Wrestling Express recently featured Jack Williams in their Interaction article, Here are Jack's answers to the grueling questions of Michael Clinco!
Michael: Do you think social media has caused people to forget how to be fans or just become more vocal?
Jack: "Yes....One hundred percent. Social media is a platform for any type of fan to comment his or her opinions whether they are just thanking a wrestler for a great match, or going above their station and giving out advice to the wrestlers and promoters/bookers, on how to do their jobs! If you look back at when wrestling actually thrived on a constant and consistant level, their weren't fleets of rebellious fans who fought against every decision a booker made, They may have shown displeasure, like a wrestling show should bring out in people, but not to where they would write in and order for a change, That's because fans knew their place, whether it was as a viewer or as a member of the audience at the events, the fans never would have dreamed of going to the promoters or phoning them up at home and complaining that they're favourite didn't win. It was how it was and now that it has become easier to voice opinions, people take the liberty of abusing that closer connection to the wrestlers and force what they want....Yes it may be down to the knowledge that wrestling is predetermined, which gives the fans the idea that they can control the outcomes, but at the end of the day, when you watch TV soap operas, the viewers just watch the product, and either like it or don't, that's it. You have every right to your opinion, to post what you would have liked to have happened, like alot of people do, but people think that because of it being a written show, they can write it better, so their attentions are not on being a viewer or a fan, but as a writer."
Michael: In your opinion has social media had a positive or negative effect on the entertainment industry?
Jack: "Negative for sure. There is no way that anything good has come from it. It has just turned fans into critics and want-to-be bookers....There is a good reason as to why there are followers and leaders in life."
Michael: Do you think fans actions on social media can sway non fans from giving something a chance?
Jack: "Yes. If I were to have an urge to watch a new TV show and before hand I saw how many people bashed the show like people do to TNA [now Impact], I'd be crazy to watch it. But thankfully I didn't see any of those hate comments before I started watching TNA, so I gave the show a chance, and it actually saved my strong passion for wrestling that I was losing in 2011 due to losing love for WWE.How can someone who has no clue of a show buy into something that has so many complaints? Its like buying a new TV or Radio, You won't buy one if you hear bad reviews on them, same thing applys here."
Michael: Should fans have a say in what they watch on TV or just be a fan?
Jack: "Letting fans book the shows is like letting the inmates run the asylum, Nothing good ever comes from it. It's why wrestling is in such a mess as it is, Look at Daniel Bryan, He never would have defeated Triple H, Randy Orton and Batista in the same night and won the World Heavyweight Title at WWE's biggest ever show on the 30th anniversary of WrestleMania had the fans not hijacked the shows and forced their opinions upon the company, Not a chance in Hell! Alot of people don't like Daniel Bryan, so they are having to suffer because of some fans who are not getting it their way."
Michael: If you could give a smaller company a shoutout which would you chose to give one to?
Jack: "I'd love to shoutout All Star Wrestling in the UK. They were the first ever live wrestling shows I ever visited. They used to be the wrestling show that was on ITV during wrestlings last years on TV before it was unfairly cancelled. All Star featured the greats of the business that you see in WWE's PC today, IE Robbie Brookeside, [Who I met in person countless times], and Fit Finlay and British Bulldog [RIP]."