We are sad to continue to report on the passing's of more greats from the sport of wrestling, with legendary former WWF superstar George "The Animal" Steele passing away at the age of 79 on February 16, and Former WWWF World Champion "The Russian Bear" Ivan Koloff passing away at the age of 74 just one day later on February 17. Both icons were suffering from health problems leading to their deaths. It has been upsetting for many due to their kind and gentle natures. Countless of wrestling's greats have spoken out on their tragic deaths on social media. We send our condolences to the family's, friends and fellow fans of George and Ivan.
Wrestling Legend and Yoga/Fitness guru Diamond Dallas Page is to finally be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame Class. Page joins the already major star line-up of Kurt Angle, Teddy Long and The Rock N' Roll Express. Congratulations to DDP! Bang!Here is WWE's statement on the deserving induction of one of Wrestling's finest; "Diamond Dallas Page to be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame Class of 2017. Diamond Dallas Page, a world champion-turned-fitness guru, will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame as part of the Class of 2017 during WrestleMania 33 Week. It is for his accomplishments in and out of the ring that Diamond Dallas Page is more than deserving of induction into the WWE Hall of Fame."
Lucha Libre FMV sent a letter through their lawyers to PCW in Los Angeles earlier this month which states they are “the legitimate owner of the intellectual property related to the name, characteristics, characters and designs of ‘FENIX’, ‘REY FENIX’, ‘PENTAGON Jr.’ and ‘PENTA 0M’, among other trademarks. At the light of the above, we are sending you this communication requesting you to cease and refrain from the unauthorized and misuse of the intellectual property.” Adding, “And also please avoid to hire any person that uses such intellectual property or any other confusingly similar” … otherwise they may exercise legal action." And in response, PCW replied; “While we thank you for your concern with making sure that we are not going to use the names of performers or characters legally owned by your client, we can assure you that we are only promoting performers by names that either the performers control themselves or which no entity controls as of this date.”
As for The Hardy's and Impact Wrestling being under fire again from Lucha Underground, During the Broken Hardy's Expedition of Gold storyline, The Brother's [Matt & Jeff] teleported to Konnan's promotion CRASH Wrestling and won the CRASH Tag Team titles from Super Crazy and Psicosis, The referee for the match [Marty Elias] was signed to Lucha Underground. When word got out to Lucha Underground bosses that Impact Wrestling was going to be filming, they sent Impact a cease and desist letter to not show the match, But since the wrestlers involved were not under contract to Lucha, Impact carried on as planned and showed the match but with the referee blurred out.
It appears to be a common trend for the Mexican Wrestling Giant to try and control everything like WWE has and does.
Former ECW star and bodybuilder Nicole Bass passed away on February 17 at the age of 52, when she was taken off of life support. Bass was declared brain dead after she suffered a heart attack on February 16, but Family and Friends wanted to reveal her passing when she was taken off of life support.
After the 20/02 episode of WWE Monday Night RAW, The Rock cut a promo on the new Paige movie that's being filmed about her life and family. This led to some CM Punk chants when AJ Lee's name came up. Rock then gave the fans what they wanted, and literally called CM Punk on his mobile phone in the middle of the stunned audience. Rock couldn't get through, but he left a voicemail that said; "Hey Punk, it's Rock, this is not a joke, I'm literally calling you from the middle of the Staples Center with about 15,000 strong. I hope you can hear this, again, this is not a rib. They are chanting your name!" Later, Punk acknowledged the "Great One's" kind but risky gesture via Twitter saying; "Thanks Los Angeles. Nice to hear from you." Rocky later tweeted "I work off instinct, always listen to the people and try to give em something special. Huge positive feedback from @WWE Universe. Fun night"
However, this may not have been a wise move by Rock as WWE are not on good terms with the former WWE Champion. WWE's higher ups in Triple H and Vince McMahon were not at all pleased with The Rock's stunt, and did not approve of it at all, to the point of it being clear to those around Triple H that he did not want this to go on. Eventually word from the back was sent to Rock to wrap it up and end the segment.
Drew Galloway has announced his departure from Impact Wrestling after refusing to re-sign with the company. Galloway said his goodbyes to the company and the stars on Twitter; "Thank you @IMPACTWRESTLING for these past two years & everything we achieved together," Galloway wrote. "I'll miss everyone & I'll see you down that long road". During Galloways two year tenure in Impact, He won the TNA World Championship once, Main evented Bound for Glory and Slammiversary, and won the Impact Grand Championship once.
Finn Balor is still not cleared to compete in in-ring competition despite his mini return to NXT to assist Shinsuke Nakamura from an attack by Bobby Roode and Andrade Almas at the last set of NXT tapings. Balor is close to returning to the ring, with one last medical evaluation at the beginning of March.
Impact Wrestling has secured two top stars in "The Miracle" Mike Bennett and his wife Maria Kanellis Bennett to new one year deals according to WrestleZone.com. Mike will not be having complete control of his outside bookings like a Cody Rhodes or a Matt Hardy, But he will be working a list of promotions that he wishes to continue working for over the year.
Billie Kay from NXT has been injured by Ember Moon during a match at WWE NXT's last set of tapings. The injury came after taking the Eclipse finisher move by Moon, which is a super-stunner. Kay was in some serious pain while clutching at her neck, WWE trainers came out to assist Kay.
Indie Wrestling Superstar, now NXT Superstar Heidi Lovelace, will be known in WWE as Ruby Riot. Her new name was debuted at the NXT tapings against fellow Indie star Kimber Lee.
Pro Wrestling Noah and Impact Wrestling's first working event together since the new working relationship was launched this year has been announced. Several major names from Impact including the DCC's James Storm, Former World Champion Eddie Edwards and the big man Moose, will be heading over to Yokohama, Japan for the Great Voyage 2017 wrestling event hosted by Pro Wrestling Noah on March 12th.
Nick Aldis, who was known in the Impact Wrestling as Magnus, is currently in a position of returning to the company. Reports from PWInsider.com suggest that Aldis is in "serious" talks about a return to the company. While not confirmed, It's entirely possible that Jeff Jarrett is behind the Former World champion's talks with the company, as Jarrett hired Aldis for his Global Force Wrestling Promotion when the former Magnus departed from the then TNA in July of 2015.
WWE have been in talks with numerous alumni women wrestlers for a return to the company in time for WrestleMania 33. Two of the wrestlers that WWE have been in contact with are Kelly Kelly, and Lisa Marie Varon who was known as Victoria in WWE and Tara in Impact Wrestling.
The odds of Kurt Angle wrestling for the WWE again are looking favourable, as The Wrestling Observer notes that there are indeed plans for Angle to wrestle for the company in the future, but usage of Angle in that capacity is said to be on a "very limited basis", plus Angle would still have to pass a physical examination before that would happen. Kurt spoke with Forbes about wrestling for WWE; "I wouldn't be surprised if I do a few more matches somewhere down the line, but they haven't talked about it so it's not official. This Hall of Fame thing is just the beginning, so let's see how it goes and we'll go from there."
"Dirty" Dutch Mantell has officially announced his signing with Impact Wrestling in the creative and advisory position backstage within the company. Mantell said on Twitter; "NEWS: Finally, I can OFFICIALLY announce that I have signed with @IMPACTWRESTLING in a creative/advisory capacity. Changes underway." Along with Dutch, comes former TNA and WWE producer Kevin Sullivan [not to be mistaken for Kevin Sullivan the wrestler] announcing his return to Impact Wrestling.
The longest reigning WWE Tag Team Champions in company history The New Day will be hosting WrestleMania 33 with their unique brand of excitement and energy! Kofi Kingston of the group made the following statement on TMZ Live during the announcement of the news; "Our main goal is to have as much fun as possible because if were having fun, everybody's having fun!"
Naomi injured her left knee at the WWE Elimination Chamber PPV [The Injury occurred during the split legged moonsault. Naomi looks to be out of action for around 2 months.]
Impact Wrestling has announced more tapings in addition to the March tapings on the 2nd through to the 5th, then in April from the 20th through to the 23rd, next in July from the 2nd through to the 6th, then finally in August from the 17th through to the 20th. The April 20th and August 17th shows shall be special Live episodes from the Impact Zone in Orlando, Florida. Stars advertised for the next several months include EC3, Lashley, Eddie Edwards, Moose, "The Miracle" Mike Bennett and Maria, Decay and others.
Impact Wrestling's lead play-by-play announcer Josh Mathews has upset company officials when he sent the following message to the hosts of a wrestling podcast, the tweet to the hosts read; “Ohh, ‘Real Shoot Wrestling Podcast!’ Taking offense! Did you guys book a great ‘SHOOT style promo!’ You should really shoot yourselves.” Mathews was reportedly given a "stern" warning for the future.
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Through The Ropes Newsletter Issue #20
Written By the Through The Ropes Team
This Issue of The Through The Ropes Newsletter is dedicated to George Steele, Ivan Koloff and Nicole Bass