank her lover Alberto, Friend Natalya [Neidhart], and the surgeon. She also gave an update on her status in the following tweet; "surgery went well. The hernia was bigger than expected and my neck was straightened now this girl has 3 screws in her neck." / On a different note, Linda McMahon in August and September donated $6,000,000 over five separate donations to Rebuilding America Now super PAC supporting Donald Trump. Her contributions add up to a third of the funds that it had raised over the months. / The feud between Michael Hayes and Bret Hart has been buried, As Hayes has accepted Bret's apology he posted online. Hart's apology read; "I'd like to take this opportunity to formally apologize to Michael Hayes. A while back I made comments about the Freebirds not being as worthy of being in the WWE Hall of Fame as others. It was unfair for me to dismiss their contributions to the industry and they certainly did great things in Texas with the Von Erich Family. Michael Hayes always treated me with great respect, as did Terry Gordy, Ronnie Garvin and Buddy Roberts and I'm sorry if I disrespected any of them with my comments. Furthermore I apologize to both Triple H and Seth Rollins for any hurtful comments I made on my podcast. The reality of all this is the reason I quit doing podcasts in general, because they're for the most part an outlet for negativity, and have left me with a reputation as being angry and bitter. I'm not, I'd spoke candidly and openly but it's no excuse for minimizing other wrestlers or their contributions. In saying all that, I still believe Jim the Anvil Neidhart of the Hart Foundation, including Owen, Brian Pillman, Davey Boy Smith, The Dynamite Kid, Jimmy Hart, The Rougeau Brothers, The Killer Bees, The Demolition, Rick Rude, King Kong Bundy, and One Man Gang all deserve their place in the WWE Hall of Fame. My apologies to all. Bret Hart x." Hayes responded with "have never had a problem with BRET before this, don't intend to after, happily accept his apology, let's move on, every day is a gift!!" Nice to see the legends bury the tension and move on! / WWE have had interest in signing Indian Olympic medalist Sushil Kumar as of late, However, Former Indian WWE star The Great Khali, Has voiced that it may be too late, Despite wanting him to follow his steps in WWE. Kumar's agent Raman Raheja revealed that WWE has been wanting to expand operations in India, and has been in talks with Kumar for the past four months. "Something is going to materialize soon... in about a month or so we will finalize something, Like WWE, there are other professional wrestling bodies like TNA, so we are looking at a number of other options as well. But I am still not saying that amateur doors are closed as yet."
Promotion: WWE
Show: RAW
Date: 17/10/2016
Location: Pepsi Center, Denver, CO
[In-ring segment with Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho. Owens accuses Mick Foley for personal Discrimination against him, By putting him in a Cell match. Jericho says Foley has out for them both. Jericho blames his loss last week on the referee. Owens recomends Jerichi add the Ref to the list, Which he does. Owens declares he will retire Seth Rollins at Hell in a Cell. This prompts Seth Rollins to come out. He mocks both Y2J and Owens. They throw insults and mock one another. Rollins ponders a rematch tonight after Jericho says he can beat Rollins anytime. He challenges the duo to a one on one match, And wonders if Owens will go to the back or stay out. Owens says he will stay out, But Y2J wants him to go to the back. Tension builds between the best friends. Jericho says this doesn't change the fact that they are still best friends and that Owens has his back. Owens says he will be in spirit. So Owens heads to the back to let his friend do his thing solo.]
Seth Rollins Defeated Chris Jericho
Note: Kevin Owens during the match came to the ring with his theme music playing to assist Jericho. he prevented Seth from grabbing the rope by pulling it back but the ref saw him and stopped him.
Note: Throughout parts of the show, The return of Bill Goldberg is hyped via vintage moments of his career. The ones used are vs Hogan in WCW, and him interrupting The Rock among a few.
[Lita hosts a sit down interview with Charlotte ahead of her Hell in a Cell title match with Sasha Banks, Followed by Lita interviewing Banks later in the show.]
Golden Truth & Mark Henry Defeated The Shining Stars & Titus O'Neil
[Backstage arguement with Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens. Jericho almost calls him a stupid Idiot, but he stops himself. Owens gets quite emotional. Stephanie McMahon stops them from arguing and tries to get them back on the same page as she needs them for the Survivor Series Challenge.]
[Prior to Big E's match, The New Day make fun of Cesaro and Sheamus' lack of communication, and them both being defeated by The New Day.]
Big E Defeated Sheamus
Notes: Cesaro at ringside taking photos and filming himself with his fans on his phone annoyed Sheamus, So he went out and took his phone from him and they bickered amongst themselves. Cesaro took his phone back, and as Sheamus got back in the ring, Big E took advantage for the win.
[Bo Dallas and Curtis Axel inring segment. Axel gives Bo a passionate I believe in you talk before he reveals that he made a match for him to get his career back on track.]
Bo Dallas (w/Curtis Axel) Defeated Neville
After the match, Axel runs in to congratulate Bo but Bo floors him instead. He then tosses him into the fan barricade and knocks him out. He grabs his "Bo-lieve" sign then leaves.
Dana Brooke Defeated Bayley
[Paul Heyman in-ring segment. He says that he knows that Goldberg will say yes tonight, But he says that last weeks challenge was rhetorical. He warns Goldberg to think about this. He questions why Brock didn't come and challenge Bill face to face and meet him in person to do it. He says that Brock doesn't even think about Golberg anymore. he isn't worth Brock's time. Heyman tells Goldberg to say no tonight, But if he says yes, he will be beaten, victimised and conquered by Lesnar!]
3-on-1 Handicap Match
Braun Strowman Defeated The Mile High Trio
After the match, Braun once again threatens Mick Foley to bring him a "real" challenge. Then Sami Zayn comes out to confront the monster. But Braun shoves him out of the way like he was nothing and heads to the back.
[Charly Caruso questions Sami Zayn why he picked a fight with Braun. He says Because nobody else will.]
[Lana and Rusev in-ring segment. Rusev isn't happy with the fan's who are interrupting him. He then turns his attention to Roman Reigns and his "barbaric" family. Rusev shows a family album on the big screen and goes through each of them until Reigns show up to put a stop to it. Reigns insults Rusev with comparisons to his family dog. They trash talk until Lana comes up and slaps Reigns, Then gets a superkick from Rusev to send him out of the ring. Rusev brtually attacks Reigns outside of the ring, and uses the barricade and the steel stairs to hurt him. He finally locks in the Accolade on Reigns ontop of the steel stairs to end the segment.]
[Promo for the returning Emmalina. Fka Emma]
Big Cass (w/Enzo Amore) Defeated Karl Anderson (w/Luke Gallows)
[Backstage segment with Brian Kendrick, Tony Nese and Drew Gulak. They all seem to have a pact together. TJ Perkins comes over and mocks them all as he see's them all ganging up. Then after a exchange of words, Rich Swann and Cedric Alexander come in.]
Brian Kendrick, Tony Nese & Drew Gulak Defeated Rich Swann, Cedric Alexander & TJ Perkins
[Backstage segment. Mick Foley proposes a triple threat match for next week between Jericho, Owens and Rollins for the main event.]
[In-ring segment, The return of BILL GOLDBERG! Michael Cole in the ring, Runs through the comments of Goldberg on ESPN one last time, Before introducing for the first time in over 12 years, Goldberg! He comes to the ring with his traditional entrance and his WCW theme. Goldberg cuts a really passionate promo on wanting to be a super hero for little kids to look upto like he was in WCW. He gets teary on this subject that he has been so vocal on throughout his career. His wife and children are on the front row to see daddy in the WWE one last time. He then turns to Lesnar and Heyman. He mocks both, Then Warns Lesnar that not only is he next, But he's last! Goldberg then leaves the ring and does a lap around the crowds, greeting the fans and posing with the children. He brings his son over the barricade and hoists him on his shoulders. He then brings over some other children over to on the down the ramp.]
Promotion: WWE
Show: SmackDown
Date: 18/10/2016
Location: Pepsi Center, Denver, CO
[Backstage, Prior to his World Title match tonight, James Ellsworth is given his own T-Shirt by Dean Ambrose, Who hypes him up for his match.]
Randy Orton Defeated Luke Harper Via DQ (Notes: Bray Wyatt during the match, Heads to the ring as men dressed in black with sheep masks push a coffin to the ring. After failed offense from Harper, Bray Wyatt runs in for the DQ win for Orton. They beat down Orton in a two on one assault. Bray goes to open the coffin to put Orton in, But Kane is lying in there. Kane and Orton clear house of Wyatt and Harper.)
[AJ Styles is interviewed backstage. He warns Ambrose not to mess with him tonight and cost him the World Title to Ellsworth.]
Alexa Bliss Defeated Naomi After the match, Renee Young interviews the winner. Alexa promises to take the SmackDown Women's Title from Becky Lynch in Glasgow.
Apollo Crews Versus Curt Hawkins is cancelled when Hawkins storms off after eating a punch from Crews.
[An in-ring promo from Carmella on Nikki Bella. Nikki runs in to attack her but Carmella gets away.]
The Miz (w/Maryse) & The Spirit Squad (Kenny & Mikey) Defeated Heath Slater, Rhyno & Dolph Ziggler
[Backstage skit with Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon, Who are planning the Survivor Series Teams. Natalya wants to be the first pick for the women's team, as she wants to lead the division.]
Baron Corbin Defeated Jack Swagger
[Dean Ambrose is told by Daniel Bryan that he can't be the referee for the World Title match tonight, But can be either a special timekeeper, Commentator or ring announcer. He accepts but doesn't say which position he chooses.]
WWE WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP James Ellsworth Defeated AJ Styles (c) Via DQ (Still Champion) (Notes: Dean Ambrose distracted AJ the entire match on the microphone. He did the role of Announcer and Timekeeper, And rang the bell repeatedly to distract AJ. AJ got DQ'd after he took out his frustrations on Ellsworth and refused to stop when the referee asked him to stop.) After the match, Ambrose comes in to the ring to announce Ellsworth as the winner, But AJ attacks him. Dean counters and hits Dirty Deeds. He then announces the man who has more wins over AJ than John Cena, James Ellsworth, he then checks on his friend.
Promotion: WWE
Show: NXT
Date: 19/10/2016
Location: Full Sail University, Winter Park, FL
Round One Match of The Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Tourney No Way Jose & Rich Swann Defeated Tony Nese & Drew Gulak
[The announcement of Hideo Itami being injured is made, And will be unable to team with Kota Ibushi in the Tourney.]
[Tye Dillinger makes a challenge to Bobby Roode for a match at NXT Takeover Toronto.]
[Austin Aries refuses to talk about his partner for the Tourney and mocks the Injured Itami.]
Bobby Roode Defeated Sean Maluta After the match, Bobby hypes himself up and says he will takeover Toronto. Bobby lies about Tye coming to him to be his partner for the DRTTC, And says he tried to bring him up to his level but he couldn't. Tye Dillinger then runs out and Brawls with Roode. Tye clears the ring of Roode.
[After an interview from Liv Morgan, She is attacked by Peyton Royce and Billie Kay. They put the NXT women's division and Asuka on notice.]
Round One Match of The Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Tourney Austin Aries & Roderick Strong (Mystery Partner) Defeated Tucker Knight & Otis Dozovic
[Andrade Almas promo. He talks about the removal of his mask in order to be in NXT, and he does not feel the respect for his sacrifice. He says he is only worried about himself moving onward.]
Danielle Kamella Defeated Nikki Cross (w/Sanity) Via Referee Reversing the Decision (Notes: Nikki won the match, But after the match she carried on beating down Kamella, So the referee decided to award the win to Danielle and reverse his decision.)
[NXT Champion Shinsuke Nakamura in-ring segment. He warns Joe that he is not done with him, and if he wants the title, All he has to do is come and get it, And be beaten with no mercy. Patrick Clark interrupts Nakamura and demands that he faces him. Nakamura kicks him and knocks him out. As this happens, Samoa Joe tried to attack Nakamura from behind but he blocked it and sent Joe packing. Nakamura hits Clark with a Kinshasa as a message to Joe.]
Promotion: Ring of Honor
Show: ROH TV
Date: 18/10/2016
Location: Lowell Memorial Auditorium, Lowell MA
[In-ring segment with The Bullet Club, ROH World Champion Adam Cole, The New ROH World Tag Team Champions The Young Bucks, And Hangman Page. Adam Cole says the Bullet Club stayed true to its promises, With Cole defeating Michael Elgin to retain his World Title, Hangman Page delivered the message to Kyle O'Reilly, and The Young Bucks won the ROH World Tag Team Championships from The Addiction. He praises the Bucks as the greatest. He then declares that Hangman Page is the next to win Championship Gold, In the form of the ROH TV Championship.]
[Video package of Bull James, the Newest ROH signee, And his confrontation with Adam Cole on the Reloaded Tour.]
[Hype for next weeks ROH TV Main Event, Jay Lethal versus Silas Young, Who won the 24 man rumble match to get a future world title match. Followed by a promo from Jay Lethal infront of the ROH banner. He is confused why he is the target of Silas, and doesn't know when this all started, But he intends on finishing it. He says his goal is to be ROH World Champion again, And Young is in his way.]
War Machine Defeated Keith Lee & Shane Taylor After the match, War Machine, Before they even get a chance to celebrate their clean win over the Monstrous duo of Taylor and Lee, Are beaten down by losers with a steel chair.
[Backstage segment with Caprice Coleman infront of the infamous ROH banner. He talks about The Cabinet's quest in the 6 man tag team championships tourney to crown the first champions. He says he believes in "The Secretary of Shoulders Rhett Titus", "The Chairman of Championships Kenny King" and himself as "The Minister of Information".]
FIRST ROUND MATCH IN THE ROH SIX MAN TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS TOURNEY The Cabinet (Caprice Coleman, Kenny King & Rhett Titus) Defeated Leon St. Giovanni, Jason Kincaid & Shaheem Ali To Advance to the Semi-Finals
[Kevin Kelly and Steve Corino analyse the upcoming Road to Final Battle Tour, Where ROH World Champion Adam Cole defends his title against Silas Young on 22nd October.]
ROH TV Main Event Jay Lethal Defeated Silas Young (Notes: World Champion Adam Cole came to ringside, But was attacked by Kyle O'Reilly. This distracted Silas Young which led to Jay Lethal taking advantage and winning the match.) After the match, A furious Silas Young takes out his anger on Kyle O'Reilly. As they are scrapping, Adam Cole attacked Kyle from behind, Then Young Attacked Lethal and threw him out of the ring. Now Cole and Young have a stareoff until Lethal returns into the ring and brings Silas out. As Lethal and Young are fighting on the ramp, Kyle O'Reilly gets back in and hits a brainbuster on Cole. ROH officials break up Lethal and Young. As Young is seperated from Lethal, He see's and picks up Adam Cole's world Championship that he dropped on the ramp when O'Reilly Attacked him. Young raises the Title.]
Promotion: Lucha Underground
Event: Lucha Underground
Date: 19/10/2016
Location: The Temple, Los Angeles, CA
[In the lockeroom of the Temple, Prince Puma is approached by Vampiro. He wishes Puma luck in his match with Mil Muertes tonight. He then offers his services, But is rejected by Puma. He says that even if Mil is beating him lifeless tonight, He doesn't want help from Vampiro. He says he'd rather die by Mil's hands than be saved by Vampiro's hands. Just as Puma leaves, he is grabbed by Vampiro who predicts that Mil will die by Puma's hands tonight. Puma growls and leaves.]
[Dario Cueto is waiting by the Dial of Doom in the ring by his Brother, The World Champion Matanza. Dario spins it and it lands on Killshot. Dario announces that Killshot gets the World Title shot against his brother Matanza tonight. He says Killshot is an American Hero, And he hopes he is ready for War.]
LUCHA UNDERGROUND WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP "The Monster" Matanza (c) (w/Dario Cueto) Defeated Killshot (Still Champion) (Notes: Killshot is bandaged up from his WMD Match with Marty the Moth a few Episodes ago.) After the match, A masked man wearing simaler dog tags to Killshot heads to the ring. Killshot is shocked, Then goes to embrace him, But the Masked man takes him out and kicks him in the head. He then says "you left me for dead" to Killshot, and Drops his dogtags across the chest of Killshot.
[Video teaser of the White rabbit, with the words 'We are coming'.]
[In the ring are the Trios Tag Team Champions, Fenix, Aerostar and Drago. Dario Cueto comes out of his office to make an announcement. He says that the Dial of Doom has proven that no one can beat his brother Matanza for the Lucha Underground World Championship. He says that in four weeks, A 20-man Azteca battle royale will take place, And Matanza will defend his World Title in the match. He then proposes a challenge for Fenix. He says Fenix will be glad to know that he won't be entering number one in the Rumble this time, and offers him the number 20 spot in the match, for a price. Fenix must win a Triple Threat match against his Tag team champions team mates Aerostar and Drago. However, the losers are out of Azteca Warfare! Not only that, But Matanza will enter the rumble at number one!]
Triple Threat Match
WINNER GETS THE NUMBER 20 SPOT IN AZTECA WARFARE MATCH FOR LUCHA UNDERGROUND TITLE Drago Defeated Fenix and Aerostar (Notes: Fenix and Aerostar are out of Azteca Warfare match.)
[Backstage, The victorious Drago is looking at himself in the mirror, When Kobra Moon is crawling on the floor upto him. She tells him to win the Azteca Warfare match and the Lucha Underground Championship, And return it to their tribe. Drago says he isn't part of the tribe anymore. He roars at the mirror and a strange hobo looking man walks in, Mistaking it for the bathroom.]
[Inside Dario's office, Johnny Mundo joins Dario who is sitting with a drink. He tells Dario that he needs to be World Champion, He needs to prove he is the greatest, And he isn't happy that he is ignored when everyone else is getting title shots with the Dial of Doom. He offers to solve his issues with Dario with a suitcase that belonged to Dario. Dario opens it up and see's his money. He says "My $100,000", Mundo corrects him, "$94,3732 now, As he had to pay off someone with part of the money. Dario says "That's right, for the internet photos." Mundo says that he saved this for a rainy day and that he wants to change his destiny. He wants to face Sexy Star in a match for The Gift of The Gods championship. Dario is happy and accepts Mundo's proposal.]
Lucha Underground Main Event Prince Puma Defeated Mil Muertes (w/Catrina)
[Somewhere in a training facility, Rey Mysterio is talking to someone. Rey tells this stranger that he and his son go back a long way. Rey tells the person off screen that the temple is more than just about him and a particular person. Rey says he is fighting for more than just himself. Rey points to the person off screen and says you know Chavo very well, about how he always makes things too personal. Rey asks him with respect, After what he does to Chavo, Where will it leave him with the Guererro family. The mystery person is Chavo Guerrero Sr. He says to Rey that the Guerrero dynasty won't end with Chavo. He asks Rey if this is the only way, To which Rey responds yes. Then Chavo sr says that the Temple isn't big enough for both Rey and Chavo. They stareoff with a look of agreement to end the show.]
Promotion: TNA Wrestling
Show: IMPACT Wrestling
Date: 20/10/2016
Location: The Impact Zone in Universal Studios, Orlando, FL
[Cody Rhodes in-ring segment. He talks about his childhood, his father Dusty and his WWE departure. He is interrupted by Eddie Edwards, and they both cut promo's, Followed by both promising to be TNA World Champion. This cues the Destroyer Lashley to come out. He runs down both Champion and Challenger, Then Moose interrupts him, Leading to their match starting now]
[The Tribunal (Dax & Baraka) are interviewed by JB. They talk about the attack on The Hardy's last week. This segment is interrupted by the Three Masked men in Suits sitting around the table. They warn that no one in the Impact Zone is safe.]
[Fact of Life w/Eli Drake. His guest is TNA Grand Champion Aron Rex. Eli, For the first time, is kind to his guest. He praises Rex, and Rex defends his actions against Jessie Godderz. Rex and Drake are getting on well together, Almost friends here. Then Drake runs down Galloway, Edwards, Lashley, and then EC3. As Eli runs him down, Ethan Carter runs out and states he will destroy the Fact of Life set. Eli presses the Dummy button repeatedly after EC3 begged him to press it, Then this leads to a massive brawl between Carter and Drake. EC3 catches Rex, Which brings it to a 2 on 1 beatdown, until Jessie Godderz makes the save. Security separates the two sides.]
TNA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS The Broken Hardy's (c) (w/Reby) Defeated The Tribunal (Still Champions) After the match, The Hardy's who are just about to go behind the curtain stop and look as The three masked men in suits are in the ring. One stands in the corner as the other two beat up the Tribunal. Brother Nero and Reby are stunned, But Matt is killing himself. The DCC after they take out The Tribunal stare at the Hardy's.
[Braxton Sutter comforts an anxious Allie backstage as she rehearses her protest speech against Maria. Laurel Van Ness interrupts and runs down Allie, Then tries to flirt with an uninterested Sutter.] Note: Sutter and Allie are in a relationship outside of the ring.
[As Josh and The Pope review what the DCC just did to the Tribunal, They are interrupted by the DDC who are back at their table. The one in the middle talks of the recent chaos that they just caused. He says more is on the way and no one will know when it will happen.]
[Backstage confrontation between Lashley and Cody. Lashley says that their paths will cross someday.]
[In-ring segment with Maria, Laurel and Allie. Maria runs down a list of people to blame in the conspiracy against her. She then blames Allie for what happened at Bound for Glory, and runs her down, as usual. Then Laurel runs her down and then both her and Maria demand an apology from Allie, Who refuses and stands up for her self finally! But Laurel and Maria beat her down. Maria makes a challenge for Allie to face Laurel next week.]
[A backstage confrontation between Lashley and Eddie Edwards. They have words and Lashley tries to put doubt in Eddie's head, and warns him that everyone should be afraid of him.]
[The Fixer Tyrus gave Shera a lesson, Cut the dancing and be serious! He was paid by Shera to help him be a champion. His first lesson is against Mike Bennett, Who Tyrus booked for him. Followed by a promo hyping that EC3 and Jessie Godderz will team up against Aron Rex and Eli Drake next week.]
"The Miracle" Mike Bennett (w/Maria) Defeated Mahabali Shera
[Ringside segment w/McKenzie Mitchell. She interviews X champion DJ Z about Team X gold. Rockstar Spud interrupts and announces he has a team ready to face his team next week.]
TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Eddie Edwards (c) Defeated Cody (w/Brandi Rhodes) (Still Champion) After the match, Maria runs down and takes out Brandi then ran away as Cody took in the ovation from the crowd after the champion left. Maria and Mike Bennett stood tall laughing up the rampway.
Promotion: WCPW (What Culture Pro Wrestling)
Event: Loaded #13
Date: 22/10/2016
Location: Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, England
Joe Coffey Defeated Big Damo
Tyler Bate Defeated Liam Slater
First Round Match of the WCPW Tag Team Title Tourney
Prospect (Alex Gracie & Lucas Archer) (w/James R. Kennedy) Defeated Los Perspectiva (El Drako & El Hijo de Gracie)
Johnny Moss Defeated Trent Seven
Joe Hendry Defeated Pete Dunner
Promotion: EVOLVE
Event: 71
Date: 16/10/2016
Location: The Orpheum, Ybor City, FL
Non-Title Fight To The Finish Match
Drew Gulak Defeated Timothy Thatcher
Tracy Williams Defeated Jason Kincaid
The Gatekeepers Defeated Joe Coleman & Eric Locker
Ethan Page (w/The Gatekeepers) Defeated Sami Callihan
Dustin Defeated Darby Allin
Zack Sabre Jr. Defeated Fred Yehi
Chris Hero Defeated Matt Riddle
After the match, Tracy Williams came out and challenged Hero to a match seeing as he has beaten Gulak and Riddle. Then Hero beats down Tracy in the ring as Drew Galloway and Dustin beat down Matt Riddle on the outside. Drew Gulak ran down to the riung awith a microphone and says this must end. He said he promises that Catch Point will win this War!
Event: IWC Presents House of Hardcore 20
Date: 15/10/2016
Location: Pittsburgh, PA
Bull James Defeated Kevin Thorn
Chris LeRusso Defeated Facade (New Champion)
Triple Threat Match
Alex Reynolds Defeated John Silver and Dan Barry
"Hardcore" Bob Holly Defeated Ethan Carter III
Winning Team chooses the opponent for Champion DJZ at Winner Takes It All on 10th December
Team LaBar (RJ City, Wardlow, & Dylan Bostic) (w/ Justin LaBar & Ray Lyn) Defeated Team IWC (Andrew Palace, Jimmy Vegas, and Matt Striker) (w/ John McChesney & Justin Plummer)
After the match, Team LaBar tried to attack McChesney but former IWC Champion The Sandman made the save.
Tony Nese Defeated Matt Cross
Tommy Dreamer, Swoggle & Candice LaRae Defeated Braxton Sutter, Allie & Jessicka Havok
Rhyno Defeated Sami Callihan
After the match, RJ City, Dylan Bostic, and Wardlow all ganged up and beat down Rhyno, Then Bully Ray returned to make the save for the War Machine! Bully then put Dylan through a table to end the show.
Tommy Dreamer and Justin Plummer announced that House of Hardcore will be brought back to the IWC again next year.
Promotion: AIW
Event: Season of the Witch
Date: 15/10/2016
Location: Mentor-on-the-Lake, Ohio
Dr. Daniel C. Rockingham Defeated Jake Manning
Frankie Flynn Defeated Philly Collins
Weird World (Alex Kellar & Evan Adams) Defeated Garrison King & PB Smooth
Dominic Garrini Defeated Ryan Kaplan
Three Way Match
Laredo Kid Defeated Gringo Loco and Triton
Rex Brody Defeated Brian Carson
Alex Daniels (c) Defeated Eric Ryan (Still Champion)
Raymond Rowe Defeated Jeff Cobb
Promotion: PROGRESS UK
Event: Chapter 37: A Sudden Sense Of Liberty
Date: 16/10/2016
Location: The Ritz, Manchester, England
Bubblegum Defeated Chuck Mambo
Kay Lee Ray Defeated Kimber Lee
James Drake Defeated Fabian Aichner
Four Way Match
Marty Scurll Defeated Joe Coffey, Pete Dunne and Trent Seven
Three Way Tag Team Match
The South Pacific Power Trip (TK Cooper & Travis Banks) Defeated FSU (Eddie Dennis & Mark Andrews) and The Origin (Dave Mastiff & El Ligero)
Rampage Brown (c) Defeated Mikey Whiplash (Still Champion)
Mark Haskins (c) Defeated Zack Gibson (Still Champion)
Promotion: NJPW
Event: The Road to Power Struggle (Tokyo)
Date: 21/10/2016
Location: Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, Japan
Yuji Nagata, Satoshi Kojima & Hiroyoshi Tenzan Defeated Teruaki Kanemitsu, Hirai Kawato & Tomoaki Honma
Yoshi Tatsu & Manabu Nakanishi Defeated The Bullet Club (Bone Soldier & Yujiro Takahashi) Via DQ
Yoshi-Hashi, Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & Kazuchika Okada Defeated The Bullet Club (The Guerillas of Destiny, Chase Owens & Kenny Omega)
Tetsuya Naito, Evil, Sanada & Bushi Defeated Juice Robinson, Hiroshi Tanahashi, Togi Makabe & Katsuyori Shibata
Will Ospreay Defeated David Finlay
Round One of the Super Junior Tag Team Tourney Roppongi Vice Defeated Angel de Oro & Titan
Round One of the Super Junior Tag Team Tourney Fuego & Ryusuke Taguchi Defeated Jushin "Thunder" Liger & Tiger Mask
Round One of the Super Junior Tag Team Tourney Taiji Ishimori & Super ACH Defeated The Young Bucks
Promotion: Ring of Honor (ROH)
Event: Road to Final Battle Lakeland
Date: 22/10/2016
Location: Lakeland Civic Center, Lakeland, FL
Women of Honor Kennadi Brink Defeated Amber Gallows
Kyle O’Reilly Defeated Donovan Dijak (w/Prince Nana)
Notes: Chris Sabin will be replaced by Jay White in his Tag Team match with Alex Shelley against The Cabinet due to an injury. Just as The Cabinet come out for their match, Kenny King says he doesn’t like how he’s being treated in ROH and leaves. Caprice and Rhett try to stop him but to no success. This leads to War Machine coming out to face Shelley and White.
Alex Shelley & Jay White Defeated War Machine
The Cabinet took over ROH’s Twitter account. They posted pictures of themselves and retweeted Caprice Coleman tweets from the past. Before ROH regained the account back. They promised something big is going down with them on 29th October in Baltimore.
Hangman Page Defeated Mark Briscoe
Punishment Martinez & BJ Whitmer Defeated Bull James & Mr. Wrestling III
Jay Lethal Defeated Kamaitachi
Cheeseburger & Will Ferrara Defeated Coast to Coast & the Tempura Boyz
Bobby Fish Defeated Jay Briscoe Via DQ
Notes: Hangman Page interfered. The match is then rebooked as a Triple Threat Match with Page vs Briscoe Vs Fish.
Triple Threat Match
Hangman Page Defeated Bobby Fish and Jay Briscoe
Dalton Castle & Colt Cabana Defeated The Addiction A challenge was issued by Dalton and Colt to the Briscoes after the match.
ROH WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Adam Cole (c) Defeated Silas Young (Still Champion)
Promotion: Ring of Honor (ROH)
Event: Road to Final Battle Fort Lauderdale
Date: 21/10/2016
Location: War Memorial Auditorium, Fort Lauderdale, FL
Women of Honor
Kennadi Brink Defeated Rachael Ellering
Caprice Coleman & Kenny King Defeated Leon St. Giovanni & Shaheem Ali
Mark Briscoe Defeated Frankie Kazarian
War Machine Defeated Tempura Boyz
Hangman Page Defeated Dalton Castle
Four Corners Match
Kyle O’Reilly Defeated Kamaitachi, Donovan Dijak, and Jay White
Will Ferrara & Cheeseburger Defeated BJ Whitmer & Punisher Martinez
Bobby Fish Defeated Rhett Titus
Adam Cole Defeated Bull James
Notes: Adam Cole won after a distraction from BJ Whitmer and Punisher Martinez
Silas Young, Jay Lethal & Alex Shelley Defeated Christopher Daniels, Colt Cabana & Jay Briscoe
Promotion: Lucha Underground
Event: Lucha En Vivo Phoenix
Date: 23/10/2016
Location: Arizona State Fair, Phoenix, AZ
Son of Havoc Defeated Jack Evans
Notes: The top rope broke within the first minute of the first match.
Triple Threat Match
Iveliesse Defeated Mariposa and Taya
Falls Count Anywhere Match
Johnny Mundo (w/Taya) Defeated Cage
Notes: Taya helped Mundo get the victory via interference.
Fatal Four Way Match
Drago Defeated Aerostar, Australian Suicide and Hector Garza Jr
Kevin Cross Defeated Ricky Mandel
Special Guest Referee: Marty the Moth
Pentagon Dark Defeated Mil Muertes
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Through The Ropes Newsletter Issue #13 - Monday 24th October 2016
Written By the Through The Ropes Team / Next Issue: Monday 31st October 2016
This Issue is dedicated to Jean Gagne aka Frenchy Martin
1947 - 2016