Date: 18/03/19 | Written By Multiple Writers (Toby Battle, Michael Clinco, Linda W and Jack Williams)

- The Rebel Alliance! - Toby Battle [of Through The Ropes]
1.: Hulk Hogan (Hollywood-NWO): Hardly a surprise if you know me, he is the talismanic captain of the crew. He has that innate ability to Hulk-Up at crucial times and you need that at the death. He had an unstoppable aura about him which would prove invaluable in a cage/trapped scenario. 2. Mick Foley: Every team needs a fighter, a man willing to scrap to the death and put his body on the line. I challenge anybody to find a bigger fighter than Mick Foley, the man is insane. Plus you get multiple wrestlers for the price of one! 3. Sabu: Continues the tough, gritty nature of my team whilst also injecting a degree of pace, flair and aerial brilliance. A team needs diversity, Sabu brings that in buckets with his high-flying nature whilst maintaining the team backbone of grit. 4. Kurt Angle: Kurt further brings in diversity with his natural wrestling ability and technique, whilst being gritty. Kurt has shown over time that he can put his body through extreme trauma and is also accustomed to working in teams at TNA during Lethal Lockdown etc... this makes him an obvious candidate. 5. What else does literally any team in every sport always have? One freaking huge mother****** . With that in mind, Kane is the fifth member of my super-team. It is the survivor series and I think the master of death and hell knows a bit about death and surviving it. Plus, would you want to face him? 6. Just to finish off, Lou Thesz. This may seem a weird or left-field choice but any team needs an element of surprise or an unknown quantity. Thesz provides this. On top of this, he is a wrestler with moves named after him, a man that invented his own move-set, that counts for something. Plus, most of his devised moves are not glamorous but overtly effective, an image I want my team to reflect. So there we have it!
- Team Wrestling Express! - Michael Clinco [of Wrestling Express]
This was a very tough selection and I have put a lot of though into this question. Every Survivor Series elimination tag team has 5 members of the team and my dream team has been a tough choice as there are so many different ways I could've went and possible decisions. I think overall I would pick the better technicians inside the ring. My team captain would be Mr. Perfect, because he would the perfect person to pick to be the captain of the team. The next member of the team would be Bobby Eaton as I have thought that he was an amazing in ring talent that was extremely underrated. Next we move to Eddy Guerrero as our next member and I don't think that I need to push my reasoning for picking Eddy and rather I would say that Eddy would mesh perfectly with Perfect and Eaton. To keep with the consistency of skilled in-ring talents especially a tag team specialist especially Arn Anderson. The selection of Arn is perfect as he fits with Eaton as a tag team wrestler who can take a beating, but dish one out just as well. Our last team member is Tully Blanchard who would fit in to the team due to his association with Arn Anderson and being on the level of Double A and Bobby Eaton as a tag team wrestler that can take a beating, but also dish one out. So the Survivor Series team will be Curt Hennig, Eddie Guerrero, Bobby Eaton, Arn Anderson, and Tully Blanchard.
- Team Rassle'Maniax - Jack Williams [of Through The Ropes]
The first pick is Shawn Michaels. The Heart Break Kid is one of the greatest to ever compete in the ring, and one thing that stands out is his incredible endurance. Michaels just doesn't quit. He doesn't slow down as the clock ticks on, he only seems to get better. The incredible skills he also possesses makes him a must have to include on my team. Its worth noting that I'm not going to pick my top five favourites, but favourites who fit the style of this match. Number 2 is Scott Steiner, The Big bad booty Daddy! Scotty Steiner is a loose cannon, and a legitimate badass, who isn't going to let any fat asses get in his way! Once the original Suplex City President takes his opponents to the mill, then locks in the Steiner Recliner, forget about it! its game over! The third pick is going to be Rey Mysterio. The Master of the 619 is a man who has no fear, he stands up to men like The Great Khali, Undertaker, Big Show, and gives everything that he has inside of him to pull off the most incredible upsets. One upset is the win over Kurt Angle and Randy Orton in the same match to become World Champion! So I'm very confident with Rey in the team. The number four option is none other than the Crippler! Chris Benoit! The Rabid Wolverine isn't going to back down from anyone, Just like Rey. Benoit is going to cripple his opponents with his lethal toothless aggression, Followed by the Crippler Crossface, to lead Team Rassle'Maniax to victory! Now then, the final wrestler in my five piece is going to be Jeff Hardy. The Charismatic Enigma is a great edition to this line-up. With his no fear, high risk, death defying mindset, Nothing will deprive Jeff of another victory. Jeff holds big wins over the likes of Kurt Angle, Austin Aries, Bobby Roode, Edge, Who all are top of the pack in their respective companies. This is my line-up for this war of attrition, Chris Benoit, Shawn Michaels, Rey Mysterio, Scott Steiner and Jeff Hardy, and I'm confident for a solid victory!!
- The Hitmen! - Linda Williams [of Through The Ropes]
The first pick is Bret Hart, who will lead the team into this clash of epic proportions. Eddie Guerrero will be the first of the four team members. Dean Malenko will join Eddie and the relationship there speaks for itself. Next up I'm going with Chris Benoit, again, the relationship with Eddie and Dean will work as a great advantage. Then finally I'm going to choose Randy 'Macho Man' Savage. Macho is the perfect man to round off this amazing group of wrestlers, The Best Wrestlers!
Think you could lead a team to Survivor Series glory? Click on the Social Media links below then pick your team of five wrestlers and let us know!