"This is so embarrassing that I'm even having to write about such a thing. I hate to even be a fan of something that is related to garbage like this, but here is the question:
What's the difference between a pelvis gyrating narcissist and a man who uses his penis to throw his opponents around?
The answer, One is a pro wrestling gimmick and the other is an act that belongs on a porn site. Many people fail to see how Joey Ryan's Penisplex and Chuck Taylor's sheer retardedness differs from comedy acts in the past like Adrian Street, Rick Rude or Bobby Heenan.
Take Rick Rude, who used stripping off and his narcissism to aggravate the fans and his opponents, It didn't make his match look choreographed or fixed, or make his opponent look weak, or spit on the business, It just made him look like a heel and made people want to hate him. Unlike Joey Ryan, who makes his opponents look really bad for playing along to his stupidity which doesn't help him be a heel or a face, or in any way make the business look good. Both Taylor and Ryan don't look like wrestlers, they can't do anything serious in the ring or make anyone look good, so the only thing they can do is make a mockery out of the whole profession as to learning how to bloody wrestler and have skilled and competitive matches. The fact that companies allow these two idiots to do this crap in their rings is an insult to a once respected profession that countless have died trying to perfect like Chris Benoit, Big Bubba, Curt Hennig, Bam Bam, Eddie Guerrero, Owen Hart, and those whose life changed because of it like Bret Hart, Dynamite Kid, Lex Luger, Hulk Hogan, Ric Flair and so on. There is having a comedy spot in a wrestling match, and there is just taking the piss, and unfortunately people like the Taylor fanclub have become so blinded by the stupidity that they no longer can tell the difference and tell a good wrestling match or a good wrestler from a bad one.
Kayfabe is dead, the cat is out of the bag, People know it's fake! So why should we keep up the act any longer? Let's have some fun! That is the mindset of people who defend the PWG nonsense of wrestlers, who are superstars worldwide, Sticking their thumbs up peoples arses or wrestling in slow motion!! This is isn't real wrestling folks, it's for braindead idiots who like to watch braindead content...
To put it bluntly, I got harassed by the Taylor and Ryan fanclub on Twitter the other day, thankfully, someone with a brain came to my aid in the one and only JIM CORNETTE!!! to end the madness of people actually trying to defend this utter rubbish. This experience has truly made me bitter, and really sad as I now know what Corny has had to deal with for the past two plus decades."