ECW to me was a place of easy money, You didn't have to have any skill or technical abilities to make it big there, You just needed to have zero regard for you body and health, That was it!"
It wasn't even as if they learned to not actually hit someone with a weapon, (Which takes skill) they just literally bludgeoned each other to the point of having to drag their lifeless, Broken carcasses to the back after what they called a "Match".
It was just easy money for the lazy "Workers" who didn't want to learn how to actually wrestle or didn't want to have to do real work for a living! Now I Must state that this is not a knock to Pro Wrestlers, In my humble opinion they are hard workers, They provide entertainment aswell as making their living at the same time. The ones who are putting in the extra mile to hone their craft and entertain to the best of their abilities, I'm talking about those who skated on the tails of the HeadSmashing-SexFilled-DrugRuling-SlugFest that was ECW...
Granted there were some off the planet talents there who truly were gifted without the need of weapons, Such as Rob Van Dam, Jerry Lynn, Sabu, Mick Foley, The Dudleys, Eddie Guerrero, Dean Malenko, Chris Benoit, And many others, But those like Balls Mahoney, Roadkill, Sandman, Tommy Dreamer, and others I feel didn't deserve to be associated with the prior, They were in a different league. Now when it comes to Mick Foley, I have nothing but respect for him. He truly was able to entertain without the need of weapons, Or even the need of an opponent for that matter because he had the blood of a born entertainer, And he was very safe in the ring for a hardcore renegade.
Mick Foley against someone like Roadkill made me wonder why Roadkill was not learning to actually wrestle like Mick often did when he wasn't in his hardcore element. Along with many many more like him never did show any skills beyond the death matches and garbage "wrestling".