Date: 02/01/19 | Written By: Mark Connor

The Elite [Cody, Hangman and The Bucks] have finally declared the All Elite Wrestling promotion officially official, So with that out of the way, what can we truly expect out of this bundle of hopes and dreams?
Firstly, The parent company has enough dough to keep the company going throughout the early stages should it stay in for the long haul. They say the early years are the hardest, but staying afloat even as a successful brand has shown to be just as difficult as WWE have recently found out with it's ratings for both Raw and SmackDown struggling to stay above the 2 million viewership mark. Much like in the early years of TNA, a very large amount of cash needed to be flung about in order to get itself into the position of certainty, where it can stay afloat a lot easier. So I expect AEW to go through similar times. Star power is key to drawing in some types of fans, and that doesn't come cheap, as WCW, ROH and TNA/Impact know all about, and AEW is to expect the same conditions if it wants to get legends of the WWE into it's spotlight for ratings and surprises.
AEW have a choice, They can either lock in stars like WWE have always done, and how ROH has started to do, or, they can stay open minded like Impact Wrestling has become, and have talents from other shows come in and have their talents go elsewhere etcetera.
I think it's best that AEW operate like Impact, Where they are going to let stars come and go, just like their All-In event went down, with stars from all over the world and different promotions joining together in harmony. I think if they hope to be a true WWE competitor, they need to use the indies with respect, by allowing their stars to work Indies and not locking them down. This allows for Indie shows to get these big stars, which makes the Indies more money to grow themselves and blow more money on expanding their shows onto networks, or their own streaming services as to just live event audiences, which in-turn helps build stars for the likes of AEW to attain down the line with the minimum effort being put in to find these diamonds in the rough.
From what has happened as of late, in regards to MLW's roster being raided, creating cross promotion upset, I'd say Indie companies working together is better than going it alone, even if the risk of injuries and non-exclusivity is working against them. The plus-side is as the inflow of top talent never ends and the odds of having fresh-never before matches taking place every single week grows even higher.
No one can say if AEW is just a dream that has gone to far, or whether it will takeover the entire wrestling business, But one thing for sure is that we can not rule anything out, Remember, People once said that TNA was going to die after 6 weeks, which as time went by, increased and increased, and it's still here today...