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Breaking Down TNA Wrestling (04/07/2016)



The world heavyweight feud of EC3, Drew Galloway and Lashley, And all of the three men's work and performances. The fight for the X title and the Option C reward. The TNA X-Division, Great series between the Helms Dynasty (Lee and Everett), DJZ and Eddie Edwards. Braxton Sutter, Great to see some one who has payed more than his fair share of dues receive a more than deserved push. Eli Drake, The Fact of Life segment and his matches have been really good quality, Consistently. The Hardy brothers feud, It is unusual, But that's what its all about. Something new and fresh, Very entertaining and consistently great matches that top the last.

THE OKAY: Jade and Marti Belle feud, It has yet to peak, But could be a good feud and a good series of matches, But that would have to be down to Jade as she is the best wrestler on the Knockouts roster. Sienna dominating the Knockouts storyline.

THE BAD: Maria and Mike Bennett promo's, They are long, slow and dragged out. Very boring and repetitive. Allies promos, Very childish voice, Matt Hardy's is entertaining and humorous, Hers are just really insulting to foreign viewers.

THE AWFUL: Seeing Grado and Shera every single week, Two men who don't deserve to be there. Poor wrestlers at best, Not entertaining, and wasting two valuable spots on the card and roster that could be filled by deserving talents. The constant replays of what happened after every single match, Literally minutes after the match or segment itself.


THE TOP STARS: Lashley, Ethan Carter III, Jeff Hardy, Davey Richards, DJZ, Drew Galloway, Eddie Edwards, Eli Drake, Matt Hardy, Andrew Everett, Jessie Godderz, Mandrews, Robbie E, Tigre Uno, Trevor Lee, Gail Kim, Jade, Madison Rayne, James Storm, D'Angelo Dinero, Jeremy Borash, Josh Mathews,

THE GOOD: Bram, Braxton Sutter, Baron Dax, Basile Baraka , Al Snow, Gregory Shane Helms, Mike Bennett, Rockstar Spud, Tyrus, Sienna

THE OKAY: Abyss, Aiden O'Shea, Rebel, Maria, Marti Bell, Raquel, Reby Hardy, Rosemary, Allie

THE NOT GOOD: Crazzy Steve

THE AWFUL: Grado and Mahabali Shera


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