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Sid's Thoughts: On Seth Rollins (23/07/2016)

Seth Rollins, From day one, Has had an attitude and an ego that simply desires to be fed nothing but his greatness and how good he is. But that attitude is beyond well self confidence, Its sheer self absorbance. Rollins recently said the following about the upcoming WWE draft: He doesn't care if he's drafted to RAW or SmackDown, but he's "got to be the number one pick." He said that he's the best wrestler to build a brand around, And said that he would feel slighted if he was number 2, and insulted if he was anything below that.

This is just arrogance and self praise to its maximum, For a "Wrestler", (which I use lightly when talking about Seth) who has been so wreckless in a business and industry where safety is the number one priority, It is just beyond insulting to those who have never once injured their partner in the ring. Bret Hart, Who once was a Seth Rollins fan, And is with out a shadow of a doubt one of, If perhaps the greatest ever performer to lace up a pair of boots, Says that Seth is unprofessional and unsafe in the ring, For me, That says everything there is to say. The fact that he is still young is irrelevant, If your not safe in Pro Wrestling, Even with the best move sets you could muster, you shouldn't be there.

Rollins, or Black, Which ever he wants to be known as, is a careless individual whose ego is just as dangerous as his knees are, As John Cena's realigned nose would support that claim. Another point that annoys me is that he crippled "The Icon" Sting, And is supported by people saying Sting knew what he was doing, But Sting worked with everyone from Ken Anderson, to Kurt Angle and Jeff Hardy, Big Show and Triple H along with his sledgehammer, And a fifty plus year old Hulk Hogan over the past half decade and not one of them did what Seth did. I truly do not give a damn if he takes this to heart, Or tosses it to one side as another "Know-it all fan" who has never been in the ring, But I know what is right and wrong in pro wrestling, And I know what I Know, And Seth Rollins is a terrible wrestler, Even if he was to have the greatest move-set on earth (which he doesn't) and the fan backing all the way to the hilt, If you can't keep your opponent safe, Then your not a world class pro wrestler.


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