With Over ninety Thousand fans ram jam packed inside of the Pontiac Silverdome in Pontiac, Michigan for Wrestlemania 3, The Night had already had Some Matches and a classic Bout, With Ricky The Dragon Steamboat and Randy Macho Man Savage creating a pro wrestling masterpiece for the coveted Intercontinental Heavyweight Championship. Then The Main event being a Hulkamania scene like the previous Wrestlemania's, one and two, But for good reason.
This was to be an even bigger match than previous battles with King Kong Bundy and the Tag match with Mr T at Wrestlemania's debut, It would be The Immovable object taking on the Irresistable force for the World's Heavyweight title in-front of the biggest ever Wrestlemania crowd! However, the Match was an absolute bore, The match featured two moments, one being Hogan and Andre staring off and Hogan's Infamous slam on the Giant from the French Alps. The super slow pace, followed by a handful of actual wrestling moves proved that Andre should have faced Hogan sooner when he could at least put on a main event worthy performance. No disrespect to the Giant, as his presence made for a special event, even near the end of his life, he had an aura that no one else had. Andre deserved to be on a card, but at this stage, not at the main event. Its recognition of the greatest match of all the Wrestlemania's is an insult to the other stars of Wrestlemania who put on better matches.