Through The Ropes' Jack Williams on 20/01/2018 interviewed the leading Lady of the new generation of the legendary Guerrero family, Miss Shaul Guerrero!
JW: Through The Ropes is proud to present to you the talented and beautiful Shaul Guerrero, For the younger readers who may not have seen you, Could you please introduce yourself?
SG: "Hello everyone! My name is Shaul Guerrero. Many of you may know me due to my pedigree of being a Guerrero- one of the largest and most recognizable wrestling dynasties ever. My father was WWE Hall of Famer Eddie Guerrero. My mother is Vickie Guerrero and I am related to many more recognizable and talented Guerreros such as Chavo Jr., Chavo Sr., Hector & Mando Guerrero and Mexican legend Gory Guerrero. I also have my own accomplishments in the wrestling industry. I was the longest reigning Florida Championship Wrestling Diva's Champion and simultaneous holder of the Queen of FCW title. I was a frequent character on FCW TV and NXT when it was born. I managed many talent you see today on Raw and Smackdown! and announced for Smackdown! Live."

JW: The Guerrero family and wrestling go hand-in-hand, but when did you first get into wrestling and how did it happen? SG: "I first got into wrestling when I was at Summer Slam with my mother several years after my father passed. John Laurinaitis took notice of me and offered me the opportunity to attend a tryout camp for WWE. It truly threw me back that I was even considered. I never thought I could be beautiful enough or strong enough to be in the ring with these women I looked up to so much. But, I took that opportunity and never looked back the moment I hit the canvas for the first time. That tryout camp was one of the most exhilarating experiences of my life and I feel so blessed to have even had the opportunity."
JW: Who were your main influences in Wrestling apart from Family members? SG: "My main influences in wrestling really were only the women I saw and knew in WWE in the beginning. I wanted to be Melina or Michelle McCool so badly. However, when I was starting to train, besides studying my father like a hawk I truly loved Kurt Angle, Edge, Lita, Trish Stratus and Alundra Blayze. Norman Smiley turned me onto Japanese wrestling as well and Bull Nakano was my absolute fave. Today, there is something to learn from everyone and I am just now really looking into the Indy scene more on the regular. However, I have always loved Sara Del Rey and Serena Deeb."
JW: At only 27 years old, You have so much time to be able to craft your own legacy in the wrestling business, Do you have any plans on continuing wrestling? SG: "I do have plans to continue in the wrestling business! I am currently taking bookings as an announcer, backstage interviewer, commentator and manager/valet. I am also training again as of January 2018 and am loving it. I truly want to get back to being an in-ring competitor but I hate to say that it is contingent on how well my neck holds up."
JW: What is the proudest moment in your life in the ring or outside the ring? SG: "The proudest moments of my life...that is a tough one. In ring- I would have to say it was obtaining my first ever title. The queen of FCW match against Aksana was really intense for me. I had never won anything before! And then a month later when I won the FCW Diva's Championship against Audrey Marie- it was very overwhelming. I was getting a taste of my potential and growing up with very low self esteem; having that validation was everything. However, taking my first set of bumps in the ring was a huge moment for me too. I was slamming all of my fears and doubts that I could not be in the same league as the women I idolized and here I was on the road to becoming like them. It was definitely a proud moment for me. In my personal life I have a lot of proud moments. However, making it through rehab for my eating disorder was huge. It was the darkest time in my life for many reasons and I made some of the bravest decisions in that rehabilitation center. That was the most vulnerable and strong I have ever been. In the ring we get to live the fantasy of being a hero or villain. But in that rehab I truly was the hero of my own life thanks to God, my rehab support system, WWE and the constant love and encouragement from my family and friends."

JW: Who is your favourite person to work with in the ring and why? SG: "I had some of the best people in the world training me at FCW and the WWE Performance Center. I truly geeked out when I got to roll around with Sara Del Rey, or when we had special sessions with Mickie James and Michelle McCool. However, the coach I went to everything for was Joey Mercury. He is one of the most amazing workers and taught me so much psychology. When it comes to my matches, I really loved working with Paige. We had a lot of fun in the ring together. I also loved working with AJ. I had my first match against her and learning from her was a privilege."
JW: Who would be your ultimate fantasy opponent? Dead or alive? SG: "Fantasy Opponent: I know this is extremely obvious. But I wish so much that I could have rolled around with my father. Being able to learn from him and ask him the many questions I have about this industry and how he honed his craft would probably be really intense and intimidating. But I dream about it often and always wish for it especially when times are tough or I am down about my potential."
JW: Is there a move that you genuinely dread or fear more than others? SG: "I dread the German Suplex and Tombstone, my neck does not agree with them. And weirdly I hate doing leap frogs. I just do."
JW: If you have, What is the worst injury you've suffered from wrestling? SG: "Worst injury I have had in wrestling is definitely my neck. I have nerve damage and it likes to spasm along with my back. Currently I am trying to find the best course of action in returning to the ring while also dealing with it." JW: What other ambitions do you have in life besides wrestling? SG: "I have a lot of ambitions besides wrestling. I am currently going to school for Theatre, Stage Combat and Dance. I would love to be a film and television actress that does her own stunts while I am still young. I want to have kids with my husband eventually and continue to perform. There is also a part of my who would love to teach high school dance. I had a very influential role model in high school, Margie Dykes. She was my high school dance coach and taught me perseverance, how to work hard and how to dream big. I would love to be a beacon of light for young men and women the way she was."
JW: Which style/s of pro wrestling are your favourite to watch and perform? SG: "I love to watch Japanese style wrestling and Lucha Libre. However, in my own performance I am more of a ground and pound type of woman and tend to execute American style."

JW: Is there anything you would like to say or plug? SG: "I would love to see my fans at the upcoming events I will be a part of! On February 17th in Texas City I will be at ROW's Ladies Night Out who is partnering with Title Match Wrestling. I will be at Zero1USA.com's event March 17th as well as Rise 7- Sensation on April 13th. If you guys can not wait that long, I couldn't;) Then check out: http://www.channel8show.com. I am a voice over artist who does multiple characters- but we need your help! Check out our crowd funding campaign that will be dropping soon.
JW: Where can the readers find Shaul Guerrero? SG: "Follow me on social media to keep up with my adventures! Twitter: @Guerrero_Shaul Instagram: @shaulyg"
JW: Lastly but not least, Thankyou Ms Guerrero for Climbing 'Through The Ropes'! SG: "Thank you so much for having me Through The Ropes!"
Closing Note;
I'd like to thank Shaul for taking the out time for this interview, and recommend taking a look at http://www.channel8show.com, and see her live at ROW Wrestling on 17th February. Once again, I present to you Shaul Guerrero!