Date: 26/06/2019 | Written By: Mark Connor

Most of the wrestlers that go on to sign with the WWE were most likely fans of WWE themselves, and it's a dream come true to be signed by the company that they grew up watching... But being signed doesn't mean that WWE is going to treat you good or give you the push of a main event level player. Of course financially, If you have value that a rival company could utilise, WWE will fire better money at you, But even if you were on good money, It doesn't mean WWE wants you or wants to push you to the moon, It's simply because they don't want to you go on and be a star somewhere else and make their competition money (IE The Revival, who have been said to have been offered big money but still getting used poorly).
WWE and how they use and/or push their stars depends on one thing, do you tick all the boxes on Vince McMahon's checklist on his idea of a WWE Champion blueprint?
Now EC3 and Bobby Lashley prove this. Both are great in the ring, Both have a world champion look and carry themselves like a world champion should. Both have been world champions before in Impact Wrestling, and both were excellent, and to see how both are being just totally wasted in WWE just makes my mind boggle. Not that long ago, Vinnie would go crackers for people with the level of talent and muscles like Lashley, Braun Strowman or EC3, But not anymore apparently, and with so many great and talented stars like them getting frustrated with the company over how carelessly their careers are being panned out, and how their livelihoods are being shattered due to not having the love or passion to give it all in the ring anymore makes a golden point that being in the #1 company in pro-wrestling and the big money paychecks just aren't the be all and end all in wrestling anymore.
Many just want to enjoy their careers in the ring even if it means it comes with having to accept a lower payday on the indies or in another company. Sometimes love is more than money, But everyone's different. If you're a wrestler in WWE, Your contract is coming up for renewal and you are unhappy with how you are being used and it's killing your love of wrestling, and you have an option to either sign away another five long drawn out years in a role that is making you miserable, but the money's good, Or would you walk out the door whilst your passion still lives and continue on elsewhere?
Unfortunately for CM Punk, He didn't leave soon enough and his passion for wrestling just got eaten up by the WWE machine. Unlike then, Today, With more companies besides WWE getting themselves into better positions financially and status wise, This means more money and more opportunities for angry and unused WWE talents to get out and go elsewhere and enjoy their work again, Plus for some to be taken seriously instead of being a comedy act for the audience of one [aka Vince McMahon].