Date: 19/05/2019 | Written By: Mark Connor

Impact Wrestling has come to terms with the release of Scarlett Bordeaux, and rightfully so. Dubbed as the "Smoke Show", Scarlett since her debut in Impact has taken up so much valuable TV time in smutty, un-entertaining segments that do nothing but give perverts something oogle and get off at [IE sticking a banana as far into her mouth as possible, or lap-dancing for Scott Steiner], Such TV time that could have been used for the other girls on the roster who are and always have been working their asses off to get.
Question, Why has Scarlett been pushed so hard [despite wanting out] when her ring work clearly needs a ton more work, when someone like Alisha Edwards and Su Yung are ignored? I think it's because she is blonde and has the "look". Scarlett during her stint brought sex back into Impact Wrestling and it just doesn't belong. Porn and Wrestling don't belong together, As Joey Ryan clearly proves. Impact is the place for women to come in and be respected for their talents and abilities, not their looks and bodies like WWE, who to this day still do it [IE Mandy Rose and Carmella]. I feel that if Impact kept Scarlett on the roster, it could have lead to more like her coming in who are all looks and no ability, Then you have WWE 2004 again, undoing everything that the hardworking women of the Impact/TNA Knockouts division slaved to forge all those years ago.
As for her over ability, her work with Glenn Gilberti showed she isn't good. She looks so clumsy, scripted, and clunky, destroying any bit of believably that her opponent has created. Poor Glenn. Watching Scarlett go against both women and the men, which is what her gimmick has become all about before her release, Was hard to watch, As incredible tag teams like oVe and the Desi Hit Squad are forced to be humiliated by Scarlett and get out witted against her in scraps and brawls. It is so bad to watch. This isn't either a knock to the real life person of Scarlett or Intergender wrestling, as I enjoy watching the genders collide in a competitive matches, But Scarlett isn't a believable threat to a man on the Impact roster as a Tessa Blanchard, a Taya or a Jordynne Grace is.
DISCLAIMER: This isn't by any means of the imagination a knock on the person or character of Scarlett.