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Review: Mankind Vs Undertaker KOTR 98 (03/02/2016)

The Hell in a Cell match stipulation has drawn so many gasps, and has had so many hearts pounding over the years but none more that the time that Mick Foley's Mankind and The Undertaker took on the Cages demonic presence in one of the most blood curdling matches that ever has taken place. Whether it was the Tooth of Mankind's sticking out of his nose, Or the tacks in Foleys back and head after a huge chokeslam and a tombstone onto them, Its most infamous moment was the fall of Mankind from the top of the cage at the start of the match, And then the Chokeslam through the roof of the cage to the ring canvas.

There have been more bloody matches in the history books than this, But blood does not nesserally mean that its the most hardcore match, As this match clearly proves. The pain that Mick Foley must have been in during the match and for years after must have been horrendous, And the fact that he continued without medical attention is beyond even imaginable for any normal man or woman. Can it be ranked as hardcore, In simple words, Yes and then some!. Can it be ranked as one of the greatest matches ever? Yes for many reasons, and No for one reason.

The No is that it featured next to no actual technical wrestling, But it can be excused due to the matches scenario and situation. The yes' are that It displayed the two characters full potential, as to what a normal match would bring out. The Undertaker showed an almost devil like attitude, In the sense that he couldn't make Mankind suffer enough. Whilst Mankind displayed the true extent of how much damage that the Mankind character could withstand and how he dealt with extreme pain, Such as the part where he is smiling whilst his tooth had ripped through the top of his mouth and stuck out through his nose, It really put the characters inner workings on show.

Overall Ratings of the Match

Standout Wrestler of the Match: Mankind

Excitement: 10/10

Technical Wrestling: 1/10

Hardcore: 10/10

Twists: 9/10

Omg Moments: 10/10

Storytelling: 10/10

Memorable Moment of the Match: Mankind being thrown off the top of the cage


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