"This is one that I personally am most looking forward to adding to the list of the heroes of the sport, and one that is more than the perfect person to be included and based around, The one and only, Kurt Angle!" - Jack Williams. #ThankYouAngle
After his incredible and stunning squash match over Brock Lesnar at Survivor Series, It has been revealed that Goldberg will be working a program with Brock Lesnar, As to just the one off match. A program between the two has the full backing of Lesnar and Vince themselves, With both seeing money to be made. It is worth noting that Brock was behind being squashed by Goldberg. Goldberg will also be returning for the Royal Rumble match in 2017 also.
Wrestling legend Scott Steiner, has voiced his displeasure with the exclusion of him from WWE's newest video game, 2K17, While Bill Goldberg is the main star in the game, Steiner, Who was one of only men wrestlers to defeat Goldberg in his entire Wrestling career, Is excluded from the game. Steiner went on one of his infamous rants on Twitter, Here is the extract of Steiner's rants; "Goldberg is featured on #WWE's new video game and somehow I'm not in the game... a handful of guys beat Goldberg. ..and Brock wasnt one of them..but I'm the only one not in the game... maybe Goldberg didn't want me in the game bcuz he couldn't handle getting beat in 2 different worlds".
The mega lawsuit against WWE has just gotten even bigger, With the inclusion of former WWE Superstar Ashley Massaro, The family of Jon Rechner aka Balls Mahoney, Perry Saturn, 2 Cold Scorpio, former Spirit Squad member Johnny Jeter, Chad Wicks and Sylvano Sousa. The inclusion of Ashley is the most interesting one, as Ashley made several claims, One of the Brain damage suffered which the majority of the claimants in the lawsuit have filed for, But Ashley also claimed for sexual assault while a WWE tour of Iraq on the Tribute to the Troops tour.
At EVOLVE 73, WWE NXT General Manager William Regal appeared and did a segment where he offered Tony Nese a WWE contract. Nese ultimately accepted, But this wasn't just a work, as Nese wrote a goodbye for now speech on EVOLVE, Here is what Nese said; "Thank you EVOLVE and thank you Fans!Personally Evolve has done so much for me. Gabe always believed in me and always presented me with amazing opportunities. Whether it was getting me in front of the right eyes to get a tour in Japan, getting me in the ring with the best talent out there, or, as we witnessed last night, put me in a position to achieve a life long dream, he did whatever he could for me. I am forever grateful. As for the Fans, thank you for supporting us day in and day out. Whether you praised our hard work or got on us when we wouldn't live up to your expectations, I thank you for making me push to get better everyday to entertain as best I can.Although I'm moving on to the next and so far biggest chapter of my career, I am sure, given the relationship between WWE and Evolve, I will see you all sooner than later. - Nese." Its also worth mentioning, Regal also promoised more signings to come.
Finally, Details have been revealed on WWE Superstar Summer Rae's condition and situation. She revealed after months of silence, She has been suffering from neck, back and elbow issues. She believed that she would have it all fixed by now now, Summer said; “I assumed it would be an easy fix & wouldn’t take that long to get back to normal. That it wouldn’t take this long to not only fix but diagnose as well. That alone is so frustrating." She added "In this business you just go go go & putting your body on the line every night becomes second nature & you don’t think much of it. But that isn’t a normal thing. Our bodies aren’t made to do this. But you forget that when you hear the roar of the crowd! I’ve been so humbled by the overwhelming support towards me on social media & seeing the fans outpouring love & passion. It’s been one of the most frustrating times of my life filled with so many different emotions. Generally speaking, the unknown is scary. But thru the greatest times of uncertainty in my life have come immeasurable things.”
It seems although the friendship between Vader and The Nature Boy has just gone up in smoke , Vader promised to reveal Flair for who he really is on a podcast. "Your F****d You Big Fat A**hole Calling Me Out Fat Boy LISTEN TO MY PODCAST WEDNESDAY!!!! This message is from the very classy Rick Flair PIG." On the show, Vader revealed
No longer than six months on the job, The outspoken Joey Styles has been fired from his position in EVOLVE, Chikara and Beyond Wrestling, after making a misogynist comment at the EVOLVE 72 PPV. Styles said to Joanna, The EVOLVE ring announcer; "Joanna, you look great tonight, and if our next President were here tonight, he'd want to grab you by the p***y." EVOLVE owner Gabe Sapolsky, Expressed his displeasure with Styles and announced Styles' release from the promotion; "I deeply apologize for Joey Styles' comments and am furious. We've parted ways with Joey Styles and that's my final comment on this. Thank you for your support". FloSlam, Who streamed the event, Also backed Gabe's decision to fire Styles; "We do not support or condone Joey Styles' remarks tonight in any manner, and we support this decision 100%". Along with Wresting Legend Mickie James, ECW star Dawn Marie also shared support for Styles on Facebook with both posting lengthy letters.
The son of Wrestling Lucha Legend, Rey Mysterio Jr, Dominic, Is according to his father training to become a pro wrestler like his old man. Rey also mentioned that Konnan could have a part in Dominic's pro wrestling quest. Dominic has appeared on Wrestling TV before during the last storyline of the late Eddie Guerrero, Rey's best and dear friend, As Eddie and Rey fought to the custody rights of Dominic in WWE.
Rey said this of his son's journey, “Come January, I’m gonna get him in the ring and see how his reflexes are as soon as he steps into the ring. See what he can do, what he cannot do … and then go from there. And Konnan, I think he’s gonna be a apart of this once I get him in there.”
After a second backstage incident this year alone, Sin Cara [Hunico] has been forced by WWE to attend anger management classes to control his temper, after another backstage fight, This time with Legend Chris Jericho during the UK tour. Jericho spoke to Jim Ross, and Ross reported in his blog, “Chris said it was largely about nothing and that it resembled more of a scuffle than a full fledged fight. Sin Cara threw one punch and then the minor melee was broken up.”
On 11th November [Armistice Day], Billy Corgan reached a settlement with TNA and Anthem Sports and Entertainment, Billy posted the following after signing the settlement agreement that will see Anthem pay Corgan , And ultimately see Anthem become Majority shareholder in TNA. Corgan said; "Just signed my settlement with TNA/ANTHEM. And to fill in the blanks I'll do a few interviews next week to spell out what is/isn't in it. For the true story on TNA involves a lot of men and women I respect and appreciate (both roster and crew), and they deserve the best." In return, Anthem posted the following statement; "Anthem is happy with arrangements made w/ Mr. Corgan, allowing @IMPACTWRESTLING to put this behind them and focus on producing great shows."
The much loved Will Ospreay, and the much hated Marty Scurll, Have both signed exclusive contracts with Ring of Honor Wrestling that will see them become apart of the roster. ROH posted the following announcement on their website on 12th November, Here is a part of the big announcement; "ROHWrestling.com is proud to announce that both Will Ospreay and Marty Scurll have signed exclusive Ring of Honor contracts that will see both men compete beyond the UK tour!"
On 10th November, United States District Judge Vanessa Bryant, dismissed two wrongful death cases against the WWE which were filed by the wives of Matt Osbourne [Doink The Clown] and Nelson Frazier [Big Daddy V aka Viscera]. The cases were filed by Michelle James and Cassandra Frazier.
Triple H, has shot down the rumours of WWE supposedly settling for Mickie James for NXT Takeover: Toronto, When they couldn't get Trish Straus for the event. Triple H said; "I've seen the rumours out there about other people being attempted to be grabbed for [Mickie's spot], I felt like Mickie and Asuka would tear it up, I want to re-inforce that Mickie was not the consolation prize for us in anyway. She is the person that we went at." / For those fans of WWE Superstar Baron Corbin, He is not actually injured, As he competed at WWE's Live Events this past two weeks, This whole injury is apart of a storyline for Corbin.
Former TNA World Champion and Evolve World Champion, Drew Galloway, Has posted an update on his condition, He said; "Have some good news and not so good news yesterday speaking with the Doctor treating me. Good news is I will be back to 100% and the injury that occurred will have zero affect in the future, The bad news is he wants me to wait the full recommended recovery to ensure, with my physical style in the ring, I will be fully recovered.This will cause me to be unable to compete in my Rev Pro Match with Homna I was very much looking forward to and the Matt Riddle match at EVOLVE (Which will happen ASAP and I guarantee will blow the roof off). I will however be at all the shows so come say what's up and I'll be back within a few weeks, Thankyou for all your concern and support. Drew."
The much anticipated full two hour edition of TNA IMPACT Wrestling titled Total Non-Stop Deletion that will be filmed exclusively at Matt Hardy's home in Cameron, North Carolina has been has finally been revealed by TNA. Here is the full statement posted by TNA; "Nashville, TN (November 10, 2016) – What started with "The Final Deletion" and evolved to "Delete or Decay," and most recently "The Great War," at Bound for Glory, something special has been happening on IMPACT Wrestling from the Broken Brilliance of Matt Hardy. Now, on December 15, 2016, from Cameron, NC at The Hardy Compound, the world will witness "Total Non-Stop Deletion!" This groundbreaking night will continue to advance the presentation of not just IMPACT on Pop, but professional wrestling as a whole, taking our sport and genre to new levels.If you thought the past ventures to The Hardy Compound and House Hardy were cataclysmic, you will not want to miss "Total Non-Stop Deletion."For the first time ever, the entire broadcast of IMPACT on Pop will be shot on location, and will feature your favorite stars from IMPACT Wrestling. In addition, a spectacle unlike anything you've ever seen before, "Apocalypto," will be unveiled when Matt and Jeff Hardy defend their World Tag Team Titles in a revolutionary match.This odyssey will take you on an adventure into a new dimension of the most innovative two hours of IMPACT ever. IMPACT Wrestling's "Total Non-Stop Deletion," presented by "The Greatest Tag Team In All of Space and Time," Matt and Jeff Hardy, will air December 15, 2016 from Cameron, NC on Pop at 8PM EST/7PM CST."
Due to the declining subscriber count of the WWE Network, The WWE, according to The Wrestling Observer, will be cutting down the number of PPV's they will be running next year, despite not having any finalised plans set in stone, there will be less than this year, which will be 15 after Survivor Series and Road Block.
On 8th November, Dixie Carter, [TNA Chairman] held a conference call with the talents of TNA. The call featured the announcements of Billy Corgan no longer be working in TNA, The introduction of Anthem Sports & Entertainment's Eric Nordholm as a member of the Board of Managers, and the Board will be guiding TNA going forward. Dixie praised the new relationship with Anthem S&E and revealed they have injected capital and resources into the company, that will bring TNA to the next level.
Eric Nordholm personally praised the TNA roster for their hard work and said the new agreement will be a great opportunity for both The Fight Network and TNA. TNA is also looking at getting back to running live events again which haven't happened since the end of the Hogan Era. There are also plans of strengthening TNA's relationship with Sony Six [TNA's Indian TV partner.]. Another idea that was talked about is a streaming network featuring TNA content. Dixie confirmed that David Lagana resigned last week and that going forward, they will be going back to a collaborative effort with John Gaburick, Matt Conway and Madison Rayne aswell as looking to hie more creative writers.but they are looking to hire more writers to work creative.
On 8th November, Wrestling Legend and former WCW World Heavyweight Champion, Big Van Vader, Was involved in a serious car accident that turned the Mastodons car over twice and left the former world champion unconscious for around half an hour. Then days later, The legend posted a heart melting statement, Claiming that his doctor has told him due to a severe heart problem, Vader on has two years to live. His message read; "Told by 2 heart Drs at this time that my heart is wore out from football & wrestling I have 2 yrs to live , congestive heart failure reality." We send nothing but all of our Love to Leon White, Aka the Man known as Vader, And hope that the doctors were wrong.
Terrence Gerin, Better known to you and I as "The War Machine" Rhyno, Failed to become House Representative for the 15th District in Michigan on Election Day in the US.
Between 07/11 and 13/11, WWE held tryouts in Glasgow, Scotland. Among the names that showed were Nixon Newell, Queen Maya of Italy, Lana Austin, Pete Dunn and 2015 Ireland Strongman winner "Freak of Nature" Sean O'Hagan, Along with Luke Menzies, an English Rugby player.
Congratulations to WWE Hall of Famer Donald Trump on winning the 2016 US Gereral Election on 09/11/16. #MakeAmericaGreatAgain
The Olympic Gold Medalist Kurt Angle and Robbie E on the last weekend of November both welcomed their children to the world. Robbie had twin boys Carter and Cash, While Angle had his fifth child, A Little girl Nikoletta. We wish Angle and Robbie the very best.
Promotion: WWE
Show: RAW
Date: 07/11/2016
Location: SSE Hydro Arena, Glasgow, Scotland
[Stephanie McMahon reveals Seth Rollins to be the final member of Team RAW for Survivor Series. Then After a massive brawl between all the members of Team RAW [Braun Strowman, Kevin Owens, Chris Jericho, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns], Stephanie makes a five way clash between them tonight.] Rich Swann & Sin Cara Defeated Noam Dar & Brian Kendrick After the match, The debuting Noam Dar is mocked by Brian Kendrick and then is cheap shotted by the Cruiserweight Champion. Dar fights back and clears the ring of his homeland of Scotland! [Stephanie McMahon turned down an invite from her brother Shane to appear on Smackdown tomorrow, But instead offers an invite to Shane and Daniel to come to RAW instead. Then Stephanie has a segment with Sami Zayn, Who she doubts is the right pick for Dolph Ziggler's IC title challenge at Survivor Series. She makes Rusev vs Zayn for tonight, The winner gets the title match.] [Big argument between Team RAW's Tag Teams over who is the real team captain of the team. The New Day, Who are dressed up in Scottish cultural gear, Declare they are the real captains and announce their match with The Club tonight.] The Club (Gallows & Anderson) Defeated The New Day (Big E & Kingston) (w/Woods)
[Goldust and R-Truth backstage segment. Truth reveals to Goldust that he has traded their survivor series spots in for a Puerto Rican timeshare as he says they need a break. A furious Goldust is out to fix it.]
[When a peace talk with Chris Jericho, Kevin Owens and Braun Strowman goes horribly wrong, Jericho added Strowman to the list.] [A fan hijacking of the women's promo with the fans constantly singing for Bayley. The promo segment revealed that Dana Brooke isn't the fifth member of Team RAW, Sasha Banks is!] Bayley, Sasha Banks & Alicia Fox Defeated Nia Jax, Charlotte Flair & Dana Brooke #1 Contendership Match for The IC Title match at Survivor Series Sami Zayn Defeated Rusev (w/Lana) Five Way Match Kevin Owens Defeated Seth Rollins, Braun Strowman, Chris Jericho and Roman Reigns
Date: 14/11/2016
Location: First Niagara Center, Buffalo, NY
[Segment with Team RAW on the stage, With Stephanie McMahon and Mick Foley in the ring. Stephanie gives praise to all on the stage, Then announces her brother Shane will be here tonight along with Daniel Bryan. She says that Team RAW have the chance to prove who is best on sunday, and Team RAW will have the chance to prove their superiority tonight. Steph announces Enzo and Big Cass versus American Alpha for Survivor Series. Stephanie rallys the troops and tells them to work together. Foley and Steph then announce Cesaro and Sheamus versus Kevin Owens and Roman Reigns, Then Seth Rollins, Braun Strowman and Chris Jericho against The New Day for tonight, Aswell as Alicia Fox and Nia Jax battling Charlotte Flair and Sasha Banks.] Kevin Owens & Roman Reigns Defeated Sheamus & Cesaro [Backstage Segment with Jericho, Rollins and Strowman. Jericho says he is the captain of the team tonight, and he must unite the team. So he brought Seth and Braun presents, Their very own Jericho scarves!! Rollins mocks Jericho for his Lady Gaga like fashion sense, While Braun rips up the scarf and says he doesn't like scarves or Jericho.] Sami Zayn Defeated Bo Dallas After the match, Sami is interviewed, and he declares that he is intent on bringing the IC title to where it really belongs, On RAW! He says he doesn't care if its Miz or Ziggler, he's going to win. [Backstage segment with Brian Kendrick and the Cruiserweights. He assures the division that he will retain his title on sunday against Kalisto. TJ Perkins says he wants his rematch, which sparks Rich Swann, Sin Cara and Noam Dar all wanting a title shot.] Seth Rollins, Braun Strowman & Chris Jericho Defeated The New Day (Big E, Kingston & Woods) After the match, Rollins and Jericho argue in the ring, Then Jericho is hit with a Pedigree by Rollins. Then Rollins and Braun leave the ring. [Backstage segment with Paul Heyman, Stephanie McMahon and Mick Foley. Steph mocks Heyman about getting speared by Goldberg. Then Heyman taunts Steph by sayong that Team SmackDown is looking good. As Heyman leaves, Stephanie orders Foley to bring in more security tonight to make sure Goldberg versus Lesnar only happens at Survivor Series.] [Backstage segment with Sasha Banks and Charlotte. Charlotte mocks Sasha for not getting on with fellow Team RAW members. Sasha then says Charlotte doesn't get on with them either. They then argue over a future title rematch.] Brian Kendrick Defeated Sin Cara [In-ring segment with Goldberg, Brock Lesnar and Paul Heyman. Heyman and Goldberg trade promos about the huge clash at Survivor Series. Security floods the ring, keeping Lesnar and Goldberg apart. Heyman then makes Goldberg an offer. Stand down and walk away, And Paul will find a replacement for him at Survivor Series. Then Goldberg declines, And Heyman brings up Goldberg's family again, which leads to Goldberg taking out all the security while Lesnar looks on with enjoyment. Then The last three security members run away when Bill gives them a chance to leave. Brock teases to fight Goldberg when he ripped his vest off, But retreats with Heyman.] Sasha Banks & Charlotte Defeated Nia Jax & Alicia Fox After the match, Bayley comes into the ring and hugs Sasha and tries to hug Charlotte but she walked off. [Backstage segment with Mick Foley and Team RAW. Foley is proud of them for putting aside their issues with one another for the sake of the team. Foley then thanks them and invites them all to the fireworks show.] Enzo & Big Cass, & The Club (Gallows & Anderson) Defeated Golden Truth (Goldust & R-Truth) & The Shing Stars (Primo & Epico) [Survivor Series Summit in-ring segment. Stephanie McMahon and Mick Foley are joined by SmackDown's Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan. Shane and Daniel hype SmackDown 900. Then out comes Kevin Owens, Chris Jericho, Seth Rollins and Braun Strowman. Foley and Steph leave the ring as Team RAW circles Shane and Bryan. Bryan says they didn't come alone. And out comes Team SmackDown for the rescue. AJ Styles, James Ellsworth, Randy Orton, Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose head to the ring through the crowd. A big promo trade off between RAW and SmackDown's teams. After big words from Bray to Braun, Jericho to AJ and the others, Dean Ambrose kicks off a major brawl, With Shane even getting involved. SmackDown are made to retreat as Roman Reigns, Braun Strowman, Kevin Owens, Chris Jericho and Seth Rollins bring it to the opposing team. The show ends with Team RAW holding the ring with SmackDown on the rampway.]
Promotion: WWE
Show: SmackDown
Date: 08/11/2016
Location: The SSE Hydro Arena, Glasgow, Scotland
[Inring segment with AJ Styles, Dean Ambrose, James Ellsworth, Shane McMahon, The Wyatt Family and Baron Corbin. Shane makes Harper, Orton and Wyatt versus Corbin, Ambrose and Ellsworth, and announces that James Ellsworth will be the Team SmackDown mascot for Survivor Series.] [Baron Corbin and Shane McMahon segment backstage. Baron expresses his displeasure with being in the main event, Shane complies and books Corbin versus Kalisto for tonight instead.] Survivor Series Qualifier Match Breezango (Tyler Breeze and Fandango) Defeated The Vaudevillains Naomi Defeated Natalya Notes: Nikki Bella was on commentary. During the match, Carmella came out and had a scrap with Nikki, This led to Natalya being distracted and ultimately losing the match. [James Ellsworth backstage segment with Dean Ambrose. He is trying to convince Ambrose that they can win without Corbin on their team, But then Daniel Bryan comes in and reveals to Dean and James that Kane will be on their team. Kane is behind Ambrose and Ellsworth. Then Kane tells Ellsworth not to tag in tonight.] Baron Corbin versus Kalisto ended when Corbin was injured. He is later revealed to be off of Survivor Series. SMACKDOWN WOMEN'S CHAMPIONSHIP Becky Lynch (c) Defeated Alexa Bliss (Still Champion) [Backstage segment with Shane, Bryan, Miz and Maryse. Its revealed that Brian Kendrick will defend his Cruiserweight Championship against SmackDown's Kalisto, and if Kalisto wins, The Cruiserweight Division moves to SmackDown. The Miz is offered a rematch for Dolph Ziggler's IC Championship for next week on SmackDown's 900th episode. He accepts.] Curt Hawkins Defeated Apollo Crews The Wyatt Family (Wyatt, Orton & Harper) Defeated James Ellsworth, Dean Ambrose & Kane Notes: The match ended when Ellsworth tagged himself in and got hit by sister abigaik for the win for the Wyatt Family. After the match, Team SmackDown are in chaos. This leads to Daniel Bryan and Shane McMahon coming out to sort things out. This leads to Shane revealing that he will be Baron Corbin's replacement for Survivor Series.
Date: 15/11/2016
Location: Mohegan Sun Arena, Wilkes-Barre, PA
[The show theme is the 900th episode of SmackDown. Shane McMahon and Daniel Bryan kick off the celebration show with the announcement of Edge and Undertaker returning tonight.] WWE INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP The Miz (w/Maryse and The Spirit Squad) Defeated Dolph Ziggler (c) (New Champion) Notes: The Spirit Squad ran down to provide assistance for Miz, But they failed as Dloph knocked them off of the apron, But Miz took advantage of the distraction. Maryse also assisted in Miz regaining the IC title. [Backstage segment with Alexa Bliss and Daniel Bryan. Alexa is told by Bryan that now isn't the time for her title rematch. Then Alexa mocks Natalya, The team coach for SmackDown at Survivor Series.] Kalisto Defeated Oney Lorcan [Teaser for Undertaker's return, With the Deadman picking up his hat backstage.] [Team SmackDown Tag Teams backstage segment. Heath Slater announces that he has everyone booked for a match tonight. He then introduces a motivational speaker, King Booker T! This is followed by a King Booker promo then a insult tradeoff with Fandango and Tyler Breeze.] Nikki Bella vs Carmella ends in chaos. Notes: Charlotte was sitting at ringside with a ticket in her hand, and during the match, Charlotte was dragged into the ring by Nikki Bella and a huge brawl spills out. Team RAW's women head to the ring, Then Team SmackDown join in. This segment ends with Team SmackDown holding the ring from Team RAW. Tyler Breeze, Fandango, American Alpha, The Hype Bros & The Usos Defeated The Ascension, The Spirit Squad, The Vaudevillains & The Headbangers [The Cutting Edge (SmackDown 900 Special). Edge makes his huge WWE return and cuts a promo on SmackDown being in his blood. He brings out Shane McMahon, AJ Styles, Dean Ambrose, Bray Wyatt, Randy Orton and the mascot James Ellsworth. Edge shows respect to Ellsworth, and he and Edge do the five second pose together. AJ then mocks Edge. Edge then mocks Orton, Who he says is the puppet of Bray Wyatt. Then Wyatt says the old Viper is dead, and a new Randy Orton will be a more dangerous Viper on Sunday at Survivor Series. Then Edge gives a warning to Shane about the amount of work they have against team RAW. Shane tries to rally the troops, Saying that we dont have to like each other, But for one night, we unite. Then AJ and Dean Ambrose have a tee off about the World Championship match at TLC. Team SmackDown argue until the Undertaker's eerie music tolls. He makes his return and announces that he is back. He gives praise to Shane McMahon, Naming him the man with no fear. He says that no longer, Will WrestleMania define who he is. He is back to Taking souls and Digging Holes. He then gives a threatening warning to Team SmackDown not to lose on Sunday, Or else...]
Promotion: WWE
Show: NXT
Date: 09/11/2016
Location: Full Sail University, Orlando, FL
Semi-Final Match of Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Authors of Pain (w/Paul Ellering) Defeated #DIY Notes: The Revival interfered and cost DIY the match. [The lights in Full Sail go out and a teaser of The Return for next week.] [Promo from Tye Dillinger hyping his upcoming bout with Bobby Roode in Toronto at TakeOver.] Semi-Final Match of Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic TM-61 Defeated SAnitY (Fulton & Wolfe) [William Regal announces that due to The Revival interfering in the Dusty Classic match earlier between DIY and the Authors, The Rivival must defend their tag team titles against DIY at TakeOver Toronto in a Two out of Three Falls match.] [Promo from Bobby Roode. He blames the fall of him and Dillinger as a tag team on Tye. And says Tye will be the perfect loser at TakeOver.] Ember Moon Defeated Rachel Evers [Rachel Ellering] [NXT Championship contract signing between Samoa Joe and Shinsuke Nakamura, Officiated by William Regal. Joe has his own table and chair outside of the ring a Nakamura sits at the table in the ring. Joe mocks Regal then makes him brong the contract to him, Regal does then Joe signs it. After Joe mocks Shinsuke, Nakamura has fun taking out all the security that Regal brought out. Then Powerbombs one of them through the table, Signs the contract and drops it ontop of the fallen security as Regal looks on with disgust.]
Date: 16/11/2016
Location: Full Sail University, Orlando, FL
[The show is a Takeover themed episode, Hyping this Sunday's event.] Liv Morgan Defeated Peyton Royce Via DQ After the match, Aliyah comes out to aid her friend, But Billie Kay and Peyton overrun them. Then the two beat down both Morgan and Aliyah, Then Ember Moon comes out to make the save and clears the ring of Kay and Royce. [Teaser for the Return airs.] [Paul Ellering is revealed to be locked inside of an elevated cage at Takeover to prevent him from interfering in the Finals of the Dusty Rhodes Classic where his Authors of Pain take on TM-61.] [The return is for "The Drifter" Elias Samson. His new gimmick features an out of tune guitar.] Elias Samson Defeated Nathan Cruz [Backstage promos from Liv Morgan, Aliyah and Ember Moon, Who call out Peyton Royce and Billie Kay to find a third partner, and lay out a challenge to them.] NXT Main Event Andrade "Cien" Almas Defeated Cedric Alexander
Promotion: ROH
Show: ROH TV
Date: 05/11/2016
Location: Lowell Memorial Auditorium, Lowell MA
"Unbreakable" Michael Elgin Defeated Toru Yano
Proving Ground Match Dragon Lee Defeated Bobby Fish to earn future ROH TV Title Match [Matt Taven promo. He declares he is back and he has remoulded The Kingddom, and has created The New Kingdom in his own image. He states that the tonight is the beginning of the end for the Bullet Club.] ROH TV Main Event The New Kingdom (Matt Taven, TK O'Ryan & Vinny Marseglia) Defeated The Bullet Club (Adam Cole, Nick & Matt Jackson)
Date: 12/11/2016
Location: The William J. Myers Pavilion, Baltimore, MD
Ring Of Honor Six-Man Championship Tourney Team CMLL (Ultimo Guerrero, Hechichero & Okomura) Defeated The Addiction (Christopher Daniels, Frankie Kazarian & Kamaitachi) Notes: After the match, Kamaitachi airs his frustrations with Daniels, And Daniels accepts blame for the defeat, and tells Kamaitachi to take a free shot at him, But Kamaitachi spits on Daniels' boots instead. Daniels restrains a furious Kazarian. [Advertisement of Marty Scurll and Will Ospreay signing with ROH. Followed by an Advert for the Debut of Cody Rhodes and the return of Jushin Liger at ROH's Final Battle on 2nd December in New York.] [In-ring segment with The Cabinet. Caprice Coleman, Rhett Titus and Kenny King say the gimmick is over, And they are going to be taken seriously from now on. Then they tease that more disgruntled ROH stars will be joining them.] [Colt Cabana and Dalton Castle segment backstage. Castle can't find his Boys, But Colt says they don't need them tonight. Its shown that Colt has locked up Dalton's boys in the cloakroom.] Ring Of Honor Six-Man Championship Tourney Keith Lee & Shane Taylor Defeated Dalton Castle & Colt Cabana [The Kingdom cut a promo infront of the ROH banner. They are gloating on their win over The Bullet Club last week. They hype up the semi-final match against Team CMLL next week.] [ROH World Champion Adam Cole promo. He hypes Hangman Page winning the title later tonight. He then hypes his title bouts upcoming against Kyle O'Reilly and Jay Lethal.] ROH TV Main Event ROH TV CHAMPIONSHIP Bobby Fish (c) Defeated Hangman Page (Still Champion) After the match, Adam Cole and Kyle O'Reilly both check on their partners respectively. Cole runs down Kyle, Claiming to not be afraid of him, Then Jay Lethal enters the ring, and the two on one stareoff between Cole and his two future title challengers.
Promotion: Lucha Underground
Show: Lucha Underground Series 3
Date: 09/11/2016
Location: The Temple, Los Angeles, CA
[Caterina is talking to Mil Muertes in a dark place, She tells him that she wants Puma dead. She then warns Mil that if he loses to Prince Puma again, She will not revive him from the dead again.] Believer's Backlash Match Mascarita Sagrada Defeated Famous B (w/Beautiful Brenda) After the match, Sagrada threw Famous out of the ring, then Son of Havoc entered the ring with a Famous B cardboard cut out, then cuts the head off of it. Havoc then gives Sagrada a cut [Vest] to congratulate him.
[Killshot confronts his war brother Dante Fox [AR Fox] backstage. He trys to conversate with him, He asks him about Dario giving him a job in Lucha. He says he understands why Dante attacked him lat week and he doesn't care, He is just glad to see him alive. Killshot offers to shake hands, They do and they hug also. Dante tells Killshot they will stay united just like old times.] [In an area in the Temple, Drago who is training is approached by Kobra Moon again. She tries to persuade him to rejoin the tribe, but he doesn't want to. Kobra tells Drago that he doesn't want to suffer the same fate as Daga, Which was Being torn apart by Lord Pindar. Drago is shocked to hear that Pindar still exists, then Moon tells him that Pindar will make him kneel in front of her.] Winning Team Enters Aztec Warfare match Next week Mariposa, Ivelisse, Marty The Moth Martinez, The Mack & Jeremiah Crane Defeated Killshot, Dante Fox, Argenis, Texano & Cage
[Dario Cueto is with his Brother, The Lucha Underground Champion, "The Monster" Matanza Cueto. Dario hypes up his brother for his huge title defence next week against 19 other competitors in Azteca Warfare match.]
Lucha Underground Main Event Grave Consequences Match [Coffin Match] Mil Muertes (w/Caterina) Defeated Prince Puma (Puma Must Leave Lucha) Notes: Caterina during the match revived Mil, So he could escape from being shut in the coffin by Puma. After the match, Vampiro is really pleased to see Prince Puma come to an end in Lucha as The faces of Death take Puma's lifeless body out of the Temple in the Coffin.
Date: 16/11/2016
Location: The Temple, Los Angeles, CA
[Backstage segment in the back of the Temple with Dario Cueto and Johnny Mundo. Mundo has Taya by his side filming a documentary for Worldwide Underground. Dario is unimpressed by Mundo's arrigance that he will win the Lucha Underground championship in tonights Aztec Warfare match, and be thr first to hold the Gift of the Gods and the World title at the same time. Dario reveals to Taya's camera that Mundo will enter the Aztec Warfare match at number 12, Then Dario rips off the 1 part, and says Mundo will enter at number 2 instead. Mundo then reveals that if he loses the Warfare match tonight, he will use his backup plan, and cash in his Gift of the Gods title for a shot at the winner of the Azteca Warfare match on next weeks show. He mocks Mundo for being too cocky and how instead of fighting for the title, He'll be fighting for his life.] AZTEC WARFARE III [Rules: Every 90 Seconds, New Luchador enters the match. Elimination takes place only via Pinfall or Tapout.] LUCHA UNDERGROUND CHAMPIONSHIP Sexy Star Defeated "The Monster" Matanza Cueto, Johnny Mundo, Son Of Havoc, Jeremiah Krane, Pentagon Dark, "The Darewolf" PJ Black, Mariposa, Rey Mysterio, Dr. Wagner Jr., Marty "The Moth" Martinez, Jack Evans, Sexy Star, Ricky Mandel, Mascarita Sagrada, Famous B, The Mack, Joey Ryan, Mil Muertes, Kobra Moon and Drago
Entrant #1 - "The Monster" Matanza Cueto / Entrant #2 - Johnny Mundo / eliminated by Sexy Star Entrant #3 - Son Of Havoc / eliminated by Jack Evans Entrant #4 - Jeremiah Krane / eliminated by Matanza Entrant #5 - Pentagon Dark / eliminated by Johnny Mundo Entrant #6 - "The Darewolf" PJ Black / eliminated by The Mack and Sexy Star [Double Pin] Entrant #7 - Mariposa / eliminated by Matanza Entrant # 8 - Rey Mysterio / eliminated by Johnny Mundo Entrant #9 - Dr. Wagner Jr. / eliminated by Matanza Entrant #10 - Marty "The Moth" Martinez / eliminated by Rey Mysterio Entrant #11 - Jack Evans / eliminated The Mack Entrant #12 - Sexy Star / Winner Entrant #13 - Ricky Mandel / eliminated by PJ Black Entrant #14 - Mascarita Sagrada / eliminated by Matanza Entrant #15 - Famous B / eliminated by Rey Mysterio Entrant #16 - The Mack / eliminated by Mil Muertes Entrant #17 - Joey Ryan / eliminated by Matanza Entrant #18 - Mil Muertes / eliminated by Sexy Star (Last Elimination) Entrant #19 - Kobra Moon / eliminated by Drago Entrant #20 - Drago / eliminated by Matanza
Promotion: TNA
Show: IMPACT Wrestling
Date: 10/11/2016
Location: Impact Zone at Universal Studios, Orlando, FL
[Theme for tonight is the Qualifying matches to advance to a Number One contenders match with all the winners of tonights Qualifiers, fighting for the chance to become the number one contender for the World Heavyweight Championship.] [Eddie Edwards, Mike Bennett, EC3 and Eli Drake in-ring segment. Starting with Edwards, then Drake, EC3 then Bennett, Promos are traded running each other down, Then a big brawl breaks out between the four until Moose came out and makes the save.] #1 CONTENDERS MATCH QUALIFIER "The Miracle" Mike Bennett (w/Maria KB) Defeated Moose Via Countout [Brother Nero, Broken Matt, Reby Hardy and Senor Benjamin segment at House Hardy. Broken Matt has amnesia, and thinks he is a blue collar engineer. He gets everyone's names wrong, and doesn't believe in violence. Brother Nero and Reby watch as Matt is making a mess of a construction of a second dining room. Nero and Reby through out the show try to get Matt to remember, But nothing works, So Brother Nero goes to fight DCC in Zone of Impact alone.] [The Tribunal In-ring segment. They put the world on notice. Then they call out Al Snow. Al comes out thanks them for getting payback on the Hardy's, but they say that it wasn't for him, but for themselves. The Tribunal then blindside Al Snow and beat him down, Until Snow's enemy Shera comes out to make the save. But Shera is low-blowed and beaten down too. The Tribunal stand tall over the fallen Snow and Shera.]
[In-ring segment with Jeremy Borash and Gail Kim. JB gives a passionate speech on Gail, about her being one of his best friends and her being the reason he is here today, Then he calls out the champ herself. Gail thanks JB and says he is not just a friend, He is family. Then Gail talks about achieving all she has ever wanted in her career, Which leads to her calling out Jade. She puts over Jade as the future of Women's wrestling. Both Jade and Gail get emotional. Then Gail is about to make an announcement until she is interrupted by DECAY! Abyss, Crazzy Steve and Rosemary all come out and attack Jade and Gail. JB is throw out of the ring by Abyss, and Gail gets misted and choked out by Rosemary, While Jade endures a coast to coast with a trash can over her head by Rosemary. DECAY stand tall over the fallen Ladies.] #1 CONTENDERS MATCH QUALIFIER Triple Threat Match
Trevor Lee Defeated Rockstar Spud and DJ Z Notes: DJ Z sold a leg injury after a bad landing outside of the ring.
Bobby Lashley Defeated Robbie E & Grado
[Jessie Godderz is waiting for Aron Rex to arrive and get revenge for the cheating tactics used by Rex during their matches for the Grand Championship. When Aron Rex arrives to the arena. He is attacked by Godderz despite his best intentions to keep Jessie calm. He ends up running into a trailer, but Jessie follows him and carries on attacking him. Then Rex manages to rake Godderz in the eyes and manages to run to his chauffeured car and gets away.]
TNA WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Eddie Edwards (c) Defeated Eli Drake (Still Champion) After the match, Eddie is attacked by The DCC [Death Crew Council]. The three men then unmask themselves. Its James Storm, Bram and an unknown man at this time [Eddie Kingston]. The DCC stand tall to end the show.
Date: 17/11/2016
Location: Impact Zone at Universal Studios, Orlando, FL
[World Champion Eddie Edwards kicks off IMPACT with an in-ring promo about being fine with having a target on his back. He makes it clear that he is ready to fight anyone who challenges him. He then turns his attention to DCC, and calls them out after they attacked him last week after his World Title defence against Eli Drake. DCC on the screen inform Eddie that title's are not their goal, But to cause chaos. They accept his challenge. The DCC then arrive in the IMPACT Zone and they each unmask. Kingston attacks Edwards from behind, Then James Storm and Bram join him and a three on one beat down commences. Brother Nero comes out and makes the save for Edwards. Later, Brother Nero and Eddie Edwards try to get in to see the boss, They are let in But Aiden O'Shea doesn't let the camera man in. Later in the show, They come out and Aiden asks how it went. Eddie and Nero reveal that they have gotten their wish, a three on two handicap match against DCC in the main event. It will be anything goes.] Non Title Match [Grand Championship Rules Not in Play] Jessie Godderz Defeated Aron Rex [Backstage segment with Maria, Allie, Sienna and Laurel Van Ness. Laurel taunts Allie about Braxton Sutter having a crush on her instead of Allie. She gets upset. Maria runs down Brandi for not having anyone to team with her. Then all the women end the segment with bullying tactics to Allie.] [Gail Kim Backstage interview with Jeremy Borash. Gail announces that due to a back injury she has suffered from a match with Maria, She is relinqquishing the Knockouts Title. Its revealed that in two weeks, a new Champion will be crowned.] Madison Rayne & Brandi Rhodes Defeated Laurel Van Ness & Sienna (w/Maria and Allie) [House Hardy segment. Matt is still suffering from amnesia. More happless fun from Matt. Reby brought Matt some video tapes to try and jog his memory. Later, Reby shows Matt footage of The Final Deletion, and he is disgusted with his actions. He stops watching and leaves.] #1 CONTENDERSHIP MATCH FOR TNA WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP Four Way Match Ethan Carter III Defeated "The Miracle" Mike Bennett, Bobby Lashley and Trevor Lee (New #1 Contender) Notes: All four men were legal at all times, With first Fall taking the win. After the match, EC3 stormed off straight to the back like last week without celebrations. [Fact of Life w/ Eli Drake - Eli calls out EC3, Who is now the Number one contender for the World Title. Its a reverse of what happened two weeks ago, Where EC3 begged Drake to put his title match spot on the line, Where this Eli begs EC3 to put his spot on the line. EC3 at first refuses, Much like Drake did. Then Eli ups the ante, and gambles a year away from the World Title in exchange for a shot at EC3's spot. Carter once again declines, But proposes an alternitve. If Drake Loses, He doesn't talk for an entire year!... Eli Drake Accepts!] [Backstage, Jade is interrupted by Abyss and Steve, who warn her that Rosemary will Decay her. Jade asks where she is, and Steve and Abyss point to the rafters, Where Joker Sting used to hide. Later, Jade finds her, and they trade verbal taunts, Then Rosemary challenges Jade to a Six Sides of Steel match, When they meet to determine the new Knockouts Champion.] Mahabali Shera Defeated Basile Baraka After the match, An immediate run in attack from Baron Dax to Shera. The Tribunal double team Shera until Al Snow heads to the ring. He bluffs, He pretends to support The Tribunal then Blindsides the Evil Frenchies. He and Shera team up, Then they do a Mega Powers handshake in the style of Savage and Hogan! IMPACT Main Event Anything Goes Match The DCC (James Storm, Kingston & Bram) Defeated Eddie Edwards & Brother Nero
Promotion: EVOLVE
Event: 72
Date: 12/11/2016
Location: La Boom, New York City, NY
Dark Match
Tony Nese Defeated Tommy End
Taped Matches
Matt Riddle Defeated Dustin
Fred Yehi Defeated Jason Kincaid
Chris Dickinson & Jaka Defeated Darby Allin & Tony Nese
Ethan Page (w/The Gatekeepers) Defeated Zack Sabre Jr.
Tracy Williams Defeated Chris Hero
Squared Circle Of Survival Match
Timothy Thatcher (w/Stokely Hathaway) (c) Defeated Drew Gulak (Still Champion)
Promotion: EVOLVE
Event: 73
Date: 13/11/2016
Location: MCW Arena, Joppa, Maryland
Dark Match
Tommy End Defeated Tracy Williams
Taped Matches
Jaka Defeated Darby Allin
Jason Kincaid Defeated Icarus
Ethan Page Defeated Chris Dickinson
Drew Gulak Defeated Zack Sabre Jr.
Chris Hero Defeated Matt Riddle
Four Way Elimination Tag Team Match
Catch Point (Fred Yehi & Tracy Williams) Defeated Chris Hero & DUSTIN (c), Drew Gulak & Tony Nese and The Gatekeepers (Blaster McMassive & Flex Rumblecrunch) (New Champions)
Note: Chris Hero Replaced an injured Drew Galloway
Promotion: ROH
Event: Reach For The Sky Day One
Date: 18/11/2016
Location: Liverpool Olympia, Liverpool, England
Lio Rush Defeated Frankie Kazarian
Donovan Dijak Defeated Joe Hendry
Jay White Defeated Christopher Daniels
Jay Lethal Defeated Chris Sabin
Marty Scurll Defeated Dalton Castle
Will Ospreay Defeated Bobby Fish (c) (New Champion)
Kyle O'Reilly & The Briscoes Defeated The Bullet Club (Adam Cole, Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson)
Promotion: ROH
Event: Reach For The Sky Day 2
Date: 19/11/2016
Location: Leicester Community Sports Arena, Leicester, England
Jay White Defeated Joe Hendry
Jay Lethal Defeated Alex Shelley
Donovan Dijak Defeated Lio Rush
ReDragon (Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reilly) Defeated The Briscoes (Jay Briscoe & Mark Briscoe)
The Addiction (Christopher Daniels & Frankie Kazarian) Defeated Dalton Castle & Delirious
Adam Cole (c) Defeated Chris Sabin (Still Champion)
The Young Bucks (Matt Jackson & Nick Jackson) (c) Defeated Marty Scurll & Will Ospreay (Still Champions)
Promotion: NXT
Event: Takeover: Toronto
Date: 19/11/2016
Location: Air Canada Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Samoa Joe Defeated Shinsuke Nakamura (c) (New Champion)
Asuka (c) Defeated Mickie James (Still Champion)
Bobby Roode Defeated Tye Dillinger
The Authors of Pain (Akam & Rezar) (w/Paul Ellering) Defeated TM-61 (Nick Miller & Shane Thorne) To Win the 2016 Dusty Rhodes Tag Team Classic Tourney.
Note: Paul Ellering was suspended in a cage in the air like Chyna was at Unforgiven: In Your House '98
Two out of Three Falls Match #DIY (Johnny Gargano & Tommaso Ciampa) Defeated The Revival (Dash Wilder & Scott Dawson) (c) (New Champions)
Promotion: ROH
Event: Reach for the Sky Tour Day 3
Date: 20/11/2016
Location: York Hall, London, England
Note: Prior to the event, An Announcement regarding Bobby Fish was made. He was declared unable to compete, Which meant that ReDragon would not be taking on The Addiction, But would be replaced by The Motor City Machine Guns. Then it was announced that O'Reilly would face Travis Banks instead. Note: The Briscoe Brothers were set to take on the Jackson Brothers in two singles matches, but it was changed to a tag team match.
Dalton Castle Defeated Lio Rush
The Motor City Machine Guns (Sabin & Shelley) Defeated The Addiction (Daniels & Kazarian)
Jay White Defeated Donovan Dijak
The Briscoes (Mark & Jay Briscoe) Defeated The Young Bucks (Matt & Nick Jackson)
Kyle O’Reilly Defeated Travis Banks
Marty Scurll Defeated Will Ospreay (c) (New Champion)
Adam Cole (c) Defeated Jay Lethal (Still Champion)
Promotion: WWE
Event: Survivor Series 2016
Date: 20/11/2016
Location: Air Canada Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Kane Defeated Luke Harper
TJ Perkins, Noam Dar & Rich Swann Defeated Drew Gulak, Tony Nese & Ariya Daivari
Goldberg Squashed Brock Lesnar (w/Paul Heyman)
Notes: Goldberg squashed Lesnar in 1 minute 25 seconds. Two spears followed by a Jackhammer for the win. Brock got in zero offence!
The Miz (c) (w/Maryse) Defeated Sami Zayn (Still Champion) (Title stays on SmackDown)
The Brian Kendrick (c) Defeated Kalisto Via DQ (Still Champion) (Title stays on RAW)
Notes: Baron Corbin came out and attacked Kendrick and then Kalisto, Which ended the bout in DQ.
Team SmackDown (AJ Styles, Dean Ambrose, Shane McMahon, Randy Orton & Bray Wyatt) (w/James Ellsworth) Defeated Team RAW (Kevin Owens, Chris Jericho, Roman Reigns, Seth Rollins & Braun Strowman) (Survivors: Randy Orton & Bray Wyatt)
Notes: Dean Ambrose turned on team mate AJ Styles and fought with him. Shane McMahon tried to break them up, Which distracted him, and Led to the elimination of Shane by Strowman. Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns united to Triple Powerbomb AJ through the announcers table. Luke Harper returned from out of nowhere, and helped Wyatt and Orton get the in! Wyatt won the match when Orton hit Seth Rollins with a Super RKO when Rollins jumped off of the top rope.
Team RAW (Charlotte Flair, Bayley, Sasha Banks, Nia Jax & Alicia Fox) (w/Dana Brooke) Defeated Team SmackDown (Nikki Bella, Becky Lynch, Alexa Bliss, Naomi & Carmella) (w/Natalya) (Survivors: Bayley & Charlotte)
Team RAW (The New Day (Big E and/or Kofi Kingston and/or Xavier Woods), Enzo Amore & Big Cass, The Club (Gallows & Anderson), Cesaro & Sheamus & The Shining Stars (Primo & Epico)) Defeated Team SmackDown (Heath Slater & Rhyno, The Hype Bros (Zack Ryder & Mojo Rawley), American Alpha (Jason Jordan & Chad Gable), The Usos (Jimmy Uso & Jey Uso) & Breezango (Tyler Breeze & Fandango) (Survivors: Cesaro & Sheamus)
Promotion: WCPW
Event: Loaded #15
Date: 09/11/2016
Location: Coronet Theatre, London, England
Joe Hendry Defeated Doug Williams
The Swords Of Essex (Paul Robinson & Scott Wainwright) Defeated Moustache Mountain (Trent Seven & Tyler Bate)
El Ligero (c) Defeated Marty Scurll
Will Ospreay (w/Adam Pacitti, Paul Robinson & Scott Wainwright) Defeated Martin Kirby
Promotion: RevPro Wrestling & NJPW
Event: Global Wars UK 2016 Day 1
Date: 10/11/2016
Location: York Hall, Greater London, England
Marty Scurll Defeated Jushin "Thunder" Liger
Tomoaki Honma Defeated Sha Samuels
Yuji Nagata Defeated Pete Dunne
Chris Hero Defeated Tomohro Ishii
Non Title Match
Will Ospreay Defeated Bushi
Los Ingobernables de Japon (Evil, Sanada & Tetsuya Naito) Defeated Moustache Mountain (Trent Seven & Tyler Bate) & David Starr
Katsuyori Shibata Defeated Zack Sabre Jr. (c) (New Champion)
Promotion: RevPro Wrestling & NJPW
Event: Global Wars UK 2016 Day 2
Date: 11/11/2016
Location: Walthamstow Assembly Hall, London, England
Charlie Garrett & Joel Redman Defeated Los Ingobernables de Japon (Bushi & Evil)
Josh Bodom Defeated Tomoaki Honma
Yuji Nagata Defeated Trent Seven
Will Ospreay Defeated Jushin "Thunder" Liger
Tomohiro Ishii Defeated Pete Dunne
Los Ingobernables de Japon (Sanada & Tetsuya Naito) Defeated The Leaders Of The New School (Marty Scurll & Zack Sabre Jr.)
Katsuyori Shibata (c) Defeated Chris Hero (Still Champion)
Promotion: PROGRESS
Event: ENDVR:18
Date: 15/11/2016
Location: The Bedford, Balham, Greater London, England
Natural Progression Series IV Qualifying Match Chakara Defeated Pollyanna Jack Sexsmith Defeated Shen Woo Bea Priestley (w/Chakara) Defeated Livii The South Pacific Power Trip (TK Cooper & Travis Banks) Defeated The Dazzler Team (Darrell Allen & Earl Black Jr.) Laura Di Matteo Defeated Dahlia Black Roy Johnson Defeated RJ Singh Via DQ Damon Moser Defeated Kyle Ashmore
Promotion: NJPW
Event: Wrestling World In Singapore 2016
Date: 15/11/2016
Location: Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Center Hall B, Singapore
Juice Robinson Defeated David Finlay Roppongi Vice (Beretta & Romero) Defeated Jushin "Thunder" Liger & Ryusuke Taguchi Guerrillas Of Destiny (Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa) Defeated CHAOS (Gedo & Tomohiro Ishii) Hirooki Goto Defeated Tomoaki Honma Hiroshi Tanahashi, Kushida & Togi Makabe Defeated Los Ingobernables de Japon (Bushi, Sanada & Tetsuya Naito) CHAOS (Kazuchika Okada & Yoshi-Hashi) Defeated The Bullet Club (Kenny Omega & Yujiro Takahashi) NEVER OPENWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP Katsuyori Shibata Defeated Evil (c) (New Champion)
Promotion: NJPW
Event: World Tag League 2016 Day 1
Date: 18/11/2016
Location: Korakuen Hall, Tokyo, Japan
Teruaki Kanemitsu defeated Hirai Kawato
Yoshi-tatsu, Billy Gunn, Kushida & Ryusuke Taguchi Defeated Togi Makabe, Tomoaki Honma, Jushin "Thunder" Liger & David Finlay
Los Ingobernables de Japon (Sanada, Bushi & Evil) Defeated Katsuyori Shibata, Yuji Nagata & Tiger Mask #4
CHAOS (Kazuchika Okada, Hirooki Goto, Tomohiro Ishii & Yoshi-Hashi) Defeated The Bullet Club (Kenny Omega, Bad Luck Fale, Chase Owens & Bone Soldier)
War Machine (Rowe & Hanson) [2pts] Defeated Manabu Nakanishi & Henare [0pts]
Brian Breaker & Leland Race [2pts] Defeated The Bullet Club (Yujiro Takahashi & Hangman Page) [0pts]
TenKoji (Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima) [2pts] Defeated Guerrillas of Destiny (Tama Tonga & Tanga Roa) [0pts]
Los Ingobernables (Tetsuya Naito & Rush) [2pts] Defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi & Juice Robinson [0pts]
Promotion: NJPW
Event: World Tag League 2016 Day 2
Date: 19/11/2016
Location: Fujisawa Gymnasium, Fujisawa, Kanegawa, Japan
Teruaki Kanemitsu Defeated Hirai Kawato
War Machine (Rowe & Hanson), Jushin "Thunder" Liger & Tiger Mask Defeated Brian Breaker, David Finlay, Leland Race & Ryusuke Taguchi
The Bullet Club (Hangman Page, Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa & Yujiro Takahashi) Defeated Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima, Henare & Manabu Nakanishi
Los Ingobernables de Japon (Bushi & Tetsuya Naito) & Rush Defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi, Juice Robinson & Kushida
Billy Gunn & Yoshitatsu [2pts] Defeated Chase Owens & Kenny Omega [0pts]
CHAOS (Hirooki Goto & Tomohiro Ishii) [2pts] Defeated The Bullet Club (Bad Luck Fale & BONE SOLDIER) [0pts]
Los Ingobernables de Japon (EVIL & SANADA) [2pts] Defeated Katsuyori Shibata & Yuji Nagata [0pts]
Great Bash Heel (Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Honma) [2pts] Defeated CHAOS (Kazuchika Okada & YOSHI-HASHI) [0pts]
Promotion: NJPW
Event: World Tag League 2016 Day 3
Date: 20/11/2016
Location: New Sunpia Takasaki, Takasaki, Gunma, Japan
Teruaki Kanemitsu Defeated Hirai Kawato Jushin "Thunder" Liger, Katsuyori Shibata, Tiger Mask & Yuji Nagata Defeated Billy Gunn, David Finlay, Kushida & Yoshitatsu Los Ingobernables de Japon (Sanada, Evil & Bushi) Defeated Great Bash Heel (Togi Makabe & Tomoaki Honma) & Ryusuke Taguchi CHAOS (Hirooki Goto, Kazuchika Okada, Tomohiro Ishii & Yoshi-Hashi) Defeated The Bullet Club (Kenny Omega, Bad Luck Fale, Bone Soldier & Chase Owens) WORLD TAG LEAGUE 2016 BLOCK A MATCHES The Bullet Club (Hangman Page & Yujiro Takahashi) [2] Defeated Henare & Manabu Nakanishi [0] Guerrillas Of Destiny (Tama Tonga & Tanga Loa) [2] Defeated Brian Breaker & Leland Race [2] War Machine (Rowe & Hanson) [4] Defeated Hiroshi Tanahashi & Juice Robinson [0] TenKoji (Hiroyoshi Tenzan & Satoshi Kojima) [4] Defeated Rush & Tetsuya Naito [2]
Promotion: Shimmer Women Athletes
Event: Volume 86
Date: 11/11/2016
Location: Logan Square Auditorium, Chicago, IL
Rhia O'Reilly Defeated Kimber Lee
Leva Bates Defeated Angel Dust
Melanie Cruise Defeated Shotzi Blackheart
Hudson Envy Defeated Xandra Bale
Cat Power Defeated Nixon Newell
Tessa Blanchard (w/Vanessa Kraven) Defeated Jessicka Havok
Team Slap Happy (Evie & Heidi Lovelace) (c) Defeated Fly High WDSS (Kay Lee Ray & Mia Yim) (Still Champions)
Vanessa Kraven (w/Tessa Blanchard) Defeated Candice LeRae
Mickie James Defeated Nicole Matthews
The Aussie Squad (Kellie Skater & Shazza McKenzie) Defeated Trifecta (Mercedes Martinez & Shayna Baszler) (w/Nicole Savoy)
Promotion: Shimmer Women Athletes
Events: Volumes 87 & 88
Date: 12/11/2016
Location: Logan Square Auditorium, Chicago, IL
Kikyo Nakamura & Roni Nicole Defeated Arianna & Savannah Evans
Evie Defeated Veda Scott Taeler Hendrix Defeated Thunderkitty Candice LeRae Defeated Leva Bates The Rejected (Christina Von Eerie & Hudson Envy) Defeated KC Spinelli & Xandra Bale Rhia O’Reilly Defeated Cherry Bomb Cat Power Defeated Mia Yim Dulce Garcia [Sexy Star] Defeated LuFisto Four Way Match
Vanessa Kraven (w/Tessa Blanchard) Defeated Shayna Baszler (w/Nicole Savoy), Kay Lee Ray and Heidi Lovelace Nicole Matthews Defeated Saraya Knight
Notes: KimberBombs (Cherry Bomb and Kimber Lee) Assisted Nicole in winning. SHIMMER CHAMPIONSHIP
Kellie Skater Defeated Mercedes Martinez (c) (New Champion)
Marti Belle Defeated KC Spinelli Tessa Blanchard Defeated Jessicka Havok Mia Yim Defeated Nevaeh Allysin Kay Defeated Candice LeRae Veda Scott Defeated Solo Darling Mercedes Martinez Defeated Nixon Newell SHIMMER TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS
Slap Happy (Evie & Heidi Lovelace) (c) Defeated The Rejected (Christina Von Eerie & Hudson Envy) (Still Champions) Shazza McKenzie Defeated Shayna Baszler Via DQ Cat Power Defeated Kay Lee Ray Saraya Knight, Rhia O’Reilly & Mickie James Defeated KimberBombs (Cherry Bomb & Kimber Lee) & Nicole Matthews SHIMMER CHAMPIONSHIP
Kellie Skater (c) Defeated Vanessa Kraven (w/Tessa Blanchard) (Still Champion)
Promotion: Shimmer Women Athletes
Event: Volumes 89 & 90
Date: 13/11/2016
Location: Eagles Club in Berwyn, Illinois
Dark Matches Sonya Strong Defeated Heather Monroe Angie Skye Defeated Kate Carney Taped Matches Cherry Bomb Defeated Solo Darling Thunderkitty Defeated Taeler Hendrix Nixon Newell Defeated LuFisto Mia Yim Defeated Kennadi Brink Kimber Lee Defeated Samantha Heights BaleSpin (Xandra Bale & KC Spinelli) Defeated The Rejected (Christina Von Eerie & Hudson Envy) Jessicka Havok Defeated Allysin Kay Four Way Match Nicole Matthews Defeated Candice LeRae, Kay Lee Ray and Rhia O'Reilly No DQ Match Shazza McKenzie Defeated Shayna Baszler SHIMMER TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS Mount Tessa (Vanessa Kraven and Tessa Blanchard) Defeated Team Slap Happy (Evie and Heidi Lovelace) (c) (New Champions) Mercedes Martinez Defeated Dulce Garcia SHIMMER CHAMPIONSHIP Kellie Skater (c) Defeated Cat Power (Still Champion)
Marti Belle Defeated Sonya Strong Samantha Heights Defeated Nevaeh Melanie Cruise Defeated Kiera Hogan Cherry Bomb Defeated Leva Bates LuFisto Defeated Solo Darling Kay Lee Ray Defeated Nixon Newell SHIMMER TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS Mount Tessa (Vanessa Kraven & Tessa Blanchard) (c) Defeated BaleSpin (Xandra Bale & KC Spinelli) (Still Champions) Four Way Match Mia Yim Defeated Allysin Kay, Evie and Kimber Lee Shayna Baszler Defeated Heidi Lovelace Bunkhouse Brawl Match Saraya Knight Defeated Nicole Matthews SHIMMER CHAMPIONSHIP Mercedes Martinez Defeated Kellie Skater (c) (New Champion)
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Through The Ropes Newsletter Issue #15 - Monday 21st November 2016
Written By the Through The Ropes Team / Next Issue: Monday 5th December 2016