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Love him or hate him, which many think they do, Roman Reigns was the perfect choice to be the final match of the Undertaker's career for many reasons which I will get to in few moments, But first, I need to explain why the booking of the match was as perfect as could be, and why hopefully it is the final match of the Undertakers career. END OF AN ERA, BIRTH OF THE FUTURE A John Cena vs. Undertaker match would have been a dream for me, and for many millions also, a Sting vs. Taker match would also, But the time had past for those dream matches, and a young gun needed to be in the final match, and Reigns was the perfect fit. You look at every WWE superstar right now, and only one in my eyes can truly keep the kayfabe alive, and that's Roman. If anyone else were to have filled the position that Reigns ended up filling, It would have been a complete sham, could you imagine an AJ Styles, half the size and power of Reigns beating Taker, something that only Brock Lesnar could do? It doesn't make sense, It would make Undertaker look feeble and make Brock's win over the deadman at WrestleMania 30, and his hard fought matches at SummerSlam and Hell in a Cell look as meaningless as if Shane McMahon had actually defeated him too. Not even Kevin Owens or Braun Strowman could have pulled it off, It required certain specifications and Reigns ticked off all the elements needed, them being a young talent, a formidable force, Someone with the ability to be the face of the company, and someone who can genuinely be believed to actually topple an icon in his last match. This is no knock to those talents named, but if the great Shawn Michaels or Triple H couldn't pull it off, then they certainly could not. Regarding whether this should be Undertaker's final ever match, why should it not be? He got to put over a young talent in Roman Reigns, Put on a classic 20 minute plus match that excelled in storytelling, and that actually headlined WrestleMania and closed the show of shows over choices of Goldberg Vs. Lesnar, Orton Vs. Wyatt, and even HHH Vs. Seth Rollins! How many can say they truly ended their career that way? So why would he want to risk one more match that would certainly be at the bottom of the card and possibly be a flop? NOW THE FUTURE IS IN AFFECT Roman Reigns is a two time World Heavyweight champion, but neither of those title wins actually signalises that the future is here more than watching Reigns defeat a legend like Undertaker on the Grand Stage of WrestleMania and inherit the "yard" itself. Now that we are seeing the final phases of the career's of company headliners like John Cena, Chris Jericho and Triple H, there is no time left to waste, action and replacements are needed right now, and Roman Reigns, is the best option for the position of the Head Dog, especially considering he is the best wrestler and all round talent of the entire Samoan Dynasty in WWE history, topping even The Rock by miles in in-ring ability.


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