"If there are a handful of names that can be attributed to the success of the WWE, Then Hulk Hogan is going to be THE one. Apart from John Cena, No one in WWE has ever truly exceeded the level of greatness that Hogan has to the point that his very name is almost religious in pro wrestling story. For Hogan to be banned from WWE for having a god given right to have an opinion of a certain race whether it's an unpopular opinion or not, it completely outrageous. Now I will say that the Hulkster should have known better than to use the language he did in public, but he doesn't by law have to respect or love a certain race of people, and that is a fact.
I read Mark Henry and his "delegate" have decided that they are not ready for Hogan to come back just yet, and when or if he does, he must apologise to every black man in the world. Now, This is also ridiculous, To force someone not to be a racist is going against someone's right to have the right of freedom of speech. I Am NOT defending racism, But inside of your head you can be or believe whatever you want, whether it is right or wrong, But ACTING OUT on those thoughts is another thing. Now I don't say that this is right, but Henry is also doing something wrong. Who gives Henry the right to control a man's beliefs or views?
Now, Hogan didn't actually use the word in such a way that he must be punished by Law, so only he can decide whether he seeks forgiveness or not. I understand that for black people it must be hard for their hero to say something like that, But what can be done about? You can not force a man to change his beliefs, only ask him to not be open about it."