Date: 22/07/19 | Written By: Mark Connor

Bold questions, even bolder answers! In this new series, I'll be as outspoken and as bold as possible, and say what's really on the minds of wrestling fans!
Who is WWE's most overrated World Champion of all time?

- Brock Lesnar
Why: He has been given chance after chance after chance to prove himself worthy of holding the major prize in WWE, and each and every time he has proven that he is most underserving of the records and titles he has held. In UFC, Granted, He may be a fearsome and dominant opponent, and he may have even been an icon, But in pro wrestling, He is god-awful. Even back in the early naughties, Lesnar was overrated, yet pushed to the moon. Not to mention the glaringly obvious fact that Lesnar couldn't give two cares for the wrestling business. Money is why he keeps coming back, and possibly most likely losing very few matches cleanly is in his contract somewhere...