Note: Due to some unforseen circumstances, The Through The Ropes Newsletter has been revised and will be released on a new monthly basis. You will get the News of the month, The months results from WWE, Impact and ROH as usual, Plus PPV ents along with bonus features in each newsletter ranging from a showcased Analysis & Editorials article or an Exclusive Interview with a star in Professional Wrestling! Be sure to catch the Through The Ropes Newsletter and Climb Through The Ropes with us!
Here is what happened this past month.
The controversy continues with the Bullying scandal involving JBL. / The Superstar Shakeup features the following stars being swapped from RAW to SmackDown and vice versa; From SmackDown to RAW; Apollo Crews, The Miz, Maryse, IC Champion Dean Ambrose, Curt Hawkins, Bray Wyatt, Kalisto, Heath Slater, Rhyno, Alexa Bliss, Mickie James and David Otunga. And from RAW to SmackDown; Byron Saxton, WWE US Champion Kevin Owens or Chris Jericho, who ever wins at Payback, Jinder Mahal, Sami Zayn, Primo, Epico, Tamina Snuka, Charlotte Flair, Rusev, Sin Cara, Lana and The New Day. / Yoshihiro Tajiri has left WWE due to the company feeling its too big a risk to put him back in their rings. / Eva Marie will not be re-signed to a new contract once her current one expires. / Mike Bennett, along with wife Maria Kanellis Bennett are expected to be WWE Bound. Despite being happy with Impact Wrestling, both felt its time to move on along with WWE's offer being more appealing. / Dave Meltzer reported that things aren't looking good for Paige when she returns from injury, as after all the controversy surrounding her, The company won't be using her going forward even after she is healed up. / This month also saw Apollo Crews and Roderick Strong become new Fathers, and Dean Ambrose tying the knot with Renee Young. / The New Day will return to WWE TV once Kofi Kingston is fit and ready to go after suffering a broken ankle, which caused fragments that needed to be removed. / WWE have NOT aquired rights to the Broken Universe IP from Impact Wrestling, despite rumours saying the deal was made. Reby Hardy backs that the deal has not been made, and that talks are not even real. / WWE has changed plans for the Bad Blood PPV event on July 9, The event will now be called Great Balls of Fire. This has recieved negative reactions from alot of people on social media.
Jinder Mahal has been praised backstage for his work and dedication to his appearance and hard work since his return. / Mick Foley successfully underwent Hip surgery on April 19. / Former Tough Enough star Daria Berenato has now been repackaged as Sonya Deville, while Macey Estrella now is known as Lacey Evans. / Ember Moon suffered an injury to her shoulder after a suicide dive ended with her corining into the steel at ringside. / Mauro Ranallo has left WWE, and will remain under contract until August 12. WWE have been working on a deal to keep Mauro quiet about the bullying scandal with JBL, of whom Mauro had heated exchanges with. / Dash Wilder suffered a broken jaw and will be out for several months. Dash damaged his jaw during a tag match against Shinsuke Nakamura and Hideo Itami on April 14 at a live event. / Both Finn Balor and Charlotte suffered injury scares this month with Balor's concussion incedent with Jinder Mahal after a stiff clothesline, and Charlotte against Nia Jax when Jax botched two major moves which saw Charlotte's head driven into Jax's knee on a botched shoulder breaker, and Jax failing to catch Charlotte after a top rope outside move which saw Charlotte go head and shoulder first to the floor. / Andrea DiMarco and Chris Atkins have been released released from WWE NXT. / New WWE rule will see talents who are reaching the end of the contracts with their respective promotions unable to communicate with WWE for 90 days after departure due to rumours of WWE recieving letters from ROH about negotiating with talents who were still under contract. / Shaquille O'Neal has revealed that the match with The Big Show at WrestleMania was scrapped due to WWE changing their minds on whether the confrontation would be in a tag match or a singles match, Which led to Shaq making other plans instead. / Matt 'Rosey' Anoa'i has sadly passed away at the age of 47 on April 17. We send our condolences to the friends, Family and fans of the Superhero Rosey! RIP Matthew Anoaʻi 1970 - 2017
Former Impact World Heavyweight Champion Eddie Edwards was not injured on the April 22-23 Impact Taping's despite undergoing surgery. Eddie's knee will be operated on, but it was due to lingering issues that were described as not serious. / Alberto El Patron has praised Impact Wrestling whilst taking shots at WWE for how well Impact have looked after their talents. Alberto said he "couldn't be happier" to be in Impact, and completely ruled out ever going back to WWE. "I'm not going back ever, ever, ever. I'm too happy being out of that place. It was me quitting that place, not staying in that place and not wanting to stay, even after they did everything to try to keep me in that company, I said, 'no, I don't want to be there.'" / Legendary X-Division pioneers in Low-Ki and Sonjay Dutt are back with Impact, so is 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner! Steiner a few years back started a lawsuit against Impact, But it appears to be all sorted as he has returned to Impact in an in-ring role.
Braxton Sutter and Allie, The hottest couple in wrestling since Macho and Liz have re-signed to new deals. / Impact's new working relationship with AAA will see Joint events in the fall of 2017, and talent exchanges along with possible crossover's from Lucha Underground, But LU talents will not be able to use their LU names on Impact TV. AAA Vice President Dorian Roldán on Impact "We do not see ourselves as competitors, we see ourselves as allies." / Reno Scum's Adam Thornstowe is out of action due to torn bicep, He will be back though as quickly as possible Thornestowe states. / Impact Wrestling has made a settlement with Audience Of One, and will continue to work with Impact Wrestling as the Production Company for the Promotion. / Crazzy Steve has finished up with Impact Wrestling at the last of the April tapings, and will be WWE bound possibly alongside former Impact talent Gunner, who is to undergo a WWE physical soon, and if successful, will be on NXT. Just to note, Steve left Impact amicably, With Impact allowing him to leave his contract. / Bram has been suspended from the Pro Wrestling NOAH Global Tag League for an inappropriate photo that he posted on instagram which saw Bram lying down on a shop's ice cream fridge. Bram took the pic down and later apologised for the show of disrespect to the Country. Kazma Sakamoto will be replacing Bram for the rest of the series.
Former World Champion Mr Anderson has officially joined the Ring of Honor Ranks in the footsteps of The Hardy's and Bully Ray. Anderson had an ROH TV title match against Marty Scurll at Masters of the Craft event. /
Evolve Star Darby Allin suffered a fractured elbow during his match at Evolve 82 when he was hit with a shovel by opponent Ethan Page, Allin is expected to be out of action for 3 months. / Simon Gotch will continue wrestling but under a new name, The former Gotch of the Vaudevillains will be known as Simon Grimm. / Indie Wrestler Mr 450 was accused of choking and physically harming his Girlfriend on WrestleMania 33 weekend, While Police continue to investigate, He remains free from prison due to lack of evidence.
After a special tag team match at Korakuen Hall on April 20 featuring Vader, Keiji Muto & AKIRA Vs Tatsumi Fujinami, Riki Choshu & Shiro Koshinaka, The man known as Vader passed out after the match, But it was due to being dropped on his head when the match started. Thankfully Vader has recovered since. / Katsuyori Shibata suffered a severe head injury during his NJPW Sakura Genesis match against Kazuchika Okada. Shibata hit Okada with a stiff headbutt which caused Shibata to bleed from the head. Okada after the match underwent Medical evaluation and was diaognosed with a subdural hematoma, then underwent successful surgery. However, Shibata is is still hospitalised and his right side of his body is paralised, Shibata will undergo another operation in May. While Shibata wishes to return to the ring, Doctors and friends say a return to the ring is unlikely.
Joaquín Roldán, the company Director of AAA wrestling passed away on the morning of April 8. We send our condolences to Family and Friends of Mr Roldan. / Lucha Underground Executive producer Mark Burnett is working on a new TV series with the WOW (women of wrestling) company, and it will be in simaler tastes to Lucha Underground in regards to storylines.
The English based What Culture Pro Wrestling will be featuring promotion collaberations with promotions in England, Scotland, Germany, Mexico, Canada, America, Japan, and The Rest of the World.
The mother of the late great Joanie 'Chyna' Laurer has expressed great frustrations at the people behind the documentary of her Superstar Daughter, feeling that the documentary should have been scrapped. Chyna, who passed away during filming of the documentary, which was supposed to be about her recovery and going onto better days, was turned into a "morbid" film of her tragic descent. Jan LaQue, Chyna's Mother, was not told or asked about it being released, Plus, she said that her daughter would not want this film released as it was not what the film was supposed to be about. / Ric Flair's fiancée Wendy Barlow was hospitalised after a serious motor accident. Ric noted to all who sent their best wishes and prayers that she is recovering and will be back. / Kurt Angle has revealed on the Talk is Jericho podcast that he is suffering from some lasting nerve damage due to lingering injuries. Angle also would reveal that he doesn't have nearly the upper body power he used to have. Angle said he can only bench press around 185lbs, which is nothing to what he used to press.
Through The Ropes' Jack Williams interviewed the legend BILL APTER
Welcome to Through The Ropes Mr Apter, Although no introduction is required, please first introduce yourself to our readers? "I am said to be the world's most recognizible Pro Wrestling/Sports Entertainment journalist, reporter, photo-journalist. This is my 50th year covering this colorful, wild, fun, genre and I look forward to 50 more! Here is a link to a recent story that says it all ... http://www.miamiherald.com/sports/fighting/article141892774.html" Of all the matches you've seen, What one match sticks in your mind as the greatest of all time and why?
"I can't pinpoint one. They go by generations for example in the 70's there was Jack Brisco vs. Dory Funk Jr. Then we move to further years and see Ric Flair vs. Ricky Steamboat. That takes us to the days of Bret Hart vs. Shawn Michaels. I could go on and on but not picking out one match." Which Wrestler of all time has impressed you most, say for most improved or the best you ever witnessed?
Again that is something so difficult to put my finger on. John Cena keeps coming up in my mind. I've seen him grow from his near teen days to a fully-funtional-pro wrestlng machine. Love him or if you think "Cena Sucks" you cannot argue you about his excellent in-ring skills."
What first attracted you to wrestling? "Watching it on TV as a youngster in New York. It was good guys vs. bad guys fighting it out on live TV. That is what hooked me."
What allured you into a career of wrestling journalism? "I could not find a road to being a wrestling broadcaster. I was fascinated by the wrestling magazines I purchased and it was the stories and the photos that took me deep into the world of Pro Wrestling where I wanted to be and eventually found my way in (read my book folks lol -- it's all there)."
READ THE FULL INTERVIEW AT Throughtheropes.wixsite.com/Wrestling
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Through The Ropes Newsletter Issue #26 April 2017
Written By the Through The Ropes Team