Date: 19/05/2019 | Written By: Mark Connor

The majority of wrestling promotions all over the world have had their glory days and their low points, but Mark Connor asked Jack Williams of Through The Ropes and our partner Michael Clinco of Wrestling Express, Which wrestling company would you buy and in which year?
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"Of all the wrestling companies in the history of the sport, and all the eras and periods of those companies, It'd be either World of Sport Wrestling in any year of the 1970's, TNA Wrestling in 2007 or 2011, or Impact Wrestling in 2019.
Firstly, World of Sport is a company I hold dearly to me, as it was the show that my family, going back to my Great Grandad used to watch every Saturday. Then to get to see the WOS be revived a few years ago was an amazing thing. But as of the 70's UK WOS roster, you had Johnny Saint, Mick McMannus, Steve Logan, Catweazle, Kendo Nagasaki and countless other greats of the ring that I could have utilised.
Then TNA in 2007 and 2011. Two different eras, but both as good as the other. One the one hand, you have a genesis in the shape of the Knockouts Division, and the other you have a wrestling legend running roughshod over wrestling. The 2007 roster had some incredible stars such as Kurt Angle, Sting, Christian Cage [At his best!], AJ Styles, Samoa Joe, and tons more! And the same goes for 2011, Where you have Jeff Hardy, Bobby Roode, James Storm, Hulk Hogan, Kurt, Sting, Scott Steiner, Mr Anderson, Rob Van Dam. Great stars that I would love to have creative control over. The possibilities of matches that weren't done in both times are mind-boggling and mouth watering.
Then Impact in 2019. The talent, despite not having the renowned star power of a Jeff Hardy, or a Kurt Angle, The talent is just as good and future stars are being built, ready to become the next generation of superstars. You have the likes of Brian Cage, Killer Kross, RVD back again, The North, LAX and Rascalz. The X-Division is now being bolstered by star power in Johnny Impact and Rich Swann, along with Willie Mack! The talent is overflowing with stacked two hour shows every week, Plus more great PPV's with countless great partnerships with other wrestling promotions."
"If I could purchase any wrestling company past or present I would be specific with this one and go for WCW in 1992 or 1993 because just look at the talent roster for the company at the time. It was an incredible roster with so much depth and established names it's insane looking back to see Steve Austin, Ricky Steamboat, Bobby Eaton, Ric Flair, Sting, Arn Anderson, Mick Foley, and the list goes on of the incredibly gifted stars on the roster at the time. I would have loads of fun booking a company like that and toss Rick Rude, Dustin Rhodes, Vader, Sid Vicious, and even more talent to the names that WCW had during this era. I don't think honestly there would be a better company to purchase based on talent alone in my opinion."