Former ROH World Champion and 5 time TNA World Tag Team Champion Davey Richards, Has said that he is going to retire from Pro Wrestling at the end of 2017. Richards has contemplated retirement in 2010 at Ring of Honor after the Final Battle event, But he decided to continue competing. Davey posted the following statement on his career decision; "2017 is the last year. Been incredible and wouldn't change a thing. Get at me for one last time. Wrichards83@gmail.com." Richards also posted a long statement on his journey and his desire to make something of himself.
"At the end, you always have to ask yourself why:I guess I just had to prove it to myself that I could do something. That I wasn't destined to be like all I saw around me. I was worth something even though my dad walked out or my mom chose drugs over me. Or maybe there had to be more than what this town's limits held. It wasn't about fame, It wasn't about money. It was about escape. Escape from this small dead end town, Escape from a toxic family name, Escape from a grim fate, Escape from a grim fate that everyone around me just readily accepted. The TV, the Belts, the money, and everything that goes along with it was secondary. It was the belief that I am good enough. I am worth it, I can change my fate. i can change my family name that drove me. I believe I have done that. i just wanted to be the best. Maybe it was revenge on my parents for abandoning me. Maybe it was the void of when my Grandparents left when they died. Maybe it was a selfworth issue. What ever it was, I can honestly say that I left every single thing that I had every single night. You all gave me a reason to be, and I gave you every ounce of my heart and soul in that ring. Its a very special place, A sacred ground for our dysfunctional and all the while beautiful family. A place where everyone belongs. I'm forever grateful you accepted me into your family, Im always there in spirit, DR." #ThankYouDavey
Here is the official announcement of the new Partnership between IMPACT Ventures and Anthem Sports & Entertainment, aka The Parent company of The Fight Nwtork.
"Toronto, Canada (November 3, 2016) – Anthem Sports & Entertainment Corp. and Impact Ventures, parent company of TNA Impact Wrestling, today announced that Anthem has provided a credit facility to TNA to fund operations.Anthem Sports & Entertainment Corp. is a global sports media company that operates Fight Network, Impact Wrestling’s exclusive broadcaster in Canada, as well as the exclusive worldwide digital streaming partner for all TNA programming. It is also an equity stakeholder of Impact Ventures.The agreement includes the appointment of Anthem Executive Vice President Ed Nordholm to the Impact Ventures Board of Managers. The company will be managed by the Board with Mr. Nordholm representing the Board on all major operating and restructuring decisions. Dixie Carter will continue as Chair of the Company, as well as her position on the Board of Managers. Billy Corgan is no longer with the company.“We have had a successful, long-term partnership with Fight Network as our Canadian broadcaster, and more recently as our global digital partner,” said Dixie Carter. “Anthem’s team has extensive media experience, and I am excited to have that available to us as we plan for the future.”“We have consistently maintained that investing in content as we grow our distribution is important as a strategic necessity, and working more closely with a strong brand like TNA is in line with that. This financing is an extension of the support we have been providing since the beginning of the year,” said Leonard Asper, CEO of Anthem. “There are tremendous opportunities to support the company’s growth on all platforms and in all media along side Dixie and the incredible talent and staff at TNA.”
TNA Chairman Dixie Carter on the 3rd November sent a letter to the TNA IMPACT roster and staff about the financial arrangement with Anthem Sports for a "funding plan that will stabilise the company."
In the letter Dixie wrote, "This is excellent news for all our shareholders in that it means, we, as a company, will continue to provide our fans with the best wrestling content on the planet." She also told staff and talents that there will be changes made to the company as they move forward, However the organisational structure will remain the same with Dean Broadhead and Serg Salinas will remain on the Board of Managers. She also aid Anthem's other sports properties will benefit TNA and that Anthem's sales team will support TNA with TV and digital advertising.
The Board of Managers are working to develop a "longer-term business plan" for TNA. She wrote, "With financial stability, we can focus on executing our near term objectives while planning a measured and thoughtful approach for the future." Also in the letter it noted that Aroluxe Media will continue overseeing production in 2017. Aroluxe is still an "equity stakeholder" in IMPACT Ventures.
David Lagana, Who is TNA’s Senior Director of Creative has resigned from his position on the 4th November after a sfive year stint with the company, Here is a snippet f his statement on his decision to step down; "Today I made the decision to leave TNA Impact Wrestling. A decision I do not make lightly but one I made to create a future that I control. In 2017, you need to look forward to 2020 and beyond. My focus now is on personal branding, technology and the wild west of storytelling available to all content creators today."
Former TNA Knockouts champion and First Lady of Professional Wrestling, Maria Kanellis Bennett is on the cusp of retirement from Pro wrestling also. Much like fellow TNA Star Richards, Maria has been building for a life outside of wrestling. She released a statement on her status; "News, any news doesn't ever tell the whole story. It will be an interesting next couple months.What I know is I am leaving wrestling soon. I'm not exactly sure when but that's why I went back to school. I am done in May with my bachelors. And then, I'm on to my masters degree. Eventually everyone must realize that the road never changes until you change roads."
Billy Corgan's request for a temporary injunction against TNA was ruled against by Chancellor Ellen Hobbs Lyle [The Judge], Which means business as usual for TNA, Except that TNA can continue to run the company without involvement from Corgan. Corgan said on the result; "For those asking, I'm in no way disappointed in the judges ruling regarding TNA. Rather, I'm grateful the judge considered the case. It's important to note is these proceedings have brought forth facts which illuminate business practices I have fought against for a reason. And I suggest that a careful reading on the judge's ruling supports there can be no claim of victory by anyone in a position of authority."
However, This is not the end of the Corgan vs TNA saga, As the ruling was just over Corgan's motion for a temporary injunction, and not the actual lawsuit he filed against TNA. It appears as if Corgan will continue his lawsuit as Corgan's attorney [Scott Simms] said. "Mr. Corgan looks forward to the opportunity to conduct full discovery into these matters and present his case in its entirety to the Court at a later date."
TNA is planning to hold more Impact Wrestling TV tapings from Wednesday, January 4th, 2017 through Tuesday, January 10th, 2017 at Universal Studios in Orlando, Florida. The tapings are currently earmarked on the Universal Studios calendar, and TNA will tape a special episode of "Total Nonstop Deletion" from Matt Hardy's compound in North Carolina before the 2016 year is out.
While participating in a Tag Team match on the NXT house show in Fresno, California, on the 26th October, Austin Aries suffered a nasty injury to the eye and face after taking a brutal kick from Shinsuke Nakamura. Aries was teaming with Samoa Joe against the team of Nakamura and No Way Jose at the event. Literally moments after the kick, Aries took a back drop and the referee for the match gave the X signal and the match was stopped. People at the event noted that he lost a lot of blood. Aries suffered a large orbital fracture from the kick. He underwent a successful surgery this past week in Birmingham, Alabama. Austin will be out of Action for the rest of 2016 and at least early 2017.
In a sign of global growth, TNA Wrestling's new Developmental centre will be located at Al Snow's Wrestling Academy in London, England. Al Snow posted the following statement announcing the major arrangement. "The Al Snow Academy are very proud to announce that we are now the official "Global Development Center" for TNA Impact Wrestling.If you have the passion, the heart and the desire to start the journey to become the best you can be then join all the other students who have already started the pathway towards a career in professional wrestling.Learn the right way from the legend and former Head Trainer of WWE Al Snow."
At Chapter 38: When men throw Men at Men, Mask Haskins retained his World championship in a triple threat match against Marty Scurll and Jimmy Havoc, But after his match, He left his championship title in the middle of the ring. This strange action has a good reason. Haskins, is injured, therefor the leaving of the belt in the ring was his way of relinquishing the championship.
As for what will happen with the World title, It will be up for grabs at Chapter 39, Where the winners of of the five mens matches will compete in an seven man elimination match with the winner becoming the new champion. Also on the show will feature the Natural Progression Series 4 first round match with the debuting Katey Harvey taking on Nixon Newell, Pastor William Eaver battling Joe Coffey, The Hunter Brothers (Jim and Lee Hunter) against The South Pacific Power Trip (Travis Banks and TK Cooper), The Progress Tag Team Titles will be defended by British Strong Style against The London Riots, Will Ospreay will wage war with the debuting Matt Riddle, and Jimmy Havoc and Marty Scurll will be automatically in the Main event match for the World Title.
The Undertaker will be making his first WWE TV appearance this year at SmackDown's 900th episode celebration episode on 15th November since defeating Shane McMahon in Hell in a Cell at WrestleMania 32 in Dallas, Texas. WWE are planning a new Women's only series for the WWE Network, and have already announced a new Cruiserweights series that will be shown every week called 205 Live, It will be called by Mauro Rannallo and Corey Graves.
The relationship between management and ACH isn't very promising, As ACH at several AAW events last month, made some comments about the company that upset several people in ROH. ACH's exclusive ROH contract expires at the end of the year. He has been with ROH since 2012.
Since 2010, Challenge TV un the UK has been the home of TNA Wrestling and all of its shows. IMPACT Wrestling, Xplosion, Pay Per Views, One Night Only Events, Aswell as holding its own TNA UK tours, along with the British Bootcamp series that found talents British Mark Andrews and Rockstar Spud. Challenge TV released the following statement on dropping TNA from its channel; "We know that many TNA fans will be disappointed to hear this, but we wanted to let you all know that as of January 2017, Challenge will no longer be the home of TNA in the UK. TNA has been a huge and important part of Challenge's story over the years and we will treasure some great moments like the British Bootcamp and UK tours. We have been proud to bring UK viewers coverage of TNA and have huge respect for the company and its fans. TNA is packed with great talent and we know they will continue to do great things – we wish them all the best."
While in the ashes of the Challenge TV deal, TNA have promised a big announcement coming soon regarding a replacement channel to air TNA in the UK, with a difference. Here is TNA's statement; "We are proud to have had such a great relationship with Challenge, and appreciate how the channel brought Impact Wrestling to our avid viewers through the years. In today's world, spoilers are inevitable. We've heard from the amazing fans in the UK and know you do not want to wait 3-5 days to watch the program after it airs in the US.Our goal is to broadcast Impact Wrestling in the UK as close to the US premiere as possible. We look forward to announcing that opportunity soon, so stay tuned. In the meantime, we hope you continue to watch Impact Wrestling on Challenge, Sunday nights at 9pm, as well as Xplosion and pay-per-views and follow us on social media. Thank you."
The Extreme original, Sabu, On Wednesday 26th October, Successfully underwent his first Hip replacement surgery.
The daughters of Hulk Hogan, Diamond Dallas Page, Kerry Von Erich, Roddy Piper and Jean Claude VanDamme, have all formed together to start a Women's wrestling promotion. Brooke Hogan, Ariel Toombs [Roddy's daughter], Lacey Von Erich and Bianca Brigitte VanDamme, Along with Christy Hemme, [Longtime TNA Knockout] Who will apparently will be in an authority role in the company. While many surprises are in store, The ladies are looking to get hold of UFC legend Ronda Rousey for the promotion.
Randy Orton will be missing the WWE's annual Survivor Series event which takes place on the 20th November due to the expected arrival of his baby daughter on the 22nd of November. He will however be returning on 29th November.
During a recent appearence on Jim Ross' podcast, Bill Goldberg, Who will be facing Brock LOesnar at the Survivor Series PPV on 20th November, Goldberg talked about some of the key focus points heading into the big event being billed as 12 years in the making. On a possible repeat of WrestleMania 20 in the sense of getting booed, Goldberg seemed confident on what he would do if that was the case: "At the end of the day, I hope everybody has fun. And if I just so happen to get booed, then, I am surely not going to go out and end my life because of it. At the end of the day, it's other people's interpretation upon your act at that moment, so if I get booed, then, I'll take it out on Brock more so than I'm doing already. And I believe that that's what we wanted to do to each other when we were booed the last time we met. And I think this time, the gloves, as we say, are off, so this is going to be a war."
Goldberg also gave a taste of what to expect from his war with Lesnar, He admits to his flaws but promises to bring an ultra violent match with The Beast: "As far as taking bumps and giving bumps, I've been taking bumps and I've been giving bumps, but they are of a completely different kind, so just because I'm not up on my hitting the ropes skills, don't mean that I don't bring something to the table that will far exceed expectations as far as violence is concerned, so that's what we do, man. And I'm just trying to, I've got to reinvent myself and I've got to figure out the right combination to bring into that ring."
The King of Strong Style is to stay with the Yellow Brand for the meantime as there are currently no plans for him to come up to the main roster any time soon. The plan is for him to remain in NXT and be the face of the brand.
Remember in Becky Lynch's last promo when she talked about, well, anything!? .... No, I thought not, and there's a good reason why. WWE's executive vice president Kevin Dunn, Is not a fan of Becky's regional accent. Hence the reason for Becky's rare promo time. The Wrestling Observer notes that Dunn doesn't want to hear her anymore, So we are highly unlikely to even remember the voice of the Lass Kicker in a few months!
On the 24th October edition of Monday Night RAW, Vince McMahon blew a gasket during the Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar segment of the show, Where Heyman responded to Goldberg from last week. The promo was a complete disaster as the crowds were cheering for the heel Lesnar and booing Goldberg the face. Heyman tried many times to change the crowd to boo Lesnar and cheer Goldberg, but the crowd weren't having it, Especially as the crowd were Brock Lesnar's home town crowd in Minnealopis. The promo segment was supposed to last twice as long as it was, But Vince pulled the plug on the segment and had Lesnar's music que the end of it. During the time, Lesnar just smiled and laughed as he knew this wasn't how it was supposed to go.
Promotion: WWE
Show: RAW
Date: 24/10/2016
Location: Target Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota
[The show featured a running storyline of Chris Jericho refusing to compete in the main event unless he finds his list that Seth Rollins hid from him. When Jericho finds the list, Braun Strowman is in possession of it, After getting advice from Strowman to put Sami Zayn on the list, He gives it back to Jericho.]
Enzo Amore (w/Big Cass) Defeated Karl Anderson (w/Luke Gallows) Sheamus & Cesaro Defeated The New Day (Big E & Kofi Kingston) (w/Xavier Woods) [In-ring arm wrestling contest between Bayley and Dana Brooke. Dana won against Bayley's bad arm, Wanted a rematch, and Beat her down mid match. Bayley recovered and hit her signature BTB suplex to end the segment.]
Bo Dallas Defeated Curtis Axel
The Golden Truth (w/Mark Henry) Defeated The Shining Stars
Rich Swann Defeated Brian Kendrick
Triple Threat Match Seth Rollins Defeated Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho
Date: 31/10/2016
Location: XL Center, Hartford, Connecticut
[In-ring segment with Goldberg. Just as he starts to speak, Paul Heyman interrupts and runs down the crowd for chanting Goldberg. He then winds up the fans and gets Goldberg all fired up for a pre Survivor Series fight with Brock Lesnar. But Heyman was just winding him up. He mocks Goldbergs son for thinking his dad would fight Lesnar, Then mocks Goldberg, who is all fired up. Goldberg then turns to attack Heyman, But Rusev comes out and makes the save. He says that Lesnar isn't here, But Rusev is! Goldberg and Rusev start scrapping. Then Goldberg hits Rusev with the Jackhammer, Then Spears Paul Heyman to end the segment.]
Trick or Treat Street Fight Enzo Amore (w/Big Cass) Defeated Luke Gallows (w/Karl Anderson)
WWE RAW CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP TJ Perkins Defeated Brian Kendrick (c) Via Countout (Still Champion) Notes: Kendrick purposely got counted out to retain via champions advantage. But when he headed to the back, TJ attacked him and locked in the kneebar on the ramp. He refused to let go as officials tried to separate them.
[Braun Strowman orders Mick Foley to give him real competition and put him in Team Raw for the mens Survivor Series match. Foley says he must earn it first, By winning the Halloween battle Royale tonight.]
[Mick Foley's post Hell in a Cell address. He talks about being proud of the event, except for Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens. This leads to them coming out and running down Foley. Foley says that despite what they did at Hell in a Cell, They need them for Team Raw at Survivor Series. Foley then announces that they need The man for Team Raw, and calls out Roman Reigns. This leads to Roman Reigns versus Chris Jericho for later tonight.] Battle Royale - Winner gets a Team RAW position Braun Strowman Defeated Sami Zayn, Goldust, R-Truth, Curtis Axel, Darren Young, Titus O'Neil, Bo Dallas, Neville, Jinder Mahal, Cesaro and Sheamus [The New Day promo dressed as The Nation of Domination. Woods is Papa Shango, Kofi is The Godfather and Big E is Mark Henry. Kofi reveals that The New Day are Team captains for the Team Raw at Survivor Series.] Lince Dorado, Rich Swann & Cedric Alexander Defeated Tony Nese, Ariya Daivari & Drew Gulak [RAW Women's champion Charlotte inring promo. She praises Banks for making history together at Hell in a Cell inside of the Cell. She then announces that she is the Team captain for Team RAW's womens Team. Then she calls out Bayley, Who was announced to be on the team. Bayley comes out and praise Charlotte and Banks for Hell in a Cell, then Charlotte mocks Bayley for being the weak link of team RAW. Then Charlotte introduces Bayley's opponent for tonight, and member of Team RAW, Nia Jax!
Nia Jax Defeated Bayley
Sheamus & Cesaro Defeated The Shining Stars After the match, Sheamus and Cesaro are still no on the same page.
Golden Truth Halloween special at a haunted house.
WWE UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP Roman Reigns (c) Defeated Chris Jericho Via DQ (Still Champion) As Roman went to pin Jericho after hitting his finisher, Owens came in and broke the pin ending the match in DQ. After the match, Roman Reigns is beaten down by Owens and Jericho, Until Seth Rollins comes out to make the save. The two face off in the ring as Owens and Jericho abandon the ring.
Promotion: WWE
Show: SmackDown
Date: 25/10/2016
Location: Resch Center, Green Bay, WI
No DQ Match Bray Wyatt (w/Luke Harper) Defeated Kane Notes: The lights went out during the match, and Luke Harper appeared standing atop of the Announce table. He did his part in attacking Kane due to the NO DQ ruling. Later in the match, Randy Orton came out in what appeared to be in the benifit of Kane, But then he hit Kane with an RKO for Wyatt to cover and get the win. Wyatt and Harper looked on shocked at Orton's actions.
Survivor Series Qualifying Match The Hype Bros Defeated The Ascension [Backstage, Andrea interviews Randy Orton. He stood silently for a while with his arms crossed, Then uttered If you can't beat them, Join Them.]
Winner is Team Captain for Survivor Series Women's tag Match Nikki Bella Defeated Natalya SMACKDOWN TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS Rhyno & Heath Slater (c) (w/Dolph Ziggler) Defeated The Spirit Squad (w/Miz & Maryse) (Still Champions) If Ambrose wins, He is Number One Contender for the World Championship AJ Styles Defeated Dean Ambrose (w/James Ellsworth) Via DQ Notes: James Ellsworth, After AJ threw Ambrose outside the ring right next to him, Entered the ring and hit AJ with the No Chin Music and The Ref called for the bell, Despite Ambrose pleading with the referee to let the match continue.
Date: 01/11/2016
Location: Prudential Center, Newark, New Jersey
[James Ellsworth apologises to Dean Ambrose in the ring. They make up then AJ Styles interrupts. After an exchange of Insults, AJ lays waste to both Ambrose and Ellsworth. Then Backstage, Daniel Bryan grants Dean Ambrose a rematch against Styles tonight with the same stake as last week, If he wins, He is the #1 contender for AJ's WWE World Championship. However, Daniel bars Ellsworth from ringside.]
No DQ Match Randy Orton Defeated Kane Notes: during the contest, Bray Wyatt and Luke Harper appeared at ringside. They then attack Kane. Randy hits the RKO on Kane for the win right infront of Wyatt and Harper. Kane then sat up, Only to be beaten down by Harper. Harper and Orton throw Kane into Wyatt for sister Abigails. Orton and The Wyatt Family celebrate together.
Carmella & Alexa Bliss Defeated Becky Lynch & Nikki Bella After the match, Bliss and Carmella run down the Raw women, Then Bliss reminds Becky that she is coming for her title next week in Glasgow.
[Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan add Naomi to Team SmackDown for Survivor Series. Then Bryan makes Natalya coach of the Ladies team to whip them into shape.]
Survivor Series Qualifying Match American Alpha Defeated The Spirit Squad (Kenny & Mikey)
[Miz TV segment. Miz questions GM Daniel Bryan about Team Smackdown Men's team for Survivor Series, and why he wasn't in the team. Bryan says that he needs stars who are ready to fight, and Miz was afraid to fight last week. This leads to Bryan telling an upset Miz to join commentary for Dolph Ziggler's IC title open challenge match up next.]
WWE Intercontinental Championship Open Challenge Dolph Ziggler (c) Defeated Curt Hawkins (Still Champion) After the match, Dolph Ziggler issues an Open Challenge to anyone from RAW for a match at Survivor Series. The Miz at Ringside is not happy.
[Bray Wyatt welcomes Randy Orton into the Wyatt Family backstage with Luke Harper.]
[Dean Ambrose doesn't want Ellsworth at ringside in the main event.]
Survivor Series Qualifying Match The Usos Defeated The Headbangers
WWE World Championship #1 Contendership Match Dean Ambrose Defeated AJ Styles Notes: James Ellsworth ran down to ringside to cheer on Dean, But security run after him. They chase him all over the arena as AJ and Dean battle in the ring. Then Ellsworth comes back to ringside and tries to jump in the ring, But security stop him. a distracted AJ comes out and throws Ellsworth over the announce table. The distraction paid off as Dean hits Dirty Deeds for the win after AJ missed a Springboard Forearm.
Promotion: WWE
Show: NXT
Date: 26/10/2016
Location: Full Sail University, Orlando, FL
Round One Match of The Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Tourney DIY (Ciampa & Gargano) Defeated HoHo Lun & Tian Bing
Aliyah Defeated Billie Kay (w/Peyton Royce) Notes: Liv Morgan came and fought with Peyton at ringside, This distraction cost Billie the match. Then after the match, All four got involved in a mega brawl, but it ended with Kay and Royce laying out Aliyah and Morgan. Tye Dillinger Defeated Noah Potjes After the match, Mike Rome interviewed Tye on the top of the ramp. He says the only Glorious thing Roode did was run. However, Roode runs in and blindsides Tye from behind.
Asuka Defeated Thea Trinidad After the match, William Regal introduces Asuka's next challenger, Mickie James! She says although Asuka's beaten everyone she's faced, she hasn't beaten her. Round One Match of The Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Tourney TJ Perkins & Kota Ibushi Defeated Mustafa Ali & Lince Dorado
Date: 02/11/2016
Location: Full Sail University, Orlando, FL
[William Regal made this match a singles match due to Aries' injury he sustained. The winner of the singles match adavances in the DRTTC.] Round Two Match of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Shane Thorne (w/Nick Miller) Defeated Roderick Strong (w/Austin Aries)
Round Two Match of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic DIY Defeated The Revival Via Bye due to Dawson being unable to compete. Note: DIY came out and announced that due to the injuries of Dawson, They would forfeit the match.
[Backstage, DIY mock The Revival for dropping out of the Tourney.]
Round Two Match of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Authors of Pain (w/Paul Ellering) Defeated Rich Swann & No Way Jose
Round Two Match of the Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic SAnitY (Wolfe & Fulton) Defeated TJ Perkins & Kota Ibushi
Promotion: ROH
Show: ROH TV
Date: 25/10/2016
Location: Lowell Memorial Auditorium, Lowell MA
[Commentators Kevin Kelly and Steve Corino run through the show, Which features The Motor City Machine Guns taking on Los Ingobernables De Japon in the ROH TV Main event.] Dalton Castle & Colt Cabana Defeated The Tempura Boyz (Sho Tanaka & Yohei Komatsu) [On-stage interview by Kevin Kelly with The Briscoes. But before the interview takes place, Footage of Dalton and Cabana having a stareoff on the rampway when they were heading to the back. The interview starts with Kelly asking the Briscoes about that altercation with Cabana and Castle. Jay and Mark say they fear no tag team in ROH. They talk about over the past few months, They have beaten both Castle & Cabana and The Young Bucks. How in recent months, They have defeated Castle and Cabana, as well as The Young Bucks. They proclaim that they face the winner of those two tag teams at Final Battle and become to 9 time ROH World Tag Team champions!]
Kyle O'Reilly Defeated Jonathan Gresham After the match, Hangman Page runs in as soon as the match is done and beats down O'Reilly. However, Bobby Fish comes out and makes the save for his ReDragon partner. While the save is made by Fish, World Champion Adam Cole comes out and attacks Fish from behind. A massive brawl between Fish and Cole and O'Reilly and Page takes place in and out of the ring respectively. Hangman Page, after slamming O'Reilly into the barricade, Comes in to aid Adam Cole against Bobby Fish with a steel chair. He hits Fish with the chair, then Cole holds up Fish for Page to hit him. Fish spits in the face of Page, Which infuriates him, Then repeatedly batters Fish with the chair. Security break Cole and Page from the injured Fish.
Punishment Martinez & BJ Whitmer Defeated Cheeseburger & Will Ferrara Notes: Kevin Sullivan on commentary tried to get his favourite son Steve Corino to join him and his Purple Haze reincarnation and Whitmer. After the match, Corino begs Sullivan not to let them beat down Burger and Ferrara again. Sullivan handed Steve a Golden Spike to use on Burger and Ferrara. He heads to the ring and tries to stop Whitmer and Martinez. Steve teased hitting Burger and Ferrara with the spike, But didn't and threw it away. Sullivan wasn't happy with Corino.
ROH TV Main Event Los Ingobernables De Japon (Naito & Evil) Defeated The Motor City Machine Guns
Date: 01/11/2016
Location: Lowell Memorial Auditorium, Lowell MA
Donovan Dijak (w/Prince Nana) Defeated Danny Miles After the match, Prince Nana states that Dijak will never lose again, Despite never submitting at ASE against Bobby Fish for the ROH TV Championship. When Nana says that, He looked directly at Dijak.
[Backstage Brawl between The Motor City Machine Guns and Bullet Club after Adam Cole mocked them for always being injured. Security breaks them apart.] [The Briscoes Backstage promo infront of the ROH Banner. They intend of getting revenge on the Addiction tonight in the main event for cheating in their match at Field of Honor and preventing them from becoming 9 time ROH World Tag Team Champions.] [Vignette of Jax Dane, The Newest ROH signing. The former NWA World Champion will debut in ROH at The Surival of the fittest shows.]
The Addiction Vs The Briscoes is Cancelled due to the Addiction not being fit to compete. Kazarian, Daniels and Kamatiachi addressed the Briscoe's in the ring. Kazarian gives a passionate speech about retreating but not surrendering. As they leave, The Briscoes demand a match as they don't want to let the people down. They call out the Young Bucks to defend their tag titles against them tonight. The Bullet Club's music plays, But it isn't the Bucks, Its Adam Cole and Hangman Page. Cole runs down The Briscoes and mocks them for challenging two injured men to a fight. Briscoes then challenge Cole and Page instead. Cole and Page pretended to leave, then ran in and brawled with the Briscoes. This leads to it being made an official match.
The Briscoes Defeated The Bullet Club (Adam Cole & Hangman Page) Via DQ Notes: Adam Cole hit Jay Briscoe with his ROH World Title to end the match in DQ. Then he hits both Briscoes with the title, Until Bobby Fish and Kyle O'Reilly come out with steel chairs to make the save.
[Matt Taven promo Backstage infront of the ROH Banner. He hypes the next week's ROH TV main event match between The Kingdom and The Bullet Club in the 6 Man Tag Team Championship tourney. He hypes the return of the Kingdom.]
ROH TV Main Event ROH Six Man Championship Tourney Match Jay White, Super ACH & Kushida Defeated The Cabinet (Caprice Coleman, Kenny King & Rhett Titus)
Promotion: Lucha Underground
Show: Lucha Underground Series 3
Date: 26/10/2016
Location: The Temple, Los Angeles, CA
Marty "The Moth" Martinez (w/Mariposa) Defeated Ivelisse After the match, Marty and Mariposa, while celebrating, Were attacked by Jeremiah [fka Soloman Crowe]. But after a while, Marty and Mariposa fought back and started to beat down Jeremiah. Then Ivelisse came back out and made the save for him, and cleared the ring of the brother and sister team. Then Jeremiah hugged his girlfriend Ivelisse, Who is reluctant to mix her private life with her professional life. [In the Temple's parking area, Dario Cueto is in a limousine with Councillor Delgado says to Dario that his descension is now complete. Dario says soon The Gods will be united and then no one can stop us. Dario is asked if he has found a host body, to which he says that the two host bodies are almost god like themselves. Dario is given a chest, The timing is perfect he says while taking it off of Delgado.] Best of Five Series Ultimate Oppurtunity Match #3 Texano Defeated Cage [Cage 2 - Texano 1] [In Dario's office, Just as he is about to open the chest, Rey Mysterio walks in. He requests that Dario gives Chavo Guerrero a one week notice, as He says he wants to put and end to Chavo Guerrero's backstabbing career for once and for all. Dario likes this idea, and makes it official for next week's main event.] Lucha Underground Main Event GIFT OF THE GODS CHAMPIONSHIP Johnny Mundo Defeated Sexy Star (c) (New Champion) (Mundo can now challenge for the Lucha Underground Championship. Notes: The referee Marty Elias gets knocked out. Then PJ Black and Jack Evans come out and attack Star. Then backup referee Rick Knox comes in to count Mundo's pin on Star. Star kicked out, and Evans and Black take out the back up referee. As Worldwide Underground attempt to hurt Star some more, The Mack runs out and makes the save for Star. The ring is cleared to just Star and Mundo. Mundo went to hit Star with a chair, But original referee Marty took it off him and took it out of the ring. As the referee was distracted, Mundo with brass knuckles hidden in his tights, Knocks out Star and wins the match and the title. [Backstage, Prince Puma, who is training, Is approached by Vampiro who congratulates Puma on his win last week over Muertes. He reminds Puma of what Mil Muertes did to his mentor Konnan. Puma says he hasn't, and says he remembers what Vampiro has said about Konnan in the past. Vampiro admits to hating Konnan, but says it wasn't him that sent Konnan to his early grave by being buried alive, but Mil's! He says that while he hated Konnan, he always respected Puma, and says in order for him to meet his true and full potential, He must do the same to Mil Muertes.]
Date: 02/11/2016
Location: The Temple, Los Angeles, CA
[Dario spins the Dial of Doom, and it lands on Dario's choice. He then mulls over the possible candidates who are not in matches tonight, Then announces that it will be Cortez Castro [The informant for the LAPD. Cortez comes out with a Kendo stick and is heavily bandaged up [since Pentagon broke his arm and put him in rehab.] LUCHA UNDERGROUND CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH "The Monster" Matanza Cueto (w/Dario Cueto) Defeated Cortez Castro (Still Champion) After the match, Dario mockingly tells Castro to get some rest and come back soon. [In Dario's office, Dario and Joey Ryan are laughing about the destruction of Cortez Castro. As Joey leaves Son of Havoc comes in with Mascarita Sagrada. Havoc asks on behalf of Sagrada for a match with Famous B. Dario instead books a match between Son of Havoc and Dr Wagner. If Havoc wins, The match between Sagrada and Famous B happens, and he gets to choose the stipulation, But if Wagner wins, Sagrada will still get his match but Wagner picks the stip instead.] [Prince Puma in the ring proposes a Grave Consequences match against Mil Muertes, as beating him wasn't enough to avenge Konnan. Caterina appears and accepts the challenge, and Mil Muertes dressed in an all black suit tried to blindside Puma from behind but Puma manages to fight back and clear the ring of Mil.] Winner chooses the Stipulation between Sagrada and Famous B Son of Havoc (w/Mascarita Sagrada) Defeated Dr. Wagner Jr. (w/Nurse Brenda & Famous B) After the match, Sagrada whispers to Havoc that he wants a Believers Backlash match. A match where the audience bring their own weapons for the match to aid the wrestlers. [Vignette with the White Rabbit. Two new characters are featured along with the original.] Loser Leaves Lucha Match Chavo Guerrero Jr (w/Chavo Classic) Defeated Rey Mysterio Via DQ (Rey must leave Lucha Underground) Notes: Chavo Classic with a chair entered the ring. He went to hit Rey, Then hit his own son Chavo Jr. However, It was all planned as Rey lost, He must leave Lucha! Then after a celebration for the Lying, Cheating, Stealing Guerrero's, Dario Cueto comes out of his office and respects Marty the Referee for doing his job, But he loves violence, so Dario restarts the match, this time with No DQ anything goes rules. Loser Leaves Lucha No DQ / Anything goes Match Rey Mysterio Defeated Chavo Guerrero Jr. (w/Chavo Classic) (Chavo must leave Lucha Underground)
Promotion: TNA
Show: IMPACT Wrestling
Date: 27/10/2016
Location: Impact Zone at Universal Studios, Orlando, FL
Notes: From start to finish, Through out the show, The Hardy family [Broken Matt, Brother Nero, King Maxell, Reby, Senor Benjamin and Vanguard One celebrated Halloween at House Hardy. Moments happened such as Brother Nero transforming into Itchweeed [The raving looney], Donald Trump being tasered by Senor Benjamin, and Clinton questioned by The Hardy's on the emails that were "Deleted"!, The Hurricane came to House Hardy for Treat or Delete! and Broken Matt Hardy gave a speech for Presidency! This show was Filled with lots of fun and wacky moments. The last part of the Hardy chaos ends with a message from DCC, warning that they will take the Tag Titles from them. Aron Rex & Eli Drake Defeated Ethan Carter III & Jessie Godderz Notes: Aron Rex had a foreign object underneath his taped up fingers. He hit a ko punch to Godderz which raised suspicion to the taped hand. [Grado for Halloween comes out as his hero, Robbie E. He's dressed in tiny Bro-Pants with his belly hanging over, The spray tan running down his face and covered in baby oil. Robbie over time gives in and joins Grado in dancing, But both are attacked by The DCC. They floor both Grado and Robbie to end the segment.] Team X Gold Match Go For Broke (Mark Andrews, DJ Z & Braxton Sutter) Defeated Rockstar Spud & Decay (Abyss & Crazy Steve) [Contract signing for World Title match for next week between Eddie Edwards and Lashley. and a challenge is accepted by Aron Rex for a Grand Championship match in the future with Jessie Godderz.] Laurel Van Ness Defeated Allie IMPACT Wrestling Main Event Cody & Brandi Rhodes Defeated "The Miracle" Mike Bennett & Maria Notes: After heading through the curtain, Cody and Brandi are greeted by Billy Corgan in the Gorilla Position and then Cody is attacked from behind by Lashley. He warns him that no one walks into his house without his permission.
Date: 03/11/2016
Location: Impact Zone at Universal Studios, Orlando, FL
[Through-out the show, A mini documentary airs of Eddie Edwards journey from Boston to the top and his private life. It documents his journey with Davey Richards to tag team glory, His ankle injury that put him on the shelf, To the X-Division title, To the All or nothing match with Lashley for X and World Title, Then the passing of mentor David Cahill, Then finally to the World Heavyweight Championship match tonight.]
[Brandi Rhodes in-ring segment. She talks about Lashley and mentions that Cody will be back in the future to deal with him. She then talks about her future in TNA as a knockout. This ques Maria KB along with Sienna. Maria offers Brandi a place in her group with Sienna and Laurel Van Ness. Brandi turns it down, which leads to Sienna flooring Brandi.]
IMPACT GRAND CHAMPIONSHIP MATCH Aron Rex (c) Defeated Jessie Godderz (Still Champion) Scorecard: All 3 judges give RD1 to Godderz 10-9 / Two judges Give RD2 to Godderz and one judge Gives RD2 to Rex / Aron Rex pins Jessie Godderz in RD3 to win the match. Notes: Before RD3, Rex rubbed his hands down with his towel, and the belief is that he put something on his hands to blind Godderz.
Team X Gold Triple Threat Tag Team Match Go For Broke (DJ Z, Mandrews & Sutter) Defeated Rockstar Spud & Decay and The Helms Dynasty (Lee, Everett & Rockett) Notes: Due to the Team X Gold's strict rules, Abyss and Crazzy Steve were ejected from the match due to breaking the rules, however, Decay and Spud weren't eliminated, but Spud had to continue on his own.
[Broken Matt and Brother Nero cut a promo on DCC before they come out for their match for the World Tag Team Titles. The lights go out after the clock comes on the big screen, The lights come back on and DCC are behind the Hardy's. After Matt says his "I knew you'd come" line, All three members of DCC floor the Hardy's as Reby looks on from Ringside. They leave the ring then Matt calls them to come back to the ring. a referee comes out to start the match.] TNA WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS The Broken Hardy's (c) and DCC fought to a no contest. (Still Champions) Notes: Due to referee Earl Hebner losing control of the bout, He calls for the bell to end the match. After the match, DCC and The Broken Hardy's continue to brawl and fight. A member of DCC takes out Earl Hebner and stands over his throat. A Huge Decay vs Hardys like fight takes place with the fight spilling all over the IMPACT Zone. The fight features "The Lake of Reicarnation" bucket changing Brother Nero into the Heel Jeff Hardy of 2011, A forklift attack from Broken Matt Hardy, A member of DCC being unmasked but he had another one on underneath, and much more including a fight in the parking lot area.
[Ethan Carter III and Eli Drake conrfrontation. EC3 mentions that he will be back in the World Title picture in the future. Then calls out Eli Drake. They breifly talk about their journeys. Ethan then tells Drake to gamble and put his Bound for Gold on the line against him. Drake refuses, Then Ethan ups the ante, and says he will never wrestler for the World title again if he loses, But Eli refuses again dur to Ethan being unworthy, and says he will be cashing in next week against the winner of Bobby Lashley and Eddie Edwards.] IMPACT Main Event TNA WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Eddie Edwards (c) Defeated Bobby Lashley (Still Champion) Notes: During the match, The referee Brian Hebner got knocked out, And a replacement referee came out. After frustration of not getting a three count from the new referee, Lashley takes out the new Ref, But Brian Hebner, the original referee went to ring for the bell, But after Lashley pleaded with him no to, Eddie hits Lashley with the Boston Knee Party and Brian Hebner counted the three for the Edwards win!
Promotion: NJPW Event: Road to Power Struggle #2 (Blue Justice VI) Date: 27/10/2016 Location: Togane Arena, Togane, Japan Hirai Kawato Defeated Bone Soldier Via DQ ACH & Taiji Ishimori Defeated Jushin "Thunder" Liger & Titan Fuego & Ryusuke Taguchi Defeated Angel de Oro & Tiger Mask Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii, Will Ospreay & Yoshi-Hashi) Defeated Bullet Club (Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa, Yujiro Takahashi & Chase Owens) Juice Robinson & Yoshitatsu Defeated David Finlay & Hiroshi Tanahashi Bullet Club (Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) Defeated Chaos (Trent Beretta, Rocky Romero & Kazuchika Okada) Los Ingobernables de Japon (Bushi, Evil, Sanada & Tetsuya Naito) Defeated Hiroyoshi Tenzan, Satoshi Kojima, Manabu Nakanishi & Yuji Nagata
Promotion: AAA Event: Star Battle Japan 2016 Date: 01/11/2016 Location: Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, Japan Dinastia, Kenso, La Hiedra & Pimpinela Escarlata Defeated Mamba, Mini Abismo Negro, Natsu Sumire & Toshizo Ikuto Hidaka & Masato Tanaka Defeated Angelico & El Hijo del Fantasma Triple Threat Match Drago Defeated Aero Star and Taiji Ishimori Daga & Taya Defeated Aja Kong & Australian Suicide Falls Count Anywhere Hardcore Match Pagano Defeated Psycho Clown
Naomichi Marufuji, Akebono & Rey Mysterio Defeated El Texano Jr, Brian Cage & Pentagon Jr.
Promotion: NJPW Event: Road to Power Struggle (p6) Date: 30/10/2016 Location: Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, Japan Teruaki Kanemitsu Defeated Hirai Kawato Juice Robinson & Yoshitatsu Defeated Bullet Club (Bone Soldier & Yujiro Takahashi) Via DQ TenKoji (Tenzan & Kojima), Jushin "Thunder" Liger & Tiger Mask Defeated Angel de Oro, Manabu Nakanishi, Titan & Yuji Nagata Chaos (Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & Yoshi-Hashi) Defeated Bullet Club (Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Chase Owens) Bullet Club (Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) Defeated Chaos (Gedo, Okada & Will Ospreay) Note: The Bucks and Kenny Omega fancy dressed as Ghostbusters. Los Ingobernables de Japon (Bushi, Evil, Sanada & Naito) Defeated Great Bash Heel (Makabe & Honma), Hiroshi Tanahashi & Katsuyori Shibata Semi-Final Match of the Super Junior Tag Tournament 2016 Roppongi Vice (Beretta & Romero) Defeated Fuego & Ryusuke Taguchi Semi-Final Match of the Super Junior Tag Tournament 2016 ACH & Taiji Ishimori Defeated David Finlay & Ricochet
Promotion: PROGRESS Event: Chapter 38: When Men throw Men at Men Date: 30/10/2016 Location: Electric Ballroom, Camden, Greater London, England The Hunter Brothers (Jim & Lee Hunter) Defeated The New Nation (Alexander Henry & Jason Prime) First Round Match of Natural Progression Series IV Jinny Defeated Pollyanna Paul Robinson Defeated Pastor William Eaver Tag Team Tables Match The South Pacific Power Trip (TK Cooper & Travis Banks) (w/Dahlia Black) Defeated Jack Sexsmith & Roy Johnson PROGRESS ATLAS CHAMPIONSHIP Rampage Brown (c) Defeated Bad Bones (Still Champion) Smash Wrestling Championship #1 Contendership Matt Cross Defeated Mark Andrews Triple Threat Match PROGRESS WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Mark Haskins (c) Defeated Jimmy Havoc and Marty Scurll (Still Champion)
Promotion: REVPRO WRESTLING Events: Live In Portsmouth 6 Date: 30/10/2016 Location: Portsmouth Guildhall, Portsmouth, England The British Young Bloods (Bruce & Jake McCluskey) Defeated Dan Magee & Rob Lias Oliver Carter Defeated James Castle Trent Seven Defeated David Starr Ryan Smile Defeated Shane Strickland Alex Windsor Defeated Zoe Lucas Two-on-One Handicap Match Ryback Defeated The Legion Of Lords (Gideon Grey & Rishi Ghosh)
Promotion: Southside Wrestling Entertainment Event: 6th Anniversary Show Date: 29/10/2016 Location: Gordon Craig Theatre, Stevenage, Hertfordshire, England Kendo Stick Match Mark Haskins Defeated Robbie X Six Corners Match QUEEN OF SOUTHSIDE CHAMPIONSHIP Melina (c) Defeated Alex Windsor, Dahlia Black, Kay Lee Ray, Nixon Newell and Ruby Summers (Still Champion) Adam Maxted & Bram Defeated Alex Gracie & Marshall X SWE TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS Stixx And Flips (Chris Tyler & Stixx) (c) Defeated Lucha Overground (Matt Cross & Shane Strickland) (Still Champions) TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Eddie Edwards (c) Defeated Bubblegum (Still Champion) Cody Rhodes Defeated Pete Dunne Tables, Ladders and Chairs Match SWE HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP El Ligero Defeated Joseph Conners (c) (New Champion)
Promotion: WWE RAW Event: Hell In A Cell 2016 Date: 30/10/2016 Location: TD Garden, Boston, MA, USA Hell in a Cell Match WWE UNITED STATES CHAMPIONSHIP Roman Reigns (c) Defeated Rusev (Still Champion) Bayley Defeated Dana Brooke Karl Anderson & Luke Gallows Defeated Big Cass & Enzo Amore Hell in a Cell Match WWE UNIVERSAL CHAMPIONSHIP Kevin Owens (c) (w/Chris Jericho) Defeated Seth Rollins (Still Champion) WWE CRUISERWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Brian Kendrick Defeated TJ Perkins (c) (New Champion) WWE RAW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS Cesaro & Sheamus Defeated The New Day (Big E & Woods) (w/Kofi Kingston) (c) Via DQ (Still Champions) Hell in a Cell Match WWE RAW WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP Charlotte Flair Defeated Sasha Banks (c) (New Champion)
Promotion: SHINE Event: #38 Date: 04/11/2016 Location: The Orpheum, Ybor City, FL Anything Goes Match Mercedes Martinez Defeated Andrea Chelsea Diamond Defeated Priscilla Kelly Tracy Taylor Defeated Miss Rachel ACW WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP Aria Blake (c) and Brandi Lauren Fought to a No Contest (Still Champion) Rhia O'Reilly Defeated Rachael Ellering Leva Bates Defeated Jessie Belle Smothers Raquel Defeated Tessa Blanchard Amanda Carolina Rodriguez & Shayna Baszler Defeated C4 (Amber Gallows & Kennadi Brink) Su Yung Defeated Saraya Knight Via Count Out SHINE CHAMPIONSHIP #1 CONTENDERSHIP LuFisto Defeated Allysin Kay (New Contender) SHINE CHAMPIONSHIP Ivelisse (c) (w/Amanda Carolina Rodriguez) Defeated Vanessa Kraven (Still Champion)
Promotion: NJPW Events: Power Struggle 2016 Date: 05/11/2016 Location: Edion Arena, Osaka, Japan TenKoji (Tenzan & Kojima) & Juice Robinson Defeated Manabu Nakanishi, Teruaki Kanemitsu & Yuji Nagata David Finlay, Jushin Thunder Liger, Ricochet & Tiger Mask Defeated Angel de Oro, Fuego, Ryusuke Taguchi & Titan Bullet Club (Bone Soldier, Yujiro Takahashi & Chase Owens) Defeated Great Bash Heel (Makabe & Honma) & Yoshitatsu IWGP TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS Bullet Club (G.o.D (Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa)) (c) Defeated CHAOS (Tomohiro Ishii & Yoshi-Hashi) (Still Champions) SUPER JUNIOR TAG TEAM TOURNEY 2016 FINALS Roppongi Vice (Beretta & Romero) Defeated ACH & Taiji Ishimori IWGP Junior Heavyweight Title Match Kushida Defeated Bushi (c) (New Champion)
Bullet Club (Adam Cole, Kenny Omega, Matt & Nick Jackson) Defeated Chaos (Gedo, Hirooki Goto, Kazuchika Okada & Will Ospreay) NEVER OPENWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Evil Defeated Katsuyori Shibata (c) (New Champion)
Hiroshi Tanahashi Defeated Sanada IWGP INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP Tetsuya Naito (c) Defeated Jay Lethal (Still Champion)
Promotion: AAW Events: Never Say Die 2016 Date: 04/11/2016 Location: 115 Bourbon Street, Merrionette Park, IL Dezmond Xavier Defeated Joey Janela Three Way Match Kimber Lee Defeated Jessicka Havok and Heidi Lovelace AAW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS The Besties (Matt Fitchett & Davey Vega) (c) Defeated Officer and a Gentleman (Chuck Taylor & Dan Barry) (Still Champion) HERITAGE CHAMPIONSHIP AR Fox Defeated Jack Evans (Still Champion) Kongo Kong Defeated Jeff Cobb Broken Matt Hardy & "Brother" Chris Hero Defeated The Helms Dynasty (Trevor Lee & Andrew Everett) when Hero pins Everett with a Swanton Bomb Zack Sabre Jr Defeated Prince Mustafa Ali
Promotion: TNA Events: One Night Only: November 2016 Date: 04/11/2016 Location: IMPACT Zone, Universal Studios, Orlando, FL Andrew Everett Defeated Mandrews Three Way Match Jade Defeated Marti Bell and Sienna Tyrus Defeated Trevor Lee (w/Andrew Everett) The BroMans (Robbie E, Jessie Godderz & DJ Z) (w/Raquel) Defeated Eddie Edwards, Grado & Mahabali Shera Lashley Defeated Bram Moose Defeated Eli Drake Gail Kim Defeated Laurel Van Ness James Storm Defeated Bram Broken Ethan Carter III Defeated Broken Matt Hardy
Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling #212 Rey Mysterio Jr.
Lucha Underground’s Rey Mysterio Jr. joined The Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling this past week for an exclusive interview conducted during New York City Comic Con. Rey discusses with John and Chad Season 3's progress thus far and what his future plans are for Lucha Underground and how he is playing a new role as mentor and veteran to the locker room.
Full Episode Download Link: http://tmptow.podomatic.com/entry/2016-10-20T21_00_00-07_00
Full Interview on Youtube: https://youtu.be/wEoyrSkv910
Going back to his roots and blending the Mysterio mystique with the vibe of Lucha Underground:
"If you really think about it with anybody that goes back to their roots one of the things that you get out of that is that it brings back good memories. It brings back the smiles so that really puts me back in the early days of my career and it just makes me want to keep going. It is only positive. Positive thinking, positive vibes and just going out there and having a good match. The only thing I haven't done yet and my son is the one who told me to do this is go back to my old wrestling attire, which I am really thinking about doing."
The energy that "the temple" brings to Lucha Underground and comparisons to the ECW Arena:
"It is very similar to that old ECW vibe. I don't mention this enough publicly like I should but I am very thankful to Paul Heyman and Konan. For Konan it was for introducing me to Paul Heyman and for Paul it was giving me the opportunity and to all of the boys that were a part of that roster back then like Shane Douglas, Tommy Dreamer and even Stone Cold Steve Austin who was back there. The energy of "the temple" is so similar to the vibe in ECW but it is just a bit more intimate and more personal at the temple. It is more eye contact with the fans and if you like you can make that personal connection so it is that good vibe that I always forget to relate to."
What can fans look forward to from Rey Mysterio in Season 3:
"It just gets crazier and crazier as we move on with the episodes in Season 3. Without giving anything away there is just so much talent that I still haven't faced that I am looking forward to getting to face off with in Season 3 or Season 4 or the next season after that. There is definitely such a wide variety on the roster that we can put out five star matches every night that we step into that temple."
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Through The Ropes Newsletter Issue #14 - Monday 7th November 2016
Written By the Through The Ropes Team / Next Issue: Monday 21st November 2016