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Dear Vince Russo (09/10/2015)

Dear Vince Russo, We start off with what you said recently; Destination America has given TNA to the end of the year. That's what we're hearing. That's the rumour. Nobody from TNA, Nobody from Destination America, has come forward to say any differently, so you have to believe there is some truth to that" You continued, "so Put yourself in TNA's position. If I know that I'm done at the end of the year, With Destination America,and I don't have another [Television] network to go to, Why on Earth am I going to invest the money to produce television for October, November, and December when no matter how good that television is, It doesn't Matter" Quote of yours truly.

The FANS and the Brilliant stars of Impact wrestling that I adore and look forward all week to seeing are the answer to that. Even though you have no idea what pro wrestling is about, WE THE FANS deserve a good wrestling product to watch and enjoy, Which ever company or promotion we watch or support. My Entire Family have been watchers and lovers of Pro wrestling for 5 Generations now, And you are the very reason as to why its failing, One man once said Wrestling is finished when all that is left is characters and gimmicks and no skill, and that man was Kent Waltman (ITV World of Sport Wrestling Commentator). Your idea of what is and isn't entertaining is beyond compare, The filth and stupidity of your "Creations" have about two minutes worth of thought in them, And poor Owen Hart was a victim of your stupidity, And he found out the hard way, Bless his heart! You say you are a born again Christian,.... Well to me it seems although you have found a place to wash away your guilt, With "holy Water" non the less.

Its obvious to me and probably others too that God didn't judge you fairly for your actions and choices. You should have been fired for your lunacy that has desecrated not just the business and the lives of its performers, But the place where I turn to when i feel at the end of my tether, and the place that I love with all of my heart. Now I wouldn't have been so judgemental if you would just fade away into the obscurities of Parts Unknown, But the fact that you are reminiscent of a cockroach, In the terms of of your in capability to stay away and prevent yourself from trying to criticise the very thing you ruined in the first place, aka Pro Wrestling, Its very hard not to get frustrated at reading or hearing your absolute drivvel. PS There is a good reason Jim Cornette hates your guts.


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