Written By: Mark Connor | Date: 16/05/2019

Last year, Killer Kross signed a new contract with Impact Wrestling that was for multiple years. However, at the time, Kross wasn't exactly a world renowned superstar, but with an impressive debut in Impact, Kross's appeal has certainly grown in a massive way, and it's no surprise why either.
Killer Kross is easily one of the greatest in-ring presences that I've ever seen in all my years of loving this sport. His intensity can only be matched by that of an elite group of few members, such as Goldberg, Undertaker and Bobby Lashley. Kross however is a superb performer in all areas. His promos are eerie, his appearance is legit, his personality is spine trembling, and his ring work is downright devastating to watch, as I genuinely wish his opponents, even ones I don't like, would get the hell out of there!
Watching Kross in Impact has been one hell of a journey, and I'm sad that he didn't remain in the main event scene, He definitely deserves to be in the main event, and even world champion, But that's down to whether Kross gets what he wants, More money!
I think and believe that Impact would certainly benefit from having Kross stay with them, He is money, certified money. He can work with anyone. I would kick myself into the next week if I let Kross walk out and join another company, and let another company take advantage of his many talents.