Date: 05/01/19 | Written By: Mark Connor

The Bobby Lashley we saw in WWE in 2007 was a whole lot different than the Lashley we saw in TNA/Impact in 2014 through to 2018. He gained experience, but not only that, The company knew how to use and book him. He was "Walking Armageddon" who marched through everyone in his path, now fast forward to 2019, now back in WWE, The former "Destroyer", now a four time world champion, has now become a guy who can't even speak for himself, and can't even get himself on the main card [As WWE TLC proved], and he never even won that!
WWE, unless it's so perfect that it can't be changed or be screwed up, don't have any clue of how to use a talent or present a wrestler as a, you guessed it, a WRESTLER. They know how to book silly gimmicks and kiddies television, Hell, They had the Broken Universe of Matt Hardy, a far bigger budget than Impact or the Hardy's had to pull off the gimmick, and they still messed it all up, HOW? It was so over that not even a Russo idea would be able to kill off the momentum of the gimmick [I take that back actually].
I think that Lashley needs to just go solo, Ditch his little boyfriend [Lio Rush] and start getting pushed like a monster. His ring work is at it's very best, and it's down to WWE's end to pull their weight. Infact, as it stands, Lashley would have been better off staying in Impact, or even going elsewhere like ROH or New Japan.