Date: 06/06/19 | Written By Jack Williams

Apart from his time in WW'ECW, WWE's attempt at remaking and recreating the original magic that the original land of extreme created, Where Matt would become ECW World Champion, Matt Hardy never really had a time under the spotlight on a major brand in a major company... Until his time came in TNA Wrestling, where they gave him the ball for the first time in his career at being WORLD CHAMPION!
Despite Matt's age and wear and tear, Matt still gave all he had to be one of the best TNA World Champions in the companies long history. For years it was assumed that Jeff was the only main eventer of the brothers, But TNA, when no other company did, gave Matt the chance and opportunity to be the main event player, and have a Bound for Glory moment all to himself...
After months of failed title attempts and constant insults from the then World Champion, EC3, Matt would go into Bound for Glory (Impact's (then TNA) show of shows) in a triple threat match with his Brother Jeff as the referee. The match featured top stars Drew Galloway, and of course the champion EC3, But it was Matt's night, and he shared it with all his family with him.
From there, Matt almost immediately relinquished the title after claims were made from EC3 stating that he was cheated at the BFG event when referee Jeff Hardy attacked EC3, allowing Matt to capitalise and become champion. EC3 would persuade TNA management to force Matt to either drop the title or risk a lawsuit, So Matt willingly dropped his title. This led to a World Title tournament being set up to find a new world champion following the controversy of Bound for Glory. The two that advanced to the final of the tournament that continued into the new year of 2016 were Matt Hardy and EC3, However Matt's heroic attempt to reclaim the title were dashed following a super 'One Percenter' from the top turnbuckle, leading to EC3 regaining the title in a hard fought victory. But weeks later, Matt would face EC3 in a last man standing match for the title, where things would all change in the world of TNA. In what was a complex evening of twists and turns, The match would see EC3's manager Tyrus turn on him and align himself with Matt Hardy, who turned heel and won his second World Title in the process, leaving a devastated EC3 flat on the canvass.
The road from here changed the dynamic of TNA forever, with a major turning point almost being set in stone from this point onwards (Matt and Jeff's iconic feud leading to the creation of the Broken Universe).
Now, back as World Champion but with a different M'attitude, Matt Hardy evolved into the "Big Money Matt", a vile, money driven alter-ego of the many versions of the Hardy Brother. Matt would form the Matt Hardy Brand, that featured the newly acquired Tyrus, Rockstar Spud, wife Rebecca and son Maxel. Matt would reign supreme with dirty tricks and taking the low roads over what would be his final World Title reign. After vanquishing EC3 and his attempts of becoming an E C 3 time World Champion, Matt would get into a bitter feud with Brother Jeff, who refused to sit by and watch Matt Hardy ruin his legacy with this vileness. Matt would lose the World Title to Drew Galloway who cashed in his Feast or Fired briefcase after narrowly escaping a three way match for the title including Jeff Hardy and EC3. Matt would blame everyone but himself for his loss, and that included Jeff. Matt would feud with Jeff until a brutal I Quit match that saw a "dive from the heavens" from Jeff to Matt, break Matt in half and cause Matt to become deranged and crazy. The Broken Matt was born, and success would follow by the bucket-load for Matt, and down the line as the Broken Hardy's.