If anything in WWE is 50/50 at the current moment in time, then its whether Kurt Angle will wrestle again in their ring. Angle's physical and hard hitting style that he has performed every time he competes can not be good for the human body in any way, which begs to wonder if he would be able to pass the company's physicals that WWE makes its stars go through. However, If Undertaker is still competing, then I think Angle will be just fine despite different circumstances. If Angle is to return to the WWE's squared circle, what should be the match? or matches even.... Here's my prediction for his first return match should it happen;
Tag Team Match - Kurt Angle & Jason Jordan vs. Shelton Benjamin & Chad Gable
Tag Team Match - Kurt Angle & Jason Jordan vs.. Shelton Benjamin & Chad GableThis to me is the one that is going to be most likely to happen, at least his first anyway. The separation of American Alpha when Jason Jordan was drafted over to RAW to magically become the long lost son of Kurt Angle will certainly leave a bitter aftertaste in Chad Gable's mouth. When AA separated, Gable seemed like a lost puppy. He seemed to have no direction and the one in the tag team that doesn't reach the levels of his or her partner, that was until Shelton Benjamin returned to become Gable's new partner.
Now, Benjamin and Angle have history with the Team Angle faction back in the SmackDown years of 04, so there is a connection there that I believe will be used, plus the Jealousy building between Gable and Jordan leads to a match with four of the most gifted pure wrestlers in WWE history slugging it out in a amateurs fantasy tag team showdown. I foresee this being either a WrestleMania match or a SummerSlam match, or at the very least being the main event match on a smaller PPV event, considering its magnitude and possibility's of forging two new Angle's and Benjamin's of the future.
Now, who of this scenario needs the win more than the other? granted that Jordan has the "blood" relationship with Angle, which will keep him more relevant storyline wise, But I see Jordan needing the win more than Gable due to the pressure that's on him to step up to the plate that WWE has forced upon him in the form of the great Kurt Angle. Gable in my opinion has no where near the pressure that Jordan has, Plain and simply because he hasn't got to fill anybodies shoes but his own, so he can advance at any given time, whereas Jordan may only have this one big chance to make a b-way to the top of the WWE food chain.